Sunday, August 10, 2008

Naked Babies with Party Hats x 4!

"Did someone say 'cake'? Woo Hoo!" (Andrew & Uncle Dan)

"What did you just place upon my head? I would appreciate the removal of it immediately." (Ethan & Jess)

"Get this thing off of me!!!!...I don't CARE if its pink and fuzzy and cute!" (Savannah & Susan)

"Party-time...excellent...point me toward the cake!" (Ben & Liz)

Happy Birthday! In birth order from R to L: Andrew, Savannah, Ethan, & Ben (We sang the Happy Birthday song, 4 different times--to each they stared at us like we were crazy!)

Then again....we ARE kinda crazy...

Ethan chowed down on his giant cupcake (Caterpillar cupcake-cake courtesy of Linda)

Savannah didn't want to get her hands dirty and spent most of her time just starting at it...

Drew was eating away and making the funniest faces...

He kept staring at the crowd--couldn't figure out why everyone was watching them eat...

The crowd of onlookers...(the brave few who faced the smoldering Texas inferno for a couple of minutes)

Ben was like Savannah at first and just stared at his cupcake...

...but he quickly got the hang of it! (BTW, that is Benny's birthmark in his right ear, not cake!)

Love this pic!

Assembly line to clean up the kiddies! Grandpa Steece has diaper duty while Judy and Grandma Kate wash Ben

Mommy with Ethan

The quads playing with their new toys (Ben & Sav)

Ben loves the talking Caterpillar storybook


Next up: The Sunday Party--"Diaper Darling Appreciation/Quad One Year Celebration"
...stay tuned!

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  1. Anonymous3:25 PM

    They are so precious! God is good! Celeste

  2. That is so cute! I love the picture of all 6 of you;) Can't wait to see more!

  3. Great pictures! Ben has a fabulous smile (as do the other three...but there is something about his).

    Thanks for sharing their first year with us! I can't wait to see what the next year brings (walking...I mean running, and much more).

  4. How adorable! And I loved the Reese's Pieces favors. What a cute idea. You're so creative :o)

  5. Anonymous6:23 PM

    I LOVE that you sang Happy Birthday 4 times. Your children will totally appreciate that as they get older. :) It was so funny, I saw all those people gathered in your backyard and thought, Wow, that's a lot of people who helped out all year at the Steeces'. How nice of them. And then you wrote that that was still just the family celebration! :-0 I can't wait to see how many people there were for the Sunday party! :)

  6. Love the pics!! It is so funny to watch kiddos when they get their first bite of cake. My parents gave all of my Hershey bars for the first birthday I don't know which was the bigger mess cleaning them up after the candy bar or after the cake the next day. So things are starting to get somewhat easier I am guessing but ten again they are mobile so you hit a whole new round of adventure. It is just starting to get FUN!! I remember those days just like yesterday but it will be 5 years on Tuesday.


  7. Congratulations! What four wonderful miracles you have! What a sweet party!

  8. Love it! I really love the picture of their feet haniging down!!

  9. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post! I am so excited about our first birthday coming up in just over 1 month!!! Your babies are absolutely adorable.

    Love from La (technically Alabama right now), Jac

  10. So dang cute!!! Love a little cake faced baby!!! They are just beautiful! Glad you all had a fabulous day!!!

  11. So darling! You do a bang up job of documenting each and every milestone.

    Is there a way to save your blog onto a DVD or anything? I have always wondered that.

    Congrats on the completion of the first year!

    Happy Birthday Steece's !!!!

  12. TOO TOO TOO TOO CUTE! What a fun filled, blessed day! It's always funny to see how one year olds act on their 1st bday! HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY!

  13. Nakey babies!! What an adorable post...yes even Savs picture crying!! ;) Cant wait for the next post!! (like always!!)

  14. Congrats to you and Joe for making it through a year with your adorable kiddos and happy birthday to all of them!

  15. Tell me what your boys favorite gifts are from their birthday. My son will be one in just two short weeks and I can't decide what to get him!

