We had an AWESOME, fun-filled weekend with Grandma Steece! We went shoe shopping with the quads at the mall, ate on the El Arroyo patio (the kids were little angels!), played outside a lot, and just enjoyed a beautiful weekend of lovely weather together! I'm working on some pics of playing outside and the quads enjoying their new kiddie chairs from Grandpa & Grandma Steece.
Today I wanted you guys to know about this publication I’m a part of called Serious.Life Magazine. They just published the March issue, and the Steece fam is in their Featured Blog Directory! My fellow quad mama friends have been featured in the past as well! (Jac Tubre, Jenna Walker...)
The magazine includes a lot of great content from bloggers you’ll appreciate, as well as great features, photos and other content. The mag is owned and published by a family who have seven kids, three adopted and one who has Leukemia (www.riggsfamilyblog.com).
The magazine also gives away a bunch of ads to charities and ministries. Besides great articles on interesting people, there is a lot about family, adoption, personal finance, spiritual life, humor… all sorts of “life” topics. You guys would totally dig it!
The Steece fam starts on page 138, but be sure to check out the whole thing--it is very neat...and FREE! (Also, you can sign up to receive future issues as well)
Check back soon and I'll have TONS of pics & videos of the kiddies up! Need to catch up on my laundry, cleaning, blog reading (...you know, the important stuff! ha)! Y'all have a FANTASTIC day!!! ;)
Congrats on being featured in the magazine! How neat!
El Arroyo on Cooper St? Heath and I used to go sit on that patio ALL the time! :)
I love this Mag, too! I actually found it through my sister-in-law's sister, Alicia, who's blog was featured in it in January or February (can't remember). So, I checked it out online and loved it! I loved all the blogs it lists and tells about because we all know how much fun it is to find a new blog to stalk! LOL!
Great article!! My daughter's blog was also listed in the magazine. LOVE the Riggs!
A question....How can I send you an email? OR May I send you an email... :)
I have been reading you blog FOREVER, mostly in the mornings before work. My husband has a 13 year old (so I only have 1 stepson) but we feel when we have a family with babies it will be like yours. I read the magazine article today and CAN'T BELIEVE people will say bad things in your blog.wow...
It is a great blog - we love it here in Gainesville, FL!
Thanks Suz... we loved having you in the blog and hope you'll be in it regularly.
Brent (Abby's Dad)
Editor - Serious.Life Magazine
Cool...glad you are apart of SL Magazine!
Way to go, Super Steece Stars! Can't wait for the next post...sitting on the edge of my seat (aka the floor) =)
Missin' you today,
Just read your article and it was great! You have such a great attitude and a beautiful family.
Just read your article and I thought it was great! You have such a great attitude and a beautiful family.
Congrats, for being in a magazine. Just a few steps to Hollywood,hahaha.
Hey mama! Glad you guys got out! How are the new kicks workin' out?
Going to check out the magazine now. Congrats and have fun planning all your adventures this spring!
What a GREAT article! Your positive outlook on life and constant reflection on all your blessings (not the least of which are your children) are so inspiring. Thank you for sharing your life with all of us!
Just popping in to letcha know I saw your family on the SeriousLife magazine. Whoo....!!!!
Funny how when reading through your story, I already knew most of it. Yes, Im a fan of yours and have followed since the babies were born. You have the life where your babies are loved and appreciated, your mariage is strong, and you have a big heart for the Lord...those things keep me addicted to your families blog. I jsut wanted to encourge you to keep on keeping on... and keep those cheesy smiles on, they trully brighten the world.
You all rock!!
Heidi C., IN
Hey Suz,
This stuff is great, and I love all your recent pics and updates. You always make things sound so wonderful. Thanks for sharing your blog.
All this "attitude and gratitude" won you a blog award!!! :) Check out today's long update and collect it. It is being passed around. Hope you can use it and pass around!!
Have a great day!!
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