Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Freakishly Chaotic Friday on the Quad's 1st Birthday

This is a LOOOOONG post (pics at the bottom), but it MUST be written out-with every tiny detail-in my online journal so I will always remember the craziness of the FIRST BIRTHDAY....

Thursday (the night before the actual birthday) around 6 pm, Savannah began running a fever...she obviously felt terrible and I medicated her with Tylenol--praying that it was just a bad case of "teething". I continued to go in every hour to check her fever and medicate as needed all throughout the night. In between nursing Sav back to health, I had spent the majority of Thursday night decorating for the partIES (which-BOTH-were to take place here, at our house). I worked until the wee hours of the morning--along with my mom and is a good thing, b/c Friday would end up being a nightmare!

Early Friday, Sav's fever shot up to 102.7 and I called in to get an appointment with the pediatrician. (Keep in mind, there was a TON of stuff to do--it was the day before the party! Thank God my mom, aunt, and Miss Shirley were there to lend a helping hand!) During the doctor's visit, I watched as my poor baby girl was poked and prodded and catheterized...couldn't help tear up as she cried...thinking "this is your BIRTHDAY, baby girl..."
I kept whispering in her ear: "I'm so sorry sweet baby...Mommy is SO SOOO sorry" as the tears streamed down her red face.

Yep, just as I thought-- Urinary Tract Infection #2. It seems as though Sav's kidneys are backing up and refluxing as she grows & produces more urine. We administer her first dose of antibiotics and head home. The time is now 11:30 am. As soon as I get home, mom and I run to Sam's Club to buy fresh fruit, veggies, etc. We called the house several times and our answering machine never picked up, which was VERY weird. When we arrived, we learned that our POWER HAD GONE OUT and had been out for about 45 minutes. OMG! Nothing--no refrigeration, no lights, NO AIR CONDITIONING! The power is out throughout our entire neighborhood. Mom and I hope that the power will be back shortly and head to Target to grab some necessary items for the party. When we return--STILL NO POWER! It has now been 1 hr 30 min. During this time, Aunt Judy and Miss Shirley bathed all four babies in the dark, with the inside temperature rising well above 80 degrees! (Keep in mind, Friday was one of the hottest days we have had all summer with temperatures reaching above 105! and we were having guests over all weekend!!! Not to mention four precious babies that needed to cool down immediately)

I call my brother and start making plans to transport the babies over to his house. (Crossing my fingers that the electricity would come back on quickly and that our food would not spoil in the fridge!) Transporting the babies involved: packing up the metal play-gate, grabbing enough formula for who-knows-when, grabbing food, toys, diapers, wipes, etc.

In the meantime, we had someone over to clean the house (for the first time in forever)--she could not continue b/c she could not run the vacuum cleaner. And Shiloh, by this time- had urinated on the carpet for the FIFTH time that day! OMG! Now please understand that Shiloh has been potty trained since she was like 4 months old. Obviously, she was in pain and this was NOT like her--so I needed to take her to the vet ASAP before they closed for the day! (I'm thinking bladder infection---like Sav! How ironic!)

Meanwhile, as I am loading the babies into the burb, I notice that Sav is BURNING RIDICULOUSLY hot--ON FIRE. I take her temp---103.8!!! OMG. I call the pedi, give her Tylenol and am told to call them back if it does not go down. (ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? OMG. THIS DAY CANNOT GET ANY WORSE)

The time is now 3 pm and I have not done anything birthday related whatsoever. I am drenched in sweat, the babies are loaded in the car, Shiloh is loaded in the car, my aunt is riding shotgun and my mom is already on her way to my brother's house in her car. I look at Judy and tell her that I HAVE to get Shi to the vet. So, we head over to the vet and I explain the crazy situation to them (they know that I am the chick with the quad babies) and they are more than gracious to take Shiloh- no problem. Before we head out to my brother's house (15 minutes away) we decide to check if I have power one more time...after all, there is SO much to do!

I walk into the house, NOTHING...NOTHING but a wall of thick, HOT, humid, air that hits my face like a ton of bricks--easily over 80 degrees inside my house now and 3:30 pm--right in the middle of the hottest day of my life. SHEESH. ("Okay God, what in the world are you trying to tell me? Usually I get you...I completely understand your little signs...but I am LOST here, God....NO idea where you are headed with this one") I proceed to grab various papers, fruit, etc--stuff that we could work on while at my brother's house. Out to the car--in to the house--out to the car---in to the house...sweat DRIPPING from every inch of my body. As I was reaching for the door handle on my last trip out to the car---"WHALLAH!" The lights come on! "Haaaa-llelujah! Haaaaaa-llelujah...Hallelujah-Hallelujah...Halle-le-eee-lujah!" (you could hear the chorus singing in my head...trumpets sounding)

Now the fun part--unpacking EVERYTHING I had JUST finished loading in the car--including four tired, sweaty, cranky, been-awake-for-hours-and-missed-their-naps, quad babies who happen to be ONE on this very day. (WOW-what a birth-day!)

