Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Fun Times Never End...

Coming to you live from Waco again...(this is the longest the kiddies have spent away from home since the NICU and they are doing great--surprisingly!) Mama obviously has a lot of time to blog while here--it has been a nice, relaxing break to say the least! Here are more pics from the past couple of days...(pardon our runny noses!)

Silly little Ethan with his fake smile/smirk

I LOVE these big open mouth smiles of Drew's!

Savannah happy to be dominating the toy box...

I LOOOVE Savannah and Ben's curly locks right after a bath...Benny has great hair! (They definitely get it from their father. Ethan and Drew have their mama's straight as a board hair)

Granna and Sav didn't know they would be matching in their brown and pink!

Attempts at a group shot: (I realized that I used to take group shots of the squirts all the time, but as they have gotten older, it has DEFINITELY gotten more difficult! I know, I know--"just gets harder!") So, these are my attempts from last night!

(Ethan, Savannah, Andrew, Benjamin) Yes, Drew has a black eye and I have NO idea where it came from!

Lovin' Ben's fake smile...his face is exactly the same in every pic...such a goofball (He looks like a cute little old man with no dentures)

I have NO idea what Ethan's hair is doing (poor babies need another hair cut!)

I LOVE this one...wish it wasn't blurry...but mama was snappin' in a hurry!

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  1. Ethan and Drew have so many teeth! Do S & B have that many too?

    I'm glad you guys are getting in some good grandparent time.

  2. hey audrey! E & D have 8 teeth, ben has 6 AND just worked in his 1 yr molars! ouch...little sav only has 4 (2 top, 2 bottom)...but everyone is working on those dern molars!

  3. Anonymous11:11 AM

    SO CUTE!! I feel your pain with the pics, i can usually mkae three stay but one is off, then when i get that one to stay, another is off. ITS NEVER ENDING!!!
    Cute curly hair too. I have always said Drew and Ethan look like you, even despite the hair.
    Hope you guys feel better soon, we feel your pain with the sickness. NO FUN!! I cant wait til spring/summer and we have some time off from all the germs.
    And, when in the world are us as moms EVER supposed to work on getting better, i guess those days are over huh?

  4. They are so adorable! I love how you coordinate their outfits :)

  5. Molars are the worst! Love all the pics, especially the ones of the kids in the toy bins. SO CUTE!

  6. Anonymous11:30 AM

    I'm sure I've said this before but they really do get cuter every day. I love how much Drew and Ethan and Ben and Savannah look like each other. Love the curly hair!

  7. Drew and Ethan sure look like their mom! And Sav looks like her dad. So is Ben a combination of both of you?

  8. I love the pix. It just hit me again that you have FOUR BABIES! It's crazy!

  9. Aw, sweet thangs! I love the pics...they make me want to eat them all up! I need to see those squirts again before their 5th birthday!! Are you guys going to be in U-town anytime during the Christmas holidays? Would love to see ya! We will be there the night of the 27th through the New Year! Email me or text and let me know!

  10. Glad you are having such a good time while away. Great to hear you are getting so much time to relax.

    Can I just say that your kids look FANTASTIC in brown! (esp Miss Sav! Just GORGEOUS!)

    ps thank you so much for your wonderful words today. It has helped me so much to vent about my frustration and find so much support. Thank you!

  11. Ahh I was very happy to see Savannah happy in the toy box. I felt so bad for her in the last one with her brother.. lol


  12. Oh they are sooooo cute! Just want to get their sugar! Tell your parents Hi! Enjoy your family time.

  13. So dog-gone cute are they!!! I think it is a crack-up that Ben and Sav look so similar. How do they all compare weight wise? They look similar in the pictures.

    I did a big post yesterday on a friend from McMoms who did the Breast Cancer 3-Day 60 mile walk. Stop by and take a look if you can. It was a really neat experience to be a spectator at this event.

  14. Suz, they adorable. Your pictures make me miss that much fun with all they are discovering and learning to do. My girls still love to get inside the laundry basket and fight for space..hilarious!

  15. The kiddos stole my heart again...seriously...they are precious!!! They are sure cute!!!

  16. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Seriously...these little babes are SOOOO cute!! It seems like their personalities are really shining at this age - how fun! I love Sav's sweet 'victory is mine' smile in the toy box pic and that she's holding onto Granna's pretty necklace in another pic... your little girly girl, even with 3 brothers! Keep up the great parenting Suz & Joe. You make raising quads look easy even when it isn't. Many Blessings!!

  17. Great photos!! I Just love all their smiles! Such happy kiddos!!

  18. They are growing up sooo fast!!! Sooo cute :) And I love all the new posts!!!

  19. LOL I love how Ben is elbowing Drew in the neck. Your kids are sooo stinking cute!!!

  20. That's interesting that everyone is saying that Drew and Ethan look like you, but I've always spot them with Joe (except for now I know they have your hair) and I think Sav and Ben look like you (and again, with Joe's hair)

    Maybe you should do a post comparing baby pictures of the two of you next to the quads.

  21. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Quad cuteness, i can imagine its hard to do anything but look at there cute little faces all day long.

  22. Anonymous4:53 PM

    TOO CUTE!!!!!

  23. Auntie Jen hearts the curls. =)

  24. Oh Suz! They are just so precious.

  25. What kind of camera do you use? Are you using or something else to print out these memories? I swear, we would all buy your book-your kids are absolutely adorable! That pic of Ben waving while Sav is screaming is priceless!
