Thursday, August 14, 2008

Mealtimes with Savannah

Some of my favorite times of the day are mealtimes with the kiddies. (Yes!-they are a lot of work to prepare and execute) but I find that this is the time, every day, that the babies really interact with me and each other and show their own little individual personalities.

Savannah also hoards food in her mouth if she is tired and doesn't want to eat anymore. She looks like a little chipmunk--it cracks me up to no end. A couple of days ago, she had been storing food in her cheeks and I started to tap her chin to get her to mash up the food--she thought it was pretty funny so I grabbed the camera.

Joe and I were just talking about this, this past week. Savannah is quite the little character. I've told you about her laugh--it is just too great. She also does this face when she doesn't want anymore food--she squishes her nose and does her eyebrows in and breathes through her nose very loudly. If you antagonize her, she will do it even more. Savannah will make these silly noises and faces and will watch your reaction--trying to get you to laugh at her. If you start laughing at her (which happens 100% of the time) she will laugh herself and keep doing the face! Hmmm, who in the world could she get this from, JOE?

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  1. Oh my goodness, I love that laugh! How precious. That second video is too funny!

  2. Oh what a silly girl! I am cracking up over her CUTE giggle and adorable face! Isn't it funny how babies love to make that sound when you tap their mouth? My 20 month old twins STILL love to do it (at the top of their little lungs!), especially when we are all in the car and mommy and daddy are trying to have a real conversation! It never fails!

  3. Oh, man, I just love the cute little things babies do...this has got to be one of my favorite videos yet!

    I wish my little Ethan (18 months) would simply make faces when he was done eating...instead, his routine is a very high-pitched scream at the top of his lungs (one long, loud time) and then he begins chucking his food as far and as fast as he can! (This is certainly NOT helped by the fact that his brothers--ages 2 and 4--DIE laughing everytime he does it!) I race to grab his plate from him, wipe him off, and put him down from the table before it gets tooooo messy. I laugh every time....once he can't see me, of course!

    That was too precious of Savannah, thank you for sharing!

  4. is laugh is so adorable!!! What a little ham!!

  5. Oh my goodness.... that is the cutest thing I've ever seen! My Natalie makes a face similar to Savannah's just to get a laugh.

    Man, I miss those toothless giggles!

  6. That is the cutest face EVER!!! And I have to agree, the laugh is GREAT!!!

  7. oh my!! That is too funny! I LOVE her little laugh!

  8. Suz,

    Love it!!! Love love love that little princess!! She is a DOLL!! And yes I too think I know where she got it from....JOE! AS always thanks for sharing and giving me a good laugh at my desk!!!

    Ya'll have a great weekend. My husband and I are off on our first baby free weekend. We just have one little 15 month old boy and I have never had a night thoughts on this are hello Suz has quads and she gets away so I can too!!! He is going to my mom's so I can rest easy...and that is exactly what I plan to do!!!!

  9. Oh my gosh, that is the funniest thing I've seen in a LONG time. I was laughing so hard on the first video that I was almost crying!

  10. Cracking up laughing.

  11. What a cute laugh. It is so fun that they all have different personalities. I love it!


  12. What a cute laugh. It is so fun that they all have different personalities. I love it!


  13. Your baby girl is absolutely adorable. I love checking in on yall and I just love your babies. Keep up the great work and great blogs.

    Love ya,

  14. My daughter thought that was the greatest video ever! She's saying "baby again, baby again!"

  15. Too funny!! You will love to look back on those one day!

  16. so cute! Your children are precious! Loved all the birthday celebrations. What a cute party!
    You have a precious family!

  17. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Oh my goodness, she is so CUTE!! What a laugh!

  18. Anonymous6:10 PM

    She is so precious!!! That video made my day.. Olivia Kirkland

  19. How cute!! Girl you just thought your hands were full over the past year. The fun is just beginning. This is the fun age. They make you laugh and they learn to do so much. Just wait they are all going to be partners in crime. It is a multiples thing. I love watching your videos it bring back memories of my guys when they were babies. They are not babies anymore as they tell me they are BIG 5 year olds going to Kingergarten. Time passes way to fast.


  20. my sister told me about your blog that she came across one.....i love it!!! i love the way you love your children and the way you express that through your words, pics, and videos....keep up the great work! good luck....

  21. my sister told me about your blog that she came across one.....i love it!!! i love the way you love your children and the way you express that through your words, pics, and videos....keep up the great work! good luck....

  22. Suz and Joe, you have been truly blessed not only with 4 beautiful babies but with a church that has helped you so much. What a great support group. I know how hard it was for you to turn everything over to God and let others help. I am the same way but when I foudn out we where having quads and already had the twins it became a necessity for me to rely on others with being on bed rest and not being able to take care of myself much less take care of two 3 year olds. It is a hard lesson to learn but God knows what he is doing and he put these wonderful people in your life for a reason and that is great they have been so open and caring with you and your family. I hope to someday meet you and those precious babies in person. We live so close but both are so busy with our kiddos. If you every need anything please don't hesitate to call me or email me. I am sure someday we will probably meet unexpeditely in the doctors office. I tend to be there way to much lately!! Thank God for such a great pedi.


  23. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Oh My Gosh! That is just too cute!!!

  24. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Can you PLEASE tell me where you got that adorable bib for Savannah? It is so practicle and would work great for my 9 month old. I searched the web and couldn't find anything's all fire trucks and bananas etc...
    Thanks so much!

