Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Playtime with the Goerlich Quads!

We made another trip to Houston for some fun with our Goerlich quad buddies! It had been January since we last partied and we were MORE than ready to get together again! Chris and Mari are the world's greatest hosts and we just love spending time with them.

Quad Mamacitas: Mari and Suz

Quad Daddy Dudes: Joe and Chris

Savannah giving hugs to her boyfriends (Finn)

This cracked me up---when Chris was trying to get Andrew to smile, he said: "show me your teeth"...a few minutes later, I used the same tactic on Ethan, with identical results. :)

Mari and the girls

Joe under attack! (Drew)

Me: "Ethan, show me your silly face!"
Ethan: (see below)

CG teaching the kids some good 'ole battin' practice (with Ben)

Savi fetching balls for Sophie (that Goerlich gal will be a pro-athlete one day, we are convinced!)

Ethan and Andrew- more interested in the tractor than swinging the bat...(sorry Joe!)

Me, Benny, and Savy

Joe and Mr. Sunshine