Tuesday, August 05, 2008

I'm Working On It!

(I know, this post is a let down) but wanted to thank you all for the sweet Birthday wishes!!! I did not even turn on my computer for 4 straight days! (that MIGHT be a record for me) We had an incredible weekend with family and friends! Can't wait to blog about it all. I am getting pictures together--but also trying to clean up and organize and recover from 2 big parties in 2 short days! Oh-and one big trip to the pedi yesterday for their ONE YEAR exams! So please pardon my delay! WHEW! I am one tired mama. (but had lots of AMAZING help all weekend long!)

I'll have to start with the actual "birth-day" (friday)...one of those days where EVERYTHING was going wrong! THAT will be a fun post! STAY TUNED! ;)

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  1. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Phew! I was getting worried! Thanks for checking in with us. Now I will be patient and look forward to all the "Happy First Birthday, Babies!" news.

  2. I started checking for the birthday blog yesterday. Just know we are eagely awaiting the pics and stories from you but completely understand your exhaustion. Have a great day!!

  3. Suz... I can't imagine the "taunts" of anxious blog readers waiting patiently for a post. Yes, I'm one of them, but geesh...you've got 4 little ones needing you. Don't you feel rushed! We'll still be here! LOL.

    Looking forward to your awesome posts!

  4. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Just an anxious lurker....but I have checked the computer for 4 straight days. Can't wait to see all your birthday pics.

  5. Just another lurker, anxious to see pics. Can't wait!

  6. I just found your blog last week and I love it!! Your story is amazing. I can't wait to see pics from your Quads b-day.
    Angie :)

  7. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Can't wait for the updates...I have been checking in as well...we all know you are super busy, but can't wait to see those sweet ONE YEAR OLD babies!!!! Can not believe it has been a year!!!! Congradulations!!!!!!

  8. Okay, I'm not gonna lie...I was SO excited to read your post that when I quickly skimmed over it, I thought when you said you went for pedi's that you and the kids went for a pedicture! Not kidding! I'm such a dork. Can't wait to hear all about the big weekend-I've been stalking your blog for days to hear about it!

  9. hey girl! omigosh your babies are one and i still haven't gotten to kiss their sweet faces. i'm thinking we need to plan a cousin reunion - for next summer or something. awwww....
    ps: matt and anna had their baby! a little girl, faith kathleen. she looks JUST like Matt. I'll send you their website that Larry put together for the baby;)
    love u and can't wait for the happy bday precious quad post!!!

  10. Another lurker here who has been anxiously waiting for the birthday post. But I completely understand how busy you are!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  11. Anonymous1:08 PM

    You know us (stalkers) so well Suz! We're all so excited to see the birthday pictures.
    We know you're a busy mama..take your time.
    Can't wait to hear what all the quads got for their birthday.
    Cathy in Frisco

  12. Happy 1st Birthday quaddies! I'm a faithful reader and look forward to pics and hearing all about their big day!

  13. We're all waiting, but we understand how you could be a bit busy. ;)

  14. Can't wait to see the b-day pics! I'm so glad that you all had a fabulous weekend! Yay Steece Babies!!! Happy 1st Birthday!

  15. Oh! When you said Pedi I was thinking Pedicure. I thought, man I'd love one of those right about now.

    But 1 year appointment. That's great too. ;)


  16. Can't wait to hear!! Happy Birthday Babies!!!

  17. Anonymous4:43 PM

    LOL You so know your blog lurkers Suz ... New Zealand here and yes I too (red face) have been checking daily, maybe just maybe more than once daily ... Totally understand that you are busy - but out of interest hands up those lurkers that seen a new post and got super excited ... come on fess up! Can not believe these guys are a year old already - Hugs to all and yes suz (sigh) can understand you may have a few things on your hands. Marie in NZ

  18. WoW you know us stalker friends well!! LOL I have looked for bday updates and pictures since Friday!! LOL it took awhile to load today and I got all excited thinking it was an update and pictures!! Its ok though we know you are a busy mamma!! We will still be here lurking and stalking and bugging you later this week so take your time!! HA HA!

  19. Happy Birthday ~ D, E, B and S... Wow one year already. Hope your weekend was fabulous.

    Did the prof. Photographer ever make it back over? I know it was in the plan a month or so back.

    Have a great evening.
    Lindsey in San Diego

  20. Girl
    If you are able to blog at all at this point it is amazing. Putting on birthday parties for 4 is hard work. We are having all 5 of our next weekend and I am stressed to the max. Bradley and Brent are at church camp so at least that gives me time to wrap presents, etc. I can not wait to see pics.


  21. ok, i just found your site TODAY and i think it's just fabulous! what a wonderful story and a beautiful family you have! it's amazing how so many ppl just stumble on to blogs.

    now, i am wanting to see some new pics of the birthday...but take your time.

    btw, i read in one of your previous posts that ppl tell you that you look like "kimmie" on full house...well, i have a better one. copy and paste the website below and check out that pic...y'all are twins IMO!

    she is the character off grey's anatomy...i'm sure you've watched it before. now she has her own show! it's certainly a compliment, both of you are so pretty :)

    well, i'm looking forward to more posts.

    take care and God Bless!


  22. I know you must be worn out! Can't wait to see and hear all about the BIG #1

  23. Whoaaa, the first birthday came so fast! What an amazing year! Can you believe you are almost at 2 million hits on this blog? The world loves the Steece Family!!!

  24. Suz,
    I work in the NICU at harris and have been checking in occasionally on the kiddos...they look great! I did have a question in regards to blogging and using videos. My friend and I are having trouble with ours. If you could send me a note and let me know how you get your videos to work. Ours keep saying the video is no longer available when others try to view them.

  25. tara! hey...i can't get into your blog b/c it is private...but you can email me at suzsteece@hotmail.com and i'd love to help in any way! (we visited harris today! even stopped by the nicu!)