Within 30 minutes, out-of-town family members begin to arrive at our boiling hot home (4-4:30 pm). In the midst of letting family inside, decorating, trying to prepare food for Saturday and unloading the burb...I get a call from the vet:
Shiloh has blood in her urine and they want to keep her overnight to collect enough urine for an extensive analysis. They must also perform blood work as she may have KIDNEY FAILURE! "Excuse me...did you just say KIDNEY FAILURE?" My healthy, 3-year-old puppy??? I have to trust the vet and block all negative thoughts out of my head for the time being. HOLY COW! THIS DAY IS AWESOME! (I was so worried about my little doggie)

For the rest of the evening, my Aunt Susan and Uncle Ronnie were able to play and love on the quads (and took the only pics of the quads on their actual birth-day...I know, I know....terrible) while my mom and Aunt worked their little behinds off in my kitchen- preparing food & punch and such. I finished cleaning and decorating, ran some more errands...the Steeces arrived- and the Steece men immediately began tedious yard work all night while Kate helped clean and brought in food and before you know it, it was midnight. WHEW!

WOW. Jeez. What a day! Here are pics that my Aunt and Uncle took of the quaddies.

Sav (running fever), Drew, Uncle Ronnie, Ethan, Ben, Aunt Susan

Ben LOVED patting Ronnie's head! He is making his bulldog face that we witness quite often when he is being playful (he crinkles up his nose and breathes heavily through his nostrils)

Sweet lovable Drew, with the most infectious little grin

Ethan, my content little man, always assessing every situation with those big beautiful eyes!

Show us those teeth, Benny! Ben jumps at every opportunity to perform for an audience.

Poor Savannah...sweet little sick girlie. Miss Independent has quickly become Miss Cuddle Bug: always wanting to be held and loved

Andrew, Ethan, & Ben with Susan --what happy, little gentlemen!

For the record: Sav's temp came down and she felt much better by Sunday, Shiloh ended up having crystals in her urine and is OK! (the equivalent of human kidney stones?)--she is on a special diet and must drink lots and pee lots, and our house temperature for the weekend was less than desirable---but we all made it and had a great weekend, in spite of one cRRRRaZy Friday!

Stay tuned for the Saturday Birthday Bash!

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  1. Holy Cow Suzanne! That is one insane first birthday! I hope everything calms down soon (ha!) or at least the dust settles. God bless you honey!

  2. Anonymous2:10 AM

    OMG Suz you poor thing, I read and went Oh no and Oh no and Oh No time after time - Glad it all come together eventually - Hmmm never rains it pours aye - Glad you have your sense of humour throughout - love the post and WOW you are awesome for holding it together after all of that!

    Marie in NZ

  3. Oh my gosh! What a terrible day. I am glad your girly is better. No fun. Happy First birthday to your quads. What an amazing year.

  4. Wow! What a birthday day! Thankfully, they will not remember it all and by the time they're old enough to talk about it you'll all have plenty to laugh about!
    Sounds like it ended so much better than it started. And definitely unforgettable! Glad all seems to have turned out so well. Praying for sweet little Sav, and all of you. Dr Pinto will take great care of her, and knowing that helps to be able to relax some. He's the best!
    My husband had surgery last July for stage iv cancer, and I've had lots of time to "check in" on the babies as they've grown this year. I am always thrilled to see another update. Can't tell you how many times we've smiled together seeing those sweet grins! I must say we are in awe of what an amazing family you all are. God truly is awesome! Congratulations on an amazing first year...with a lifetime more to come!
    Jerry & Traci

  5. Anonymous5:06 AM

    I think Ben looks so much like his mom, where as Savanna looks just like her daddy. Neato!

  6. Oh my goodness, that's a birthday you will never forget! I am glad that your daughter and dog :) are ok, the poor things. It sounds like your family all pulled together to get everything done in time for the party. I love reading your blog, it's great!

  7. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Oh Suz, that wore me out just reading it. I'm sure both parties were perfect. I hope Sav is feeling a whole lot better. Just think you have 51 weeks to get ready for the next party.

  8. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Happy 1st Birthday beautifulquad babies!!!!!

  9. Wow. I don't know what to say. So, (((HUGS)))

  10. Wow what a day! I am glad that everything worked out and all your babies(including shiloh) are doing well. Thank God!

