Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Good 'Ole Aggie Tailgating

Every football season, all of our friends get together and choose one game to tailgate up big time. If any of you have been reading my blog for any amount of time, you probably know that my hubby LOVES to tailgate. Pre-quads, we had season tickets for Texas A&M football and traveled to College Station almost every single weekend in the fall....my my....how times have changed.

This past weekend was our little "reunion" in College Station to watch the Ags get killed by OU. (Boo!) ;) Despite the loss, we were able to have loads of fun with our good friends and family. A HUGE thanks to Granna and Papa for playing with the little ones all weekend!

Me and my boy

Some Aggie dudes having fun in the sun

What do you do instead of watch your team get slaughtered?....

Why walk around campus and take nerdy pictures, of course!

Sorry the blog has been SO slow lately...we have been traveling like crazy...I feel like we are going 100 miles an hour and I'm trying to catch up! Its been a blast, though....this weekend...onto the Aggie/Baylor game in Waco...yikes!

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  1. Suz, I love your hair! The bangs are adorable. Where do you get those awesome necklaces?

    And I feel for you regarding the Aggies. I'm a lifelong Buckeye fan and we have taken more than our fair share of butt-kickin's...from other teams and fans.

  2. I have followed your blog for a really long time now (before the Quads were born). We are also Aggies - class of '02 and '03. Love keeping up with your four from CO.

    So it would be an Aggie post that would drag me out of blog lurking. :) Agreed that the game Saturday was entirely painful. Hopefully this week is better on that front!

  3. Wow! I just started reading your blog last week, and I think that it is great that you get out and about even with your big crew! I have a little 2 year old guy (and 14 year old girl, and 11 year old guy), and I know that taking one toddler away from home is often a challenge, so YAY FOR YOU! Hope you have a fun weekend again!

  4. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog and have been blog stalking you for several months. I am an Aggie mom - two daughters class of 98 and 05 and one son-in-law class of 96. My other son-in-law is a Tech fan - boo! The pictures on this post made me really miss Aggieland and I am determined that we will get there for a game next year. We are expecting our first Aggie grandchild in January and have started the Aggie collection for him/her. Your babies are absolutely adorable! Gay

  5. Way to go getting out with your hubby like that, even if your team gets slaughtered. Our one sure slowed us down, so I can't imagine dealing with four! At least next weekend's game is one that the Aggies ought to win. Have fun.

  6. Hey WOMAN! Love the pictures...so fun! I hope you guys are doing well!

  7. I've been lurking for awhile, but I had to come out and say WOW you both look like you could still be in college! Can't believe you're the happy parents of adorable quads. :-)

  8. Adorable pics - glad you had a good time. Is now a good time to mention that I'm a life-long OU fan? Hope I'm not banned from the blog! :-)

  9. I just have to emerge from lurkdom to say that, as a Baylor alum ('02), it just warms my heart to hear someone say "yikes" in regards to facing the Bears. Usually it's more like, "yawn".

    Sic 'em!

  10. Joe totally cracks me up :) Glad ya'll had a great time, even though the Aggies lost!

  11. I have a question about RSV. (even though that has nothing to do with this post, sorry!) Is RSV the reason they were on "Halloween house arrest"? Where else can they go during RSV season? And since they are healthier and (obviously) bigger than last winter, why are they still at risk? Okay, that was actually 3 questions and I know you are very busy but I was wondering. I know that after one day of being inside all day with my two kids we are all a little nuts so I will pray for you if they are truly stuck inside for months!

  12. Just found your blog through a friend and I'm so glad. My husband and I are Aggies ('01 and '02) and proud parents of multiples. We only have two. You amaze me with four. Congrats on making it to a game. Babies don't seem to like tailgating as much as us, huh?

  13. Good for you guys, taking time to do couple stuff. Looks like fun, even taking nerdy pics!

  14. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Love reading your blog. Your babies are adorable. Hey, my son was at that game too...and now he'll be on that field this Saturday as Georgetown High takes on Cy-Woods in their first playoff game since '99. Go Eagles!

    Jill in Georgetown

  15. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Love reading your blog. Your babies are adorable. Hey, my son was at that game too...and now he'll be on that field this Saturday as Georgetown High takes on Cy-Woods in their first playoff game since '99. Go Eagles!

    Jill in Georgetown

  16. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Oh I hate to do this after reading your blog for over 2 years now, but BOOMER SOONER! Woohoo!. Sorry! =)
    Love all the pictures and am so glad you guys take breaks together to be with your friends without the babies from time to time. Thank God for Grandparents and all the other helpers!

  17. Good to still make time for yourselves. You are both amazing parents and always giving 100% to those beautiful 4.. Good for you both to still make each other #1 and enjoy some time. :)


  18. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I've been following your blog for quite some time. I will forgive you for Booing OU (I'm a Sooners fan & attend OU as well). I will still keep up with your blog despite our team choice!

  19. If I didn't know that you had 4 kids already, I TOTALLY wouldn't believe it because you and Joe look sooooo young! Well, actually you ARE very young! So cute! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun despite the loss! :(

  20. We are headed to the Baylor game this weekend, too! Justin wants Jacob to see an Aggie game before baby #2 gets here. Can you suggest good places to eat in Waco??? Would be much appreciated!!!! Go Ags!

  21. I love your necklaces, you must have a closet full of them! With your blog readership I am sure there are mom home based businesses that would give you free necklaces for a shout on in a blog. How fun!

  22. This is my first time commenting, but I'm a secret follower of your blog. I live in Waco and have heard you make reference to it several times before, so just know, that if I happen to ever see you in Waco, I WILL approach and introduce myself! Enjoy your weekend!