  25. Those are absolutely adorable! Looks like mealtime at our house, but I only have one, so I imagine you have 4 times the enjoyment!

  26. shana! babies r us!!!!

  27. You've got to be kidding me-Babies R Us-that figures. Sometimes I try too hard to find things:) Thanks so much. Absolutely love reading your blog. It's a highlight of my day-

  28. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Hahahaha, that is the cutest thing ever!

  29. Anonymous9:15 PM

    THAT IS HYSTERICAL!!!!! She is so precious!! I love the first video with all the sound effects, that cracks me up!!

  30. your children are precious! i have a cupcake business, and a friend sent me this link as she saw your caterpillar cupcake. and when looking at your blog, I realized that somehow i know your hubby or at least he looks very familiar! i went to A&M, too, and we must have crossed paths when there. random! anyway, you have a darling family!

  31. I was cracking up! My 14 year old came over and was like what is that??? He saw the video and was laughing along with me! She is just to cute!

    You need to send that in to AFV you could be rich!!! :-)

  32. Oh, baby laughs are the best! And she has a great one :)!!!

  33. That's a great little giggle box you have there. It rivals in greatness to the famous Tyger Tubre hysterics. Gotta check it out on their blog (
    Suz, maybe you and Jaclyn should get a poll going for a baby giggle-off. How priceless would that be?!

    So glad you (and your crew) were able to pull off the two b-day parties. The invites looked incredible, as well as all the decorations and goodies. Loved that lady bug tutu!

    Love from KS,

  34. VERY cute! Don't you wish you could just bottle up that laugh & save it forever!?

  35. Anonymous7:44 AM

    When you're pregnant, the best sound you've ever heard is the baby's (ies) heartbeat(s). After the baby is born, the best sound is that joyful baby laugh. My next favorite thing was when my kids said "wuv you".
    Savannah is darling and has a great, deep laugh. I love her "all done" face too.
    Cathy in Frisco

  36. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Tapping Savannah's mouth reminded me of when my nephew was little - whenever he'd cry, my brother & sis-in-law would do that to his mouth, he'd end up laughing and quit crying. Too bad that didn't work for my little one. :)

  37. Happy 'belated' birthday to Drew, Sav, Ben and Ethan! The parties looked like they were a great fun time. I enjoy reading your blogs and watching the quads grow day by day. You have to watch dads though. They tend to teach the little ones all kinds of tricks and then deny the actions ;)

  38. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Oh this was so fun to watch on this Friday morning at work. People stopped by my office just to hear Sav's laugh. And that face is hysterical. Love it!

  39. entertainment on command- very impressive!!! btw, i enjoy reading about your fam!
    -robin (northern) cohagen

  40. Oh I just LOVE those videos!!!! Savannah is so precious :)

  41. Baby giggles are THE BEST! I love her "tough face", too! She'll need it with three brothers!! Ha!

  42. She is so precious in that first video and hilarious in the 2nd! I love her little personality!!

  43. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Cutest. Laugh. EVER. She is so cute and so funny, I watched that 5 times here at my office...just the laugh I needed!

  44. ok there was no comment box on the diaper darling post but i wanted to comment on it. that is something i have been meaning to comment for awhile. i too have a bit of type A personality and i don't ask for help when i need it. and i have admired you ability to not only accept help but ask for it when you need a date or just a break. so thanks. you've inspired me to be better about that.

  45. All of your kiddos are absolutley gorgeous! I have been reading your blog for about 4 months and I look forward to every new post. I am sure people tell you this alot, but I feel like I know your family. Weird, I know. Love all the pics, videos and great stories. You and Joe are amazing parents!

  46. She is so cute! I love the 2nd video. Have a great weekend!

  47. Oh my daughter just recently started making that exact same face and noise (blowing in and out through her nose)!!! Too funny! She does it all the time~ especially when we are out in public. I try and tell people it doesn't mean she doesn't like them, just a face she LOVES to make! Seems like both our girls are little hams just like their daddy's!

  48. Suz - started the potty training thing with Noah (27 months) yesterday...totally thought of you and all FOUR... actually after I had an attitude adjustment it is going great...

    Hard for a type A like me who is a total germ freak to deal with the sea of urine! ha... They say girls are easier ... hopefully Addie will fit that mold!

    But, I could just envision all three of the boys running around in their skivies and little Sav in her princess pants... don't think they make striped underware for little boys are going to have all the readers confused! Think that is the best part so far - the cute little butt running around...AND... seeing him sit and read on his potty... too funny

    You have a LONG time before you start but whenever I think I have it rough - I think of you and those FOUR little gorgeous kids AND think of how you always seem so excited as a mom and always have such a great attitude...makes me want to be a better mom/wife/person!!!

  49. Anonymous3:33 PM

    I noticed that you liked having your little girl in really cute bows....try checking out this site. This is from a local lady in Snohomish, WA. She's AMAZING!!!

  50. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Hello.This is first time for me to visit your site.
    Amazing! You are a mother of quadruplet! I love the videos. SO cute.
    I have three children (6year-old boy,4year-old boy,2year-old girl)
    They are angel, sometimes devil, though...
    I'm happy if you link to my site.It is written in Japanese(some of the words are English) but show pictures.
    baratch famiy

  51. Ahhh. That brought tears to my was so cute!!! I was laughing right along with you. Sav is quite the sweetie!!