  11. Ahhh! How wretched! Poor Sav. I've been through that with my baby girl too, at her out of town gp's house at Christmastime when she should have been having fun! I'm glad she improved soon enough to enjoy the rest of the weekend. But I feel for you, I can just imagine what that day felt like.

  12. Sorry it was such a crazy day! Glad you got to document it! Hope the party went well and


  13. Wow, Suz... what a day! Holy Cow! I wish I could have been there to help you, girl! You're such a good mommy to all FIVE!

  14. At least you had a lot of people there to help! What a crazy day! Way to go making it through.

  15. Oh Suz!!!!!!!
    I cannot even imagine. I'm so glad Shiloh and Sav are okay...what amazing stories you will have for them when they ask about their 1st b'day!

  16. OH. MY. Gosh!! You all deserve something for surviving all that! What a day! (can't believe all that happened in just ONE day!) Thankfully the kiddos won't remember what a crazy day it was, although you always will. Thank goodness you had so many people around to help you. Glad Savannah is feeling better and Shiloh, too! Hope the parties went better than the day before!

  17. Whoa Nells! I can't believe you're still sane after all of that! Super mom indeed!

    THANK YOU for all of the reviews you do on toys, equipment, etc. We just got the metal yard gate and LOVE it! :)

  18. Anonymous8:30 AM

    I am so sorry girl!! When Liz told me what was going on, i wanted to cry for you. You handled everything so well!!!
    Poor Sav and Shiloh!

  19. Yikes, what a day! Happy Bday Quaddies! Hope your second year will be great! Thanks goodness Sav and Shiloh are ok!

  20. Wow--I'm amazed and impressed. So glad Savannah & Shiloh are OK! And, happy birthday again to your little ones!

  21. WHat a memorable first birthday ... You will never forget that!!

  22. all I can say is...WOW.

  23. Girl, it never fails! Bless your heart...thank goodness those babies have one tough mama!

    And poor Sav & Shiloh! Glad to hear they are on the road to recovery...praying everyone is feeling MUCH, MUCH better (and cooler!).

  24. Anonymous9:22 AM

    You are amazing!!! I am sorry it was so hectic....Pray Sav and Shiloh are better....I didn't realize you were still nursing the babies...that is so wonderful!
    Glad the electricity came back on and you didn't actually have to go over to your brother's even though everything was already packed up...

  25. WOW....what a crazy birthday but one to remember for sure. Glad you all made it...including Shiloh!!

  26. oh my gosh! i wasn't sure if i should be laughing at the craziness or crying while imagining how horrible that day was for you. when it rains it pours i guess. glad everything is ok. you had me worried about sweet shiloh.

  27. Ohhhh Suz!!! When I got your first text my heart just broke for little Sav.. then, as the day went on.. my heart broke for you!!! Good LORD could it get any worse!!!? That is not way to spend a first birthday!

    I love you and am so proud of your for making it through with so much grace. You are amazing.


  28. Sounds like a crazy day, but wonderful family to help out. The pictures are just precious! You have such happy babies! Happy Birthday Ben, Drew, Savannah and Ethan....Happy Birthday to you....and many more! A friend in East Texas, Pam.

  29. Anonymous9:54 AM

    oh good golly gosh, what a day you had! oh my gosh oh my gosh...i cannot good golly believe that kind of day! poor baby girl with fever and doggie with pain. at least you are a good doggie mama..and took good care of her! bless you for loving animals..xxoxoxo

  30. I am exhausted just ready that! It sounds like our trio's 2nd birthday. Here's to quiet birthdays in the future!!

  31. Ok... isn't this what always happens to us well planned Type A people? We have it all figured out. And with multiples it has to be organized to the "T"...and then something, just something or 10 just somethings happen!

    I would have been crying, laughing, and possibly rocking in the corner with my thumb in my mouth! Congrats! I can NOT beleive they are 1! I rememeber being on bedrest with my twins - "watching" everyday to see how you were doing. I would pray, laugh and totally relate to the shots, meds, etc!

    Congrats MOM and DAD on making it through one year! I hope you and DAD have a special night out planned to celebrate! Wade and I will be going out - celebrating surving 1 year with 3 under 2! (Well, actually since I had the twins on my birthday it is a double celebration - I am getting my birthday from last year too!)

    You are an amazing mom! God only gives us what we can handle - and seeing he gave you four at once - HE knows HE made you more than able AND that you and your family would point the glory to Him!
    Always -
    Lisa EggeBrecht

  32. I guess God wanted you to have a weekend you would never forget.

  33. Wow! Whenever I think my life is to crazy busy, I know I can always read your blog and feel better! LOL! But, as crazy at it all was (no power in Texas in August? I'd die....I'd melt into a puddle of nothingness...) You did great!! And still made it all such a positive experience!!