  16. I can't believe I forgot to stop by and wish the little ones a Happy First Birthday.
    The invitations were so cool and they all looked so cute.
    Don't worry about sickness on birthdays, both of mine had high fevers and meds on their 1st!
    Congrats on getting through your first year, way to go :)

  17. Cute cute pics! Congratulations on pulling off a wonderful party. It looks like everyone had a blast!

  18. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Awe, the babies look like they had a great time at their party. Saturday party, that is. :)
    I love how Savannah is just looking at her cupcake. Believe me, she'll be lovin' chocolate when she's a bit older. I bet they thought it was strange that their table was outside. LOL!! The picture of everyone taking pictures of looks like the paparazzi. So funny!!
    Looks like they got some super cool toys!
    Cathy in Frisco

  19. Happy 1st b-day guys! thankyou for letting us watch you grow :)

  20. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Oh my gracious. Too much cute in this post. Love all the pictures! Thank you for sharing their lives with us this past year. Its been an amazing journey!

  21. LOVE those pics! I'm glad your families were able to come and join in on the celebration:)

  22. What a fun time!!! Such precious little ones. Thanks for sharing your family with us.


  23. Great pictures Suz!!! Looks like so much fun. Wish we could have been with ya'll!!! Darn the distance!!!!

    The kids look sweet as can be and you look beautiful.. as always.. of course, you look just a beautiful bare faced in your scrub pants and loving on your babies via web cam.

    Miss you so much and think are a freaking amazing!

  24. How wonderful! I love the pics of them eating the never know how they will react...and it's funny to see'em try to eat it!

    Happy Birthday (belated) Quads!

  25. What a great idea to put the table and kiddos outside to enjoy the cupcakes! How lucky to have a summer bday. We don't have that option in Michigan in late November! Oh well..;-) Looks like lots of fun. I, too, loved the pic of their lil legs hanging out from the cute!!

  26. Awww, what a special day and great way to celebrate their 1st year of life. They all look so adorable in their little party hats. Happy birthday quads!!!

  27. Anonymous3:09 PM

    My fav. is the pic that is supposed to be of Drew eating the cake...but Sav in the background is PRICELESS with her fingers like "GROSS." Love it! Congrats on making is a are awesome!

  28. Awwww - Happy birthday to your four lil' angels - looks like their first birthday was one to remember!!!

  29. Suz, These pics capture everything sooooo well. What a treasure! You are SUCH AN AMAZING MOTHER! You do it day in day out with smiles and laughter and love enough for everyone! You're my hero! =)

    I heart Suz.

    Jen and The Crew

  30. I love the pics. My daughter has her first birthday coming up and I was wondering where you got Sav's tutu and their hats?


    Enjoyed your pictures!!

  32. Happy Birthday Andrew, Ethan, Savannah and Ben!!! I cannot believe they are ONE! I began reading your blog last summer when I was pregnant with my trio and it just amazes me how quickly the time flies! It looks like you had an amazing weekend (and, not to mention one CRAZY Friday...yowzers) and I have to tell you that you look amazing! Congratulations to your entire family on one amazing year with 4 amazing little ones!

  33. Anonymous7:37 AM

    How precious Suzanne!
    My favorite picture is the one with all the legs under the table! Oh the places they will go!

    Savannah not wanting to get her hands dirty is PRECIOUS! HAHA!

    Adorable kiddos!

    -Amy Wolfe

  34. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Precious pictures!!! Wow, how blessed are your babies to be surrounded by such love!! May every year be a celebration of God's goodness and love!!! Blessings to you and yours.
    A Fan from Big D

  35. Love the pictures!! Your quads are adorable!! My daughters 1st birthday is coming up and I was wondering where you got the party hats and Sav's tutu?

  36. hi suzanne...i found your blog through a friend several months ago, and have truly enjoyed keeping up with your sweet little family! your kiddos are adorable and i get such a kick out of reading your thoughts! your strength and humor are really inspirational!

    being the “blog stalker” that i am, i have hesitated to leave you a comment, but just couldn't resist today! that polka dot dress that savannah is wearing at the diaper darlings celebration might be the cutest thing i ever did see. where did you find it??? i'm crossing my fingers that it comes big enough to fit my 2 1/2 year old!!! :)

    thanks so much for allowing me to peek in on your life! feel free to come peek in on ours anytime! :)

    :) jodi leonard

  37. Suz,
    You do not know me but I have been following your blog since the beginning of your pregnancy with the quads. I worked at Dr. Pepplers when we did your first u/s. I will never forget your face. I am now at another OB/gyn in NRH and she is great. Your angels are precious. I have a new grandbaby that I would love to share with you just because she is a little aggie. Jennisa is updating my blog and I will post her in her little aggie outfit to share with you. MY blog address is
    I love watching your little ones grow! Keep up the good work.

