Monday, November 03, 2008

Grandparent Loving and Baby Shower partying in the A-TX

Last weekend we drove to Austin to hang with family and friends.

Happy little Aggies! (Ethan, Savannah, Andrew, Benjamin)

Wheeeeeeeere's Drew?!..................THERE HE IS!!!! (Andrew LOVES this game!)
It looks like Savannah has a kickin' "comb-over"! Righteous!

Ben--continuing his obsession with slapping foreheads...the kid cracks himself up

Uncle Dan, the man, with the quad clan! Super cheese...Yes, I am aware of it. (S, B, E, A)

Savi swinging with Grandma Kate

Proud Grandparents with their GrandQuads. (D, E, B, S)

Joe's mini-me! LOVE those BIG BROWN EYES...they melt my heart!!!

Now, these two are definitely two little peas in a is NOT coincidence that "Ben" and "Dan" sound similar! Ben has crazy energy that just keeps on going....and going....and going....

Sweet Drew- enjoying Grandma's love and affection

Mama's little doll...pat pat, kiss kiss. Joe and I actually witnessed Savannah trying to comfort Ethan last night with a hug and a kiss. They were all in the bathtub and Ethan was crying b/c he got soap in his eyes, so Sav looked at him lovingly and kept trying to wrap her arms around him and lean in to kiss him. It was beyond precious!

Joe and Ethan...listening to the Aggie game

Monkey girl proudly displaying her "hats"!

The Steeces were so sweet to stay home with the quads while Joe and I attended a baby shower for our good friends Jason and Molly.

Hmmm...I wonder who gave them the Aggie gear?........ ;)

Sheedy, Joe, Dan (SO nice to get to hang out with friends!)

Amy and Joe throwing up their "signs". See??---An Aggie AND a Longhorn CAN be friends! ;) Which sign looks cooler?....(don't answer that...)

Suz, Molly, Katie

Adam and Katie feeling festive

My buddy and me

post signature


  1. Awesome that you got out with your hubby, those time are so awesome! I mean, I love my yeahoos to death, but it is nice to get out alone and realize - hey, I still really like this guy and would do it all over again jsut the same!!!

  2. Anonymous8:48 AM

    SO CUTE! I love all the Aggie gear! Gig Em!

  3. Great pics! The quads are growing so fast! Glad you guys got to get out and enjoy some "adult" time with your friends.

  4. Wonderful post and pics as always!!!

  5. Hi! I am a "lurker" but have loved your blog since the first time I saw it (I think right after the babies were born.) Your children are beautiful and I personally think they are doing great and that makes me happy! I know you are a busy, busy mama, but I have a question if you EVER get a chance to respond... I have TWO family members that are prego with multiples (one with twins, and one with triplets) and I was wondering if you could let me know what was/is the MOST USEFUL thing that someone gave you with your babies that helped you out, or that you just couldn't live without, etc... What was the BEST gift? Did you prefer clothing type things, equipment, etc.... Anyways, Have a good day! Hope to hear from you soon! (You can email me back or leave a comment...)


  6. Great pics and precious babies, as always. I loved hearing about Savannah comforting Ethan, it always makes me swell with love when I see my two girls comforting one another.

  7. You guys are too stinking cute - love the pictures and enjoy your blog.

  8. Such a fun weekend.
    Hey! i have a question...what is that little train that kids ride in and you pull, what is that called. My mom wanted to get one for my twins for xmas, but didn't know if they came with just 2.
    YOur sweet babies are beyond precious! Love Sav's big brown eyes!

    Thanks for answering my question...
    kmcooper129 at hotmail dot com.

  9. Go Aggies! I may be Canadian, but my husband is quite the Texas A&M fan!

    Your children are beautiful, as usual!

  10. So nice to hear that you had a good time with your family and friends. That is so very important to maintain the balance that we all need. I just love your blog Suz. ( are so pretty!)

    Angie in Portland, OR

  11. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Awe they are so sweet! Sav is just the cutest thing ever.
    That last picture of you and Joe is really great, you guys are a very good looking couple!

  12. Looks like it was a great weekend. Your kids just keep getting cuter and cuter. Savannah can totally rock the comb over

  13. y'all are so freaking cute!!!! Love you guys!

  14. I just love seeing pics of your kids...they are adorable!! You & Joe always look so happy & in love. Looks like you had a great time!

  15. Anonymous9:33 PM

    cute pics as usual.

  16. Anonymous9:59 PM

    They are so grown up! I cant even believe it!
    You should be very proud of your cuties!

  17. Love your blog! You have a beautiful family!!! You are an amazing woman! I love reading about your life with quads. Truly amazing!

  18. Anonymous10:38 AM

    We love all the pictures! Go Aggies!...even if we are from Arkansas nothing wrong being an Aggie fan.

  19. Hi Suz- Love checknig in on your beautiful Family! Saw these shirts and thoguht of you:)

  20. Anonymous6:43 PM

    love the picture of savannah on the patio, she is beautiful!

  21. Such a great post...despite the horrible Aggie gear...I think Sav would look much better in some purple and gold :)

    Love yall...keep on keeping on!


  22. PRECIOUS, PRECIOUS, PRECIOUS kiddos!!! They are getting too big too fast!!! Glad you and Joe had some fun too :)

  23. Hi Suzanne, I love your blog and just read the one about your kids being lactose intollerant - so am I! I wanted to share a couple things I know about this topic. Kraft brick and shredded cheese does not contain lactose (if you look on the back of the page by the bar code it will say 'Contains 0 grams of lactose' - it's the way the process it from my understanding. I'm very severly LI and Kraft cheese does not bother me. We use it for everything - taco's, pizza...etc. Perhaps the kids are too little for this but it will be a lifesaver if it works for you. Also, I drink lactaid milk, it's regular cows milk but they have taken the lactose out of it. I don't care for soy milk but I love Lactaid. If you ever want to contact me feel free!

  24. You totally need to sign Ben up for a V8 comercial!

    Hook 'em Horns!!!!

    Love you guys!

  25. So much PERSONALITY!!! It oozes from every expression!

  26. Hey Suz! I am a friend of a friend, and just love your blog. We used to live in Arlington but now live in Longhorn country. :(

    We are also HUGE Aggie fans!! My husband was the 4th of 5 siblings to graduate from A&M, along with his Dad and 3 of the sister in laws. HUGE Aggie family!

    Not sure where your family lives in Austin, but we own/operate a Chick fil A on 35 and Slaughter in South Austin. We would love to host your family for a meal next time you are in town.

    Thanks for sharing your journey with everyone! What a blessed life!

  27. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Very cute post! I am an Aggie as well, but from Utah State :-) I am guessing you've been very busy over the last week, and hope that everyone is feeling ok.


  28. Your kiddos are so cute. I stumbled on your blog a while ago and have followed it ever since(I'm a twin mom myself, and I love to read about other MOMs). What's really crazy, though, is that your friend Molly was my sorority sister in college!! Small world, huh??

  29. Anonymous10:38 AM

    I´ve been reading your blog for some time now along with my sistas & by just looking at your babies anyone can feel better...They are cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute x 100 :)May God continue blessing you.

  30. Is 'Caps For Sale' Savannah's favorite bedtime story? Those PJs and her 'hats' remind me of that wonderful children's book.