  34. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Bless your heart Suz! I guess its a birthday that will never be forgotten. Happy to hear that Sav's temp came down and that Shiloh is getting better.

  35. Wow! You guys did have one heck of a day. I would have had a melt down so you handled it really well! Can't believe the babies are already a year old. I have been following your story forever now. You are an inspiration!

  36. Bless your heart. I have so been in your shoes, minus the quads. Three boys and three dogs- enough said.

    major xoxo's

  37. Anonymous1:13 PM

    5 words..

  38. Anonymous1:19 PM

    I just love Ethan's smile. He looks so happy with you aunt and uncle. And the picture of all the boys with Susan is adorable!
    I'm glad y'all made it through the weekend!

  39. Good night...what a day! I'm glad things got better...hopefully poor Savannah is feeling better. :-)

  40. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Congrats on over 2 MILLION 2 THOUSAND views on your blogsite. It is the best out there. We love reading it about your wonderful family, and congratulations on the first birthday. We can't wait for more pictures to come of the "parties".

  41. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Okay..did either of the parties include margaritas? :) Because I would definitely need something strong after a day like you had. I'm so sorry Miss Savannah was sick on her 1st birthday. I'm glad she's feeling better now. I'm also sorry to hear Shiloh was sick too. Thank goodness it wasn't anything too serious.
    Thankfully you had a lot of help (except from the electric company)from your family and friends.
    I know the quads had an amazing time celebrating their big #1. You can tell by their faces that they are such happy babies. My daughter had strep throat on her
    2nd birthday so you can imagine how much fun she was being around. (blah)

    I'm glad you made it through the weekend and I hope you were able to sit and enjoy the parties after so much hard work and stress.
    Happy bithday Ben, Drew, Ethan and Savannah!!
    Cathy in Frisco

  42. wow, this is the story you will be telling them every year on their birthday as you lay on their beds and tickle their backs- and they will laugh and always want you to tell it-but still oh so sorry it happened that way, you are a champ!

  43. (((((((((((((Suz)))))))))))) I can only imagine! I am so glad it all turned out okay! Happy Happy Happy Birthday Precious Lil' Ones!

  44. Wow, what a birthday! I bet you can't wait to see what's in store for the next one, can you?! ;o)

  45. Well, I'm sweating just thinking about no a/c. I live in Houston and would be checked into a hotel before I could even load up my 3 kids. I hope Sav is doing better and Shiloh too. Your poor little girls!! We'll keep them in our prayers and a very happy birthday to your BEAUTIFUL Bunch!! Congratulations to you and Joe for making it through the 1st year!!! Enjoy your babies, because it seems like the days go by even faster once they turn fair to us moms :o)

  46. Holy smokes girlfriend. What a day. Have you passed out from exhaustion yet?? Can I just tell you how absolutely beautiful your babies are? Look at all those smiles. And poor sweet Sav. So sorry that she was sick on her birthday. I hope your parties went okay despite the craziness on Friday. Big hugs to you. Kiss those babies for me!

  47. First of all Happy Birthday to the quads! Mommy and Daddy wow what a way to celebrate a birthday.. Glad everyone is ok. Have they said anything to you about what they need to do about Sav? I had the reflux from my ureters to both kidneys and didn't know until much later in life. I pray they are able to fix the problem while she is still young and has no more issues with it. When is her next tests? Please send me an email if you want to chat about it... not that you have time.. The crystals in the urine which I would believe is the same for a dog as for a cat can be resolved with special food. My cat has been on it due to this issue for over 10 years. Here's hoping Shiloh is feeling better! Take care!!

  48. Oh Suz!!!! That is horrible!!!! Glad the sun came on out for ya;)

  49. Wow! What a day! Glad that Sav's temp went down and that Shiloh is ok.

    Stephanie - Bryan, Tx

  50. Anonymous5:37 AM

    I'm so sorry you had such a bad day, but at least the babies didn't really understand that it was their birthday and won't remember it. I'm going to read about the parties now! Best ishes to you all.

  51. Aww hun!! You are amazing...No obstacle is too difficult for you. Those babies are going to look back on this day... with stories for your mom and your aunt and of course you and just be in aw!!

    I saw the party pictures and everything was gorgeous. I am so glad that everything pulled together. Family is so important... and it's nice to see yours pull together and get things accomplished. :)

    SO... after reading about your few days before the birthday parties I am making a mental note for my twins' party, "Make sure mom is present." LOL