  38. Anonymous8:13 PM

    I've been following your blog some time now along with the other thousands. Love your blog and your children are precious!!! We have just had our first baby and I'm trying to get the weight off!!! YOu look amazing? HOw did you do it? Any suggestions? Visit us anytime.
    Olivia (Birmingham,Alabama)

  39. olivia, omg! laughing outloud. jeez-thank you so much. as i said on your site, i have at LEAST 10 lbs to go to get to prepreg. weight. but i'm super excited about the gym i just joined! woo hoo! it will be the first time i have worked out in 2 years!

    and for all you polka-dot dress lovers, i'm so sorry, but i randomly found it at this random local boutique in our mall. i tried to look up a website but they don't have one. here is the local info if it helps at all:

  40. Wow! Looks like quite the party! LOVE the pics!

  41. Anonymous9:50 AM

    You guys have such a beautiful family. Thanks for sharing your stories. Also I have to know where you got that dress you are wearing in the pictures of the "diaper darlings" party. It is so cute!!!!

  42. Hey Suz,
    I’ve been keeping up with you guys for about a year now. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Ben, Ethan, Andrew & Savannah!!!!

    You and I both belong to the same Mother of Multiples group (McMOMs). I have been meaning to contact you for some time now to tell you this story of how we’re loosely “connected.” Once I came across your blog, it dawned on me who you were. I gave birth to boy/girl twins last year just 5 days after your quads were born (on August 6, 2007)… also at Harris Methodist Fort Worth. Mine were also born at 30 weeks and had a 6-week NICU stay. What’s funny is they were transferred to the NICU at Harris HEB because we were told that “a lady just delivered quads a few days ago and took the last 4 remaining beds.” Come to find out, that lady was YOU! It’s so neat to see how God works everything out because it turned out to be a HUGE blessing for us to have the babies at HEB – we met some awesome people there and the nurses were incredible.
    Fast forward to now…. I’ve been keeping up on Steece news all year and it’s been so neat to watch your (PRECIOUS) babies grow. There was awhile there when they were much younger that your Ben and my Tanner looked a LOT alike… but now they’re totally different. It’s neat to see pictures of Ben and Savannah interacting because it’s so similar to my two! So much fun!

    Anyway, it’s been so refreshing to find another positive, upbeat, strong Christian mommy of multiples that truly loves and enjoys every moment of every day with her multiple blessings – challenges and all! You’re awesome, Suz. It would be awesome to meet you someday if our paths happen to cross. I saw we were both on an evite list recently for some playdates, but I think it was during the time we were both avoiding RSV season – ARGH!

    Anyway, I’ll stop rambling. I’ve just been meaning to share our story with you for a year now about our “connection.”

    Leah Ball

  43. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I enjoyed seeing the Diaper Darling Appreciation celebration pictures too. All the "darlings" look like sweet ladies and you can tell they LOVE your babies.
    I was wondering (and you can say SHUT UP..I don't have time lady)..if you could post what all the quads are doing? Like what words they are saying, what table foods they like, if anyone is close to walking? Okay so we know Savannah can pull up and hold onto on tablecloths. LOL!
    Also..after getting all those birthday you feel you need a bigger house? Before we moved to our house in Frisco, we lived in Plano. That house was 1800 sq ft and the day we walked in with our twins, we outgrew our house. Our dining room was a play room.
    I'm sooooo enjoying all the birthday pictures!
    Cathy in Frisco

  44. LOVE the new picts!! Looks like the Steece quads have quite a few fans! What cuties!!!

  45. Hi Suz,

    I found your Blog through a friend. I have absolutly fallen in love with your kids and your crazy life. I should also comment that I have a 6 yr old and 4 yr old triplets. They will be 5 on Sep 7th. I cant believe you got through the crazy birthday weekend and on Friday with no Power. It makes me remember back when my guys were that little and all of the craziness that went along with it. I hope the next year goes just as well. Happy Birthday to all of the kiddos.

    Brandy Joyner

  46. Wow, you're so fortunate to have so many helping, loving hands. Your kids are way too cute!

  47. Hi - Long time lurker (for over a year now - YIKES) I thought it was time to post a comment and say, that I love your story, I love your family, and I LOVE that you are so open and willing to share it with us. Congrats on making it through your first year as a Mommy so gracefully!

    Happy Birthday, and God Bless You Steece Kiddos!

