Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sarah Brightman

My brother and I know how much my mom loves Sarah Brightman, so we surprised mom with tickets to her concert last night in Dallas. It was amazing. SHE is amazing. If you aren't familiar with Sarah, she was married to Andrew Lloyd Webber (the world-renowned British composer)...He actually wrote the part of Christine, from the Phantom of the Opera, FOR SARAH- his wife at the time...which fully exploited her stunning vocal range. How amazing is that?!...and to hear her sing these songs in person is absolutely breath-taking.

Here is a video of Sarah Brightman performing "The Phantom of the Opera" with Antonio Banderas a couple of years ago...

...and one of my absolute favorite songs..."Time to Say Goodbye"

"Time to Say Goodbye" duet with Andrea Bocelli

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  1. I have loved Sarah Brightman ever since discovering Phantom of the Opera on Broadway! A favorite of mine is her "Deliver Me"

  2. I awarded your blog! It's on my page. =)

  3. Phantom is amazing!!

  4. I walked down the isle to Time to Say Goodbye at my wedding. It was beautiful. My aunt sang it and did an amazing job. I know it sounds funny to anyone who doesn't know the song, but the words are actually taking about how it is time to say goodbye to a part of your life and move on. And our first dance was to There for Me (I think that is the title). LOVE her, we went to a concert, but it was just her, I wish it had been with a male also, but it was awesome.

  5. Anonymous3:46 PM

    "deliver me" is one of my favorite songs by her, check it out on youtube. very talented woman!

  6. I thought I was the only one who liked Sarah Brightman. Not really, but I hardly ever hear anyone mention her. She is my most favorite singer. What talent! Thank you for sharing these clips!!!! Love em!!

  7. So beautiful, that song gives me chills!

  8. Thank you for showing me Sarah Brightman.... WOW that was incredible! I LOVE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA but I have never seen or heard her sing the song.. I was feeling chills what a truly amazing voice! Great gift! Hope the kiddies are doing well.

  9. When I was little, my parents introduced me and my brothers to Phantom of the Opera. I remember when my dad bought the record!!! How funny is that? Years later, we ended up with the Andre Bocelli CD with his duet with Sarah Brightman...I couldn't stop listening to it! I would play "Time to Say Goodbye" on repeat for hours! I haven't heard it in years though so thanks for posting it! It's funny to read the comment above that someone walked down the aisle to that song b/c I always thought it would be neat for a bride to walk down the aisle with her father to that song!

  10. jealous, that is all I can say! She has so much talent and Phantom is my all time favorite!

  11. Sorry, I've come back. I just wish everyone could have been at the wedding. Really listen to this song and you can picture it. Everyone else marched down during the beginning of the song - then at the crecedo when they both start singing and the march in the back ground picks up, that is when the doors were opened and there was me and my dad's. And right after that wonderful end...can't you just hear, "We are here today to witness the marriage...." I would totally recommend it for anyone getting married - people comment all the time about how unique it was and how they will never forget.

  12. Dang it and I just shaved my legs this morning.. that was Amazing!! I think I just blasted everyone out of the office.. LOL Chill bumps everywhere.. I bet it was an awesome concert and I'm sure your mom enjoyed it.


  13. I LOVE her! I saw her in concert a few years back. It was quite a concert! I just love her duet with Andre Bocelli! She has such an AWESOME voice!


  14. Her music brings tears to my eyes. She IS amazing. what a wonderful present for your mom.

  15. WoW!!! You kids are amazing for your mom :) Glad she enjoyed it and the videos are just amazing!!!

  16. I love Phantom - that song gives me chills every time.

  17. oh we love Sarah! We had floor seats for her Dallas concert! I was super excited. We saw her in the Harem tour too. Just awesome. Glad your mom got to go, it was an amazing concert!

  18. Ryan loves her too...shhh, don't tell too many people! He loves Time To Say Goodbye, also! I will have to show him this!

  19. Hi Suz!

    I've been secretly following your blog for awhile. Your quads are precious!

    Anyway, I decided to comment when I saw the YouTube of the duet with Andrea Bocelli. I LOVE this version, as does my dad. I remember him dropping my brother off at a hotel the night before he began military bootcamp, then playing this song and crying like a little baby. So sweet!

  20. Love her voice and love her singing with Andrea Bocelli!

  21. Hey SUZ! You have a BLOG award on my blog!! Come check it out!! Love your BLOG!! XOXO



    This was so cute I couldn't resist sending it to you! :) Hopefully it works. I have enjoyed getting to know your family and it truly gets me excited for when my husband and I decide to start one.

  23. Great blog. Love your story! Your babies are amazing and beautiful. Found your blog thru Glamrbaby's and just had to say hello. Happy holidays to you and yours this season.
    Blessings, Angie Seaman

  24. Hi Suzanne, I found your blog a few months ago, read the story of your babies and fell in love with them. so yes I check in on you and your family. Someday I hope to be a grandma.. Take care of your babies and have a wonderful holiday season.
