Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Great Grandparents Meet Their Great Grand-Quads!

I know, I know...I have LOTS of blogs to is VERY difficult for me to find the time to sit down and I truly appreciate all of your kind words and patience with me! You guys are fantastic! I need to blog about our new Quad Mobile! (2005 Chevy Burb Z-71, leather seats, quad seating, On-Star, entertainment package w/ DVD player)...AWESOME! We serve an AWESOME God and have an AWESOME church family! We are truly blessed. I will also blog about this weekend with Grandma Steece, Uncle Dan and Auntie Dani...TONS of adorable Texas A&M pics of the babies! But, here you go for now! (and yes, to those of you who still ask...I will put the birth story on here...fully equipped with pictures! woo hoo...but that is going to take a while...)

Ben loves his swing...look at his adorable red socks!

Savannah is lovin her hair bows!

Drew is smiling! ;)

Little E-Man loving the bouncer...

Granna and little 7.6 pounds of love!

My father's parents were able to make the LONG trip from south Texas to come visit their first great grandbabies last Friday. I cannot express to you guys how VERY special their visit was. I think between my dad, myself, and my sweet Aunt Susan...we took over 300 pictures! Not including all the video we took! ;) Such an incredible day...

I love the pure joy and excitement in our faces...the looks on my grandparents' faces are priceless...

Sweet Aunt Susan drove my grandparents up to love on the little ones! (She got some good luvin in, herself!)

S, B, A, & E

Drew & Ethan striking the exact same pose! Too cute!

Savannah, Andrew, Ethan, and Ben...worn OUT from all the pictures!

LOVE LOVE LOOOOVE this picture! My boys: Drew, Ben, Ethan

It is a LOT of work, getting all four babies ready and transported to the eye doctor's office! THANK GOD for all the help from Grandma Steece, Granna Hoag, Papa Hoag, Aunt Susan, family, friends, and all the wonderful church ladies who come over to love on these little ones each week!...especially on appointment days!...which is almost every day! (They all passed their follow up eye exam with flying colors!)

Aunt Susan, Mom, & Dad. These strollers are fantastic b/c the car seats snap right into them! We also have an in-line quad stroller heading our way, thanks to many friends of the Steeces! VERY cool!
And yes, every person has to stop and stare and ask questions when they see the babies! It is too funny! There is something about multiples that just facinates people.


Tamora said...

Congrats on your Quad Mobile! What blessing. You look like you have such an amazing handle on everything. I am so excited to hear their eyes are healthy. Our GOD IS GOOD!

Blessings All Mine said...

Wow! I must say, your attitude is amazing when it comes to raising multiples! Love the socks! Where did you get them!?!?! The pics are just too sweet (and tear-jerking) with your grandparents holding your fab four. Sweet day. Glad you captured it with lots of pics and videos!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited that you and your family had such a wonderful weekend. I know how worried you were about your grandparents coming up. Looks like everyone enjoyed themselves. Anyway...very sweet family! All of you!!! P.S. Sav looks so Prissy!!!hahaha. I'll chat with you later this week.

nurse ashlie

Anonymous said...

How cute!! They are getting so big!
Are the boys going to be assigned a certain color? Some moms on the multiples message board I belong to tried to keep each boy in their particular color especially with identicals so that in the future you always know who was who in pictures if you accientally forget to label them. Keep up the good work!!

Aggiema (Michelle) said...

Great Pictures! Thank you for sharing with us! You have such a sweet attitude. Blessings!

Mama B said...

What a very special visit!!! They are just growing like little weeds. Too adorable!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the new pictures..especially the ones with your precious :) They all look so great! Glad to hear yall are all doing well!

Anonymous said...

Such a special time..great grands, grands, parents..that is priceless. Not everyone has that opportunity. Relish those moments.

The Nanny said...

The pics are so cute!!! I especially love the pic of the three boys in their socks--Ben's legs are so chunky compared to Drew and Ethan's :-)

Mel said...

Soooo glad you found a little time to blog. I don't know how you do it but know that God is good and has sent you help. Give them all a hug and take care of yourself and Joe.

Love Mel

Anonymous said...

They are so sweet!!! Adorable!!! Great pictures of the family. God bless your family!! Thanks for sharing. You're doing a great job!!

Mommy of five

JAMIE'S CREW said...

Ours IS an awesome God! Praise Him from whom all these blessings flow!

I so much enjoyed this post and the pictures. I can't believe Mr. Ben has reached 7 1/2 pounds! The babies, all of them, look exceptional. You do too.

Take care!
Jamie Pugh

Honeycutt Family said...

Your joy just emulates off the page! It is so awesome to see you with your little "flock".

G24 said...

HOw sweet! They are just the cutest!
Blessings to you always!

Triplets and a Surprise said...

Such cute pics! The fascination with multiples doesn't go away so get used to it. Haha! We have nine month old triplets and we get stared at everywhere we go! They look like they are doing awesome! Great job

Melanie said...

Congrats on the quad mobile!!!! They are just a growing...So precious. I, too, LOVE the pictures of the boys feet;o) SWEEEET!!!!! Melanie Smith

Casey's trio said...

