Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Weekend With the Sickies

With RSV season quickly approaching, our weekends are numbered. In the middle of last week, I realized that it would be the last free weekend to take the quads to love on their great grandparents one more time for 6.5 months! So, although I was in the process of getting very sick--I decided to make the is SO important! Joe had to work--but thank goodness my parents were able to take off and join me on the 6 hour trip! Here are pics from our first trip to South Texas earlier this summer.

Unfortunately, the long car ride was very similar to the first time down. (Read link above) The quads tend to do worse if someone (in this case: Mom) is sitting in the back seat with them--they stare at me like, "hey Mom, I see you sitting there...I'm getting sick of being strapped in to this carseat...please pick me up NOW!"

After listening to all four babies beautifully harmonize their vocal cords in unison for hours and hours, we arrived in Uvalde late Friday night. (Yes, I have thought about taking video footage to commemorate this awesome scene--but at the time, I just can't bring myself to do it--I'm too busy focusing on maintaining my sanity!) I can't believe the babies were in such a good mood once their little feet touched the ground.

Ethan- SO excited to be out of the burb!

The cute little "house" that Aunt Susan gave us...the kids LOVE it!

Benny and Sav...probably fighting over toys

By Saturday, Mom was almost completely without a voice and she had successfully passed it along to the kids. Lots of runny noses and crying eyes. (Poor Drew had it the worst)
Savannah, Benjamin, Andrew, and Ethan (a friend of a friend made these outfits for the quads--I just LOVE them!)

Momma getting some loving outside in GrandPapa's beautiful backyard! I used to run around on the green grass for hours throughout my childhood. Can't wait for my babies to be able to do the same!

Sav---taking it easy and gettin' her "tan" on (smiling at her brothers rolling around on the grass)

GrandPapa reading a book to a tearful Andrew

GrandPapa and Sugar with their great-grand-quads! Sav, Drew, Ben, Ethan

Drew absolutely LOVES being upside down! always has...

Sav playing with GrandPapa...always has to be in someone's lap

Aunt Susan getting "swarmed"

Sweet little Ben was tuckered out in Susan's arms...such a cuddle bug...just wanna squeeze those cheeks!

Saturday afternoon we drove 30 more minutes to the next town over, Brackettville, where my mom's family lives. We got some good loving from Auntie JuJu and Uncle Stoney.

After church on Sunday. Judy with Sav, Sickie with Ben & Drew, Granna with Ethan

Auntie JuJu and her quad babies (Ben, Ethan, Sav, and Drew)

One last hug before we hit the road

The drive back went much better---the quads were completely exhausted (Mama too!) so they pretty much slept for a good chunk of the drive. Joe met us in Waco where we unloaded my parents and drove on back to DFW. (He took the Burb of screaming babies while I followed in the Explorer--what a sweet hunny!) But we DID have a great time loving on family and I'm so glad we made the trip! (The next morning was when we had to take Ben to the ER--talk about a busy -BUT BLESSED- weekend! SHEESH!)

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  1. Got to love those outfits! They are absolutely adorable! Hope all are a bit better now, especially mommy.

  2. Is there a website where you got those outfits? I'm thinking of a zoo animal themed birthday party for the boys and those outfits would be perfect!

    Glad everyone is feeling better now!!


  3. We have the "house" toy too. It is on my top 3 must have toy list! The kids love it from little crawlers up to preschoolers at my house! I hope you love it as much as we do!

  4. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I have to say that I think Drew might be my favorite! I love his smile! :)

  5. Goodness me-sounds like loads of fun. Precious picts as usual. Bet you will be glad when you do not have to go into "lockdown" each winter :)

  6. Oh Suzers, I love you mama!!! I know it was a hard weekend.. but so worth it!! You will look back on these pictures and smile for the rest of you life. What a special visit.

    The pic of Sav on the blanket.. melts my heart!!! Well, all the pictures do. I can't wait to see them running around the yard with you.

    Happy Thursday girl friend!!

  7. **Lurker**
    I have been Lurking and praying for your family for over a year and a half now, since I received an e-mail from a mutual Harding friend. I love your blog, and recently found out a friend's parents were blessed to be part of your diaper darlings. The picture of you and your little ones in your grandparents yard in precious. I have come out of lurkdom because I have a quick question if you would please take a second, why the quarantine for RSV season. I have an 8 month old and wondered if this was a personal choice(good for you), because they were preemies, or something all parents should do? I am not questioning your decision, just wondering if it is something I should consider. If you do not want to get into it on a blog, but wouldn't mind answering- my email is Thank you

  8. hey marie, i actually get this question a lot- don't mind answering at all! i did a couple of posts about RSV that you could go back and look at for more specific information---but yes, b/c they were 30wk preemies (quads-at that!) their little lungs are still quite a bit more "sensitive" than healthy non-preemies. my pediatrician wants us in lockdown for one more RSV season, and then we should be good to go! want to make sure those immune systems are as strong as they can be. every child is different and every situation is different, but as for my quads--my pedi wants them quarantined, so we will quarantine.

  9. I can not believe it has been so long since I loved on those sweeties of yours. Love ya

  10. Icky, sickies! LOVE their outfits!!! Your grandparents have a beautiful backyard - that's what I remember most too about my grandparents. Is GrandPaPa wearing shorts in that one pic? Go Grandpa! (...and he's on the floor with the quadbabies?)

