Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Diaper Darling Appreciation Celebration

Joe and I had only been living in the DFW area for several months when we found out we were expecting quads. We didn't know very many people at all and were terrified. North Davis (the church we had been visiting) accepted us with open arms and went over and beyond to help us prepare for/ and bring home quadruplet babies.

Lacy's parents & my parents are the best of friends...so I have spent my entire life growing up with Lacy and her fam in Waco. She is like the sister I never had and was the ONLY person I knew at North Davis (ND) when we moved here. Lacy is amazing and immediately began organizing help and support for us when we found out we were expecting quadruplets---truly an amazing woman with a heart of pure gold.

Me & Lacy

I remember laying in my hospital bed, big as a whale...tired, having a down day and the phone rings. I had never in my life met Linda (who attended church at ND) but here she was, calling me out of the blue- overflowing with excitement to help form a volunteer team for our quads when they get home. Yes, a sweet woman who -at the time- was a complete stranger, managed to organize an entire volunteer team (the "Diaper Darlings"--complete with applications and full background checks) to help care for our babies. PLEASE stop by her site and read about her involvement with: "Share the Care". Linda and her daughter, Marcie, have an amazing story and mean the world to me. Linda is one of the most self-less people I know with an intense passion for helping others.

Joe, Linda, me

The cakes Linda made for the party

Throughout my life, I have always been the type of person (type "A", if you will) who wanted to do things on my own. I was very stubborn, headstrong, and a perfectionist. (My parents and close friends are chuckling to themselves right about now) I had my life planned out for the next 30 years! And if my plan didn't work, I had a back-up plan A, B, C, & D. Funny how I just automatically thought that when we wanted to get pregnant, we would try- and BAM- it would happen. I have always struggled with "letting go" and "letting God". It finally took me being pregnant with quadruplets- confined to a hospital bed on strict bedrest to give it all over to God. I became a new person...much more humble, and learned how to accept the help that He was offering. I am SO glad that I listened because our lives have been tremendously blessed--beyond our wildest dreams--with the people God put-just in the right place, at just the right time. Funny how He always has a way of doing that...if you let Him.

Here are pictures from the Diaper Darling Appreciation Celebration and a few of our new, forever-friends. (Thank you for sending me these pictures dad, Linda and Tempe!)

Miss Ladelle lovin' on Andrew

Sweet Libby & Jim with Savannah

Joyce, Irene with Ethan, and Miss Shirley

Brenda reading with Benjamin

Sheila lovin' on Andrew

Joe, Grandpa & Grandma Steece

Liz and Chris with our little men ( Boo Bear, Drewster, and E-man)

Papa with Savannah

Jody, Ben, & Kaycee

Lacy reading a book with Ethan

Sue with Drew

The lady twins with Sav (Granna & Auntie Judy)

Peggy with Ethan, and Irene with Ben---lots of smiles & giggles!

Savannah going after Carolyn's necklace (always after jewelry)

Ladelle and Sue playing with Ben and his new toy

Tempe & Savannah (Again, watch your necklaces, earrings, and glasses! --all fair game when you are holding Sav!)

Linda with her "adopted" kiddos (Ethan, Benjamin, Andrew, & Savannah)

Joe and his little "mini-me"...every mom wants a little girl who looks just like them...but I must admit, I LOVE that Sav is the spittin image of her daddy...too stinkin' cute!

The kiddies opening some presents...

It was such a wonderful day, filled with laughter and smiles...one that I will never forget. I can't say it enough: Diaper Darlings, THANK YOU for being such a blessing to our family--and thanks to those who are not pictured--you know who you are! We love you and pray that God will continue to bless each and every one of you in ways that you could not even begin to imagine.

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