Ben...just playin it cool, bro
Dani with Sav (staring at the pool--can't wait to splash around!)
Molly luvin' on little Ethan (rubbing his fingers across his new 2 top front teeth!)
Jess with Ben (lots of teething going on!)
Grandpa Steece and Uncle Ed
Dan with Ben, Grandma Steece with Drew, Molly with Ethan
Sav, Dani, Me, Dan, Ben
Widdle Drew--my love bug lately...
Love the pictures! I just can't believe they are about to be ONE!!!!Crazy!
I love the pic of Ben just chillin!! How fun to have a pool in the family that you can crash on a regular basis:) You look great Suz and the babies are cuter with every new post.
Love all the pictures of your waterbugs ... they are all so cute ... and though I just found your family site I also ca not believe they will be a year old soon! What a beautiful family!
Have a great day!
Rebekah, Jaden & Baby#2 TOO!
Looks like they had a blast! What a gorgeous pool.
What a great way escape this Texas heat. Looks like you all had a great time.
LOTS of nice hands and love care for these boys on a daily basis. Looks like they are having fun! LOVE the new pictures!
Love the look on Savannah's face - that's classic!
Your little ones are so adorable! I have been following your blog for a little while now and I just have to tell you that I LOVE your hair! Any tips on how you get it cut/style it?
I love the picture of Sav....She is a cutie pie!!! They seem to really enjoy the water. Big #1 is right around the corner..Can you believe it???
I know I say this all the time, but your kids are just beautiful!!! They have the best skin color! They look so sweet in their little swim suits! Hope your day is great!
I LOVE those pictures of the boys getting their first haircuts! It is hard to believe they are going to be one soon! It is so neat to see how they have grown over this last year! God is good:)
What a blessing to have so much family to share the love with! Love the pictures, thanks for sharing. A friend in East Texas, Pam.
Thanks for sharing these pictures with us. We enjoy getting to watch your beautiful babies grow!!
Blessings to you,
Fan from Big D
Where are the bikini shots? You look amazing (and even more so given the fact of having Quads), so it off!
Congrats on making it one year with those beautiful babies!
what a fun day with family and soaking up the sun! Looks like the kids really enjoyed the water!
The mesmerized look on Savannah's face is priceless! The boys look like they are ready to chill in the pool in those cool floats. And girl that pool is beautiful I love how it looks.
Having fun in the sun!! Love Sav's little face...little waterbug. Those babies get some serious loving don't they?
Thanks you so much for sharing, your babies are adorable! I could eat that little Ethan with a spoon! Precious! Oh yes, I ordered 6 headbands from your bow girl, and they should be here any day! I can't wait to get them! I did tell her you sent me :)
summertime fun! you're going to have to get ben to get ahold of russ mcnulty and the two of them need to get down to galveston for bike rally weekend this fall! they're all set for it!! :) lots of love from houston - mari and gang
Those babies are TOO CUTE!! This is totally off subject for this post, but I'm wondering what size bow Sav is wearing from Sweet Daisy Bowtique? I have a 7 month old daughter and we're always in the market for cute bows and other girly stuff!
Stacey in IL
i am ready to come out of the closet! i stalk your blog! i absolutely LOVE you, joe, and your 4 beautiful babies! i am also a RN, working on the mother baby unit at barnes hospital in st louis, MO. i have noticed that you and a few of your fellow mom's of multiple friends have the same another blog i follow ("stalk", i am really harmless! promise!), a mom of triplets has the same stroller and has "pimped" it out some. although i have no idea if you have ever thought of altering your stroller, i thought youd enjoy the ideas! you can email me ( and i will send you the link to her blog...thanks for such a great blog and letting us (friends/family/and strangers) into your life with quads!
Suz, So I never leave comments but your babes are gorgeous, Iam also wondering how is the world you always manage to look so cute and put together. What is your secret??I have 2 girls ages 6 and 2 and am lucky if I get a chance to paint my toes. Love your blog.
Hey Suz-
My name is Ashton and I have been reading your blog for a few months now. NO...I do not have kids...I just love kids and love to read your blog. I found it through a friend that I know that had your site on there and I think that your story is AMAZING!! You and Joe seem like yall are WONDERFUL parents and I hope and pray that one day when I do have kids that I will be half as good as you are.
Anyways...I think I read one time that you went to Harding University?! Is that true? If so that is really neat because that is where I am going to school right now. I LOVE it there.
I hope you have a AWESOME and semi-stressfree weekend!! :)
My 3 and 1/2 year old son was diagnosed with brain and spine cancer on Good Friday of this year. Treatment has been difficult, but he is exceeding the doctor's expectations every step of the way. I just wanted to say that when I get a chance, I like to stop by your blog. It makes me smile to see your beautiful family! Thanks for sharing them with all of us and keeping people like me smiling during even difficult times in life! You're an inspiring mother to all of us.
Hi Suz,
I have read your blog for a while now... your kids are adorable!!
Just wondering, did the hurricane hit you??
Lisa (
Just found your adorable blog browsing through a friend's blog & have to say you are my hero. I am currently expecting our third child and am so excited. I can't wait to put you on my favorite's list so I can read more of your hillarious bloggings. Congratulations on almost a year with those adorable kiddos!
Sarah in LA
I just realized that these babies are almost 1 !! I can't believe it's been a year... I've enjoyed seeing all the cute pics ... oh how they're grown! Your children are adorable. I look forward to the birthday pics!
Precious, precious as always!
I started following your story before the babies were born and I am still hooked.
The babies get cuter all the time.
I also stalk your blog! with so many people coming out in the comments, I thought I would too.
Your family is gorgeous, and you have such adorable children!
Its winter here in New Zealand, and I am SOOOOO envious of you guys going swimming.. in the sun!
(its terrible and rainy here)
Looks like everyone enjoyed the pool. My kiddos have always enjoyed the water, thus one of the reasons to move from a house that had a pool after the quads came along. The community pool is much better for us although it involves loading everyone in the car. BTW we got to use our frequent flyer pass at the ER today. Andrew decided that he had enough sawing and cut his finger tip off. He literally has no finger print on his index finger. Remarkably he was calm and came in and told me to get the keys we needed to go to the hospital, but he would not show me his finger. We had to make record time in triage. Him and Joe can show battle wounds. I guess out of 13 years of marriage he was bound to eventually get hurt. But I could have done without that!!
Looks like everyone enjoyed the pool. My kiddos have always enjoyed the water, thus one of the reasons to move from a house that had a pool after the quads came along. The community pool is much better for us although it involves loading everyone in the car. BTW we got to use our frequent flyer pass at the ER today. Andrew decided that he had enough sawing and cut his finger tip off. He literally has no finger print on his index finger. Remarkably he was calm and came in and told me to get the keys we needed to go to the hospital, but he would not show me his finger. We had to make record time in triage. Him and Joe can show battle wounds. I guess out of 13 years of marriage he was bound to eventually get hurt. But I could have done without that!!
Hi! I'm not sure if you are able to read all your comments, but I read your blog weekly (someone from my mommy board has twins and posted your blog) and wanted to let you know of a little contest I'm doing. If you get a chance, leave me a comment to "enter". I love your blog - your family is SOOO cute!!!
Hi Suz, I love your site. I spent 3 hours last night reading from October 2005 upto the present. I have identical twin boys and am currently pregnant with quads! Yikes! Any comments, suggestions or help would be appreciated. You are truly an inspiration. You and your husband are so in love and it was wonderful reading about your pregnancy. Do you have an email that I could talk to you about pregnancy stuff? Thanks Kris
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