    Such a memorable trip. How fun! You must have had a quiet trip home following the Burb.

    You're so beautiful...and beautifully blessed.

  11. Anonymous11:37 AM

    They are all so gorgous but i dont know what it is about the twins, they look so grown up all of a sudden! Is it just me?
    What a fun weekend! Sorry yall are sick. NO FUN!

  12. Good for you Mommy! I can't imagine braving a car ride with's enough with my one 2 year old! LOVE LOVE LOVE the outfits..must know where I can get one for my little man. Good luck with the quarantine...I'll be saying lots of sanity prayers for you! :-)

  13. Those babies are just so cute :) I love your posts full of fun pictures! I can't wait to become a mama!!

    Love, Krystle

  14. For you being a "sickie," you look just fabulous. Those super sweet outfits with the animals on them for each of the kids--do you have an web/e-mail address for that? Those are SO cute! Your kiddos are always so stylin'...I just love that :-)

  15. yall are so sweet! about the outfits: the woman who makes them has stopped taking orders as she is going back to school (i know, bummer!) but if/when she starts taking orders again, i will definitely let you all know!

  16. Anonymous1:46 PM

    On the picture of you & quads on grass, Savannah is like "euw, a bug!!!" she's a princess!

  17. I hope your grandparents didn't/don't get sick. Glad you guys are better. We all had that here a couple weeks ago. All except Jenna. Thank goodness!

  18. I was going to ask the same question as Marie, but I see you answered it. I will have to look back for your other posts.

    Awesome photos!

  19. I love those outfits!! How cute! Glad you where able to make one last trip before RSV season! Those months seem to go by so slow!! I remember those days like they where yesterday. Hope you are all feeling better!

  20. Bummer about the outfits!!

    Just stopping by...friend of mine reads your blog, I'm starting clomid next month...but now...ummm..ya. =)


  21. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Awe, they all look so cute in their animal outfits. You have a talented friend! As your babies get older, the screams will turn into them saying "are we there yet?" about a million times in one minute. "How much longer? How many more miles?". LOL! You may miss the crying.
    I'm glad y'all had a great time. Your family looks like wonderful people.

    Cathy in Frisco

  22. Family IS so important and it is awesome that you are willing to make the effort to make sure your babies get time with their great grandparents! You are building great memories!

  23. Well tell her that all of your blog readers want outfits, so maybe she sould rethink the whole going back to school thing? Perhaps she could make a fortune off you blog readers alone!

    Great pictures precious as always!

  24. Hi, Suzanne. I found out about your blog yesterday on iVillage and had so much fun reading your story. Thanks for posting here for all of us, too!

    Your kiddies are adorable, and so are you and your husband. You really seem in love and in love with your babies. It's great to see!

    I don't have any children of my own, but I do have one dog-child (I use that term, too), and Shiloh's eyes remind me of her's. Shiloh looks like a real sweetie.

    Oh, BTW, your blog reads like a book. Maybe you'll become an author one day...? Well, until then, blog on, Girl!

  25. Anonymous7:50 AM

    such beautiful quadies! and i LOVE their outfits-way cute!!

  26. I am lucky for my children to still have 5 great-grandparents alive, we just lost 1 last year, but I agree it is so important to see them and gets lots of pictures. I only knew 1 great-grandparent in my life and I wish i had more pics with him. They will treasure those pictures and remember the trips through them! What a wonderful gift to give your children.

  27. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Sounds like a great weekend despite the runny noses and such! Those outfits are adorable!
    Praying for you guys as you begin the trek towards winter and RSV season. My niece had that as a baby and it truly makes you feel helpless. You want to help them breathe so much and those treatments are just awful! Praying you don't have to deal with any of it!

  28. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Stay safe during Ike! Thinking about you and your family!

    Molly from NY

  29. LOVE all the pictures..I tell ya kiddos turn one and never look the same to me..they all looks so grown-up now!! All cuties :)

  30. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Hi! I'm a longtime lurker. You're babies are so cute! I also love your haircut! Is it called something specific that oyu tell your hair dresser? I would love to get it cut like that!

  31. What a sweet gift for your grandparents. You know that made their year! And I have to say that I LOVE the outfits. They are super precious!

  32. I have been reading your blog for a while now and LOVE IT. I am a mother of 10 month old twins and when I feel like they are hard to handle I read your blog and think if you can do it so can I. I have a great support group online of other twin moms but it's nice to see someone that's doing it with more and surviving. Thanks for the blog. It's great seeing your little ones grow. Their smiles are so sweet.

  33. I Love reading about your family. I especially LOVED the part about mommy sitting in the backseat with them. Oh, can I so relate to that! They looked adorable in those outfits too! I bet GrandPapa & Sugar LOVED seeing them! Cathy

  34. Anonymous7:57 AM

    the outfits look so cute on! praying all goes well this season of being quarantined! also love the aggie outfits!!!

  35. Melly8:51 PM

    Hey, steeces! I am a blog-lurker and have loved reading about all of the things yall do and lemme say a few things:

    one, I think your quads are absolutely A: adorable, B: precious, C: personality-filled.

    two, i've been praying for health and fun even now in 2011, years after this post.