The pictures of you looking at your grandparents while they hold your babies are so special. How wonderful for your family! Love the socks:) And a big woo-hoo for 4 passing tests from the eye doctor.

Laura McIntyre said...

Your babies are just adorable, i love hearing /seing stories about them. You look amazing for being a mother of quads , don't know how you manage it :)

Unknown said...

Precious! They are getting soooo big!!! Cherish the photos, I know you do. You will look back and be soooo glad you have them in the future!

12-arrows said...

I have so thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog. God has so blessed the two of you with an awesome family. Thank you for continually taking the time out of your extremely busy day to blog. I have no clue how I found your blog but I do check it daily for updates!. I am a mom of 12, no multiples though, ages 28-8mo, ten boys and 2 girls. We are blessed as well. Cindy Lutz

Anonymous said...

Absolutely priceless! How exciting to have grandparents and great grandparents there to help love on these guys (among other great support group you have)! They are just beautiful and I know you are loving every minute of it. God is so good and you are giving the glory to him, how awesome! Your Friend in East Texas.

Heather said...

Glad to hear everything is going so well. They are so cute! So nice to hear about the family visits and see all the pics. You all are truly blessed!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure multiples do fascinate our experience, children fascinate people, especially if there's several of them. We have five and everywhere we go we get questions and comments "You have your hands full" and "Are these all yours" are the most common.
They are so sweet and cute. That is so precious that your grandparents were able to come the pictures.
Jennifer Williams-Louisville, KY

TEXOSE said...

Thanks for the updates and may God continue to bless you all... So glad your grandparents could make. I am sure Gran Laman is smiling down from heaven at you and your little treasures... LOVE YAH and so glad to hear about the ride....

JoLee and Family

Denise said...

Aww Suzanne they are just precious. I teared up looking at the pictures of the babies with your grandmother.

Courtney said...

Yeah for the update! I knew you'd be busy but figured one would come eventually! Hang in there!!! They are adorable. Ethan and Andrew are starting to fill out a little bit and Ben is too funny. Its amazing how many pics you have of them all sleeping...that's wild. I hope they are good for you. I can't imagine 4! I am so glad you have help and that you have been so very blessed! They are too sweet. Sav is beautiful!

Deanna said...

I love the pics of the babies with their great grandparents. That is so neat!! WTG Ben for getting to 7 1/2 lbs that is great. Everyone is looking so good. That is awesome that you guys have gotten a suburban, you need it will all the stuff you have to carry. Madyson was looking at the pics with me and she just keeps saying "how cute" Keep up the good work!! Everyone looks great including you and Joe.


The Cains said...

You are such a blessing!!! Look at you multitasking like nobody's business!!! GOD IS SO GOOD-WOOO WHOOO for the Burb!!!!! And the pictures are TOO cute. Thank you for taking time out of your busy, busy life to keep us posted. It's always a joy and puts things into such perspective for me. Your WONDERFUL attitude is contagious!

Love, Megann, Bham, AL girl

asplashofsunshine said...

Suzanne, those pictures with your grandparents are FANTASTIC! I hope you get many many copies of those pictures and frame every one of them. What a gift to be able to share special times (and great Kodak moments) with your grandparents.

Anonymous said...

They are beautiful!

~Denise~ said...

Look at how stinkin' adorable they are!! Glad to hear things are going well.

Kann said...

What precious pictures wiht the great-grand parents! I would think you would get tons of people stopping you to see them! They are adorable!!!

Christy said...

I've been lurking for awhile now, but have seen way too many "small world moments" that I just had to come out of the shadows. First, I came across you blog through Jenni. I went to High School with her and also A&M (Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2004 WHOOP!)Then a few weeks later, I find out that my mom is coming to help you guys out (She goes to New York Ave in Arlington). Last, I see a comment about Johnetta Kelly from Harding--I spent time in Africa with her! SMALL WORLD!

As everyone else has said, its so fun to keep up with you guys and get a small glimpse into your lives. You guys are amazing!

Lindsey Eason said...

Wow - an insline quad stroller?!?! Can't wait to see that! Glad you all cherished your visit - those pictures we'll be treasures as your children get older!


Your babies are so beautiful!I'm so glad you are doing so well!Keep up he good work!:)May God continue to bless you!Connie in Indiana.

Chrissie said...

My eyes are welling up with tears seeing the quads with their great grandparents. That is so special! They will cherish those 300 pictures for years to come.

Anonymous said...

Everyone looks great. The joy that I see in everyone's face is so exciting. God is good, and he will take care of you all over these years as you raise these four lovely quads. Love to all and tell Granna and Poppa hello. I know they are having the time of their life. so happy the great grandparents got to share some special time. Love to all. Johnny and Donna

Jessica said...

Suzanne, You don't know me (I'm one of those) but I found your blog through Amanda's. Anyway, I have been reading it for a few months and I just wanted to say how beautiful you babies are and that I am so glad they are home. They look so precious in all the pictures. Thanks for sharing. Also, you are just a radiant mother, I'm sure it is a lot of work, but it doesn't show on you. I will continue to think about you and pray for the babies, as well as, and you and Joe. Congratulation on your beautiful family!

Anonymous said...

There is a youtube video that someone with triplets made that shows the instant celebrity multiples bring:

Melissa Halford said...

I just noticed up on your ticker that it says the quads are 2 months old! That is craziness!!!

Anonymous said...

Suzanne--how blessed you all are to still have a complete FOUR generation family. no wonder you and your dad took so many pics! At our ages (your folks), it is unusual to still be blessed by healthy g.g-parents. I know Steve's parents are showing off the quads to all of Uvalde!! Priceless..
Prayers and sooo happy for all of you,
thomasue h

~Denise~ said...

How cute are those babies!!

Anonymous said...

Your children are beautiful. I said alot prayers during your last few weeks of bedrest- Great to know that everyone is doing so well & truly a joy to watch the babies, as they grow. God Bless

Shannon Henry ( Kansas City, MO)

Michele said...

All of your pictures are beautiful, however I had to tear up at the first two. Looking at the way your Grandma and Grandpa are looking at you as you are looking at your baby is just precious. Pure love and joy...that is what is conveyed in everyone of your pictures. You all are truly blessed.

All our best,

Ashley said...

So much fun. Your babies are precious. Maybe you need to carry a sign that says the answer to all of the many questions people ask. LOL

Nate, Maurine, Hannah, and Monroe said...

Love the pics! Looks like their personalities are coming out already! The twins have your olive complection. They all look great. So glad your fam could come for a visit. Can't wait to meet them.

Nicki W. said...

so precious! keep those family pics coming! how are you doin'? you make it look easy, girl!

Brittany Wardlow said...

Your family is precious! I soooooooo hope to see you in December. If a) you can even make it to the ranch and b) if the doctor will let me leave GA. He said it's right at that cut off time but it will probably be up to me and if it's up to me I'll be there. If I come to TX and you don't get to come to the ranch, I still want to be able to come see yall!

Sunni Len said...

Ok last night I dreamed we were all at Granny's except it was the old house and you were there with the babies it was Christmas. I dreamed the Quads were all taller than Kody unstrapped themselves out of the double strollers and got down and started running. It took everybody there to round them up. Weird I know but I just wanted to share it with you. Love ya Cuz

Ticket 4 Two said...

So amazing! Thanks for the pictures they are great!!!! Isn't God good? That is so awesome!!!

Ticket 4 Two said...
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JAMIE'S CREW said...

I am curious - do the Fab 4 look as much alike in person as they do in the pictures? They are so darn cute!

amber said...

i just stumbled upon your blog yesterday and i have to say that i am so very touched by your entire experience. i was welling up at several of your entries and am so happy to see that all the babies are home and doing so well.

you are truly an inspiration. your outlook on this miracle and continually giving praise to God is so uplifting. your entire family is in my prayers and i look forward to following your story :)

congratulations mom! you've done so well and i know this is only the beginning for you!!

Kate said...

Hey, Suzanne! You probably don't remember me from Harding at all, but I have been following your blog for several months now and I love reading about your family. My husband and I had 3 kids in under 2 years-1 boy and then twin girls 17 months later! I can't say that I can relate to your situation because you had 4 at one time. But, I am so happy for you and for what I can see God doing in your life with these babies! He is faithful and will take care of your every need! I know you are exhausted and it feels like you will never sleep more than 10 minutes at a time again. You will, though, and I will pray for you during this difficult, but precious, season in your life. God bless you and your sweet family!

Aimee said...

Wow! All I can say is you guys are amazing! I had my first in June, but 4! Wow! It looks like those 4 kiddos are so blessed to have such great parents. We live in the DFW area as well. Keep the stories coming(well, when you have time:))

Anonymous said...

do you have your six pack back? show us your belly!

Goerlich Quadruplets said...

Suz, y'all are doing awesome...and so are the babies. The Suburban is the way to go, we love ours. It is so amazing how God provides for our every need and gives the strength and patience to raise 4 precious babies. Y'all have been an inspiration for us on our journey. We look forward to getting our other 2 home soon. Keep it up and keep the blog going!

Chris and Mari Goerlich

Anonymous said...

Your little ones are SO cute! I had a set of twins 3 years ago and got the BEST stroller as a gift. I have since passed it on to another mom of twins who had a stroller similar to yours. She can now get her stroller out and both babies loaded in less than 2 minutes. You should check it It is very lightweight and collapses alot smaller than the double strollers with seats.

Congrats again.....
Kim in OK

Julie said...

OK, now that I know that Savannah is a Bow Baby, I have to send you some bows. I have three boys and then a baby girl and she is a Girly Girl. I found the BEST bow lady and would love to send you a goodie bag. I know that posting your home address is too scary, but how about your church address or something like that? Or maybe you can contact me...
Julie in VA

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

rbF1lC Thanks to author.

Anonymous said...


karen said...

Yea! All the babies are home and healthy! I'm so happy for you. Which I find slightly odd as I've never met you, but hey ho. Yea! the babies are home!

Anonymous said...

wow i just stumbled upon this blog, and boy is your family cute! you guys are a sweet little bunch! god bless you all!

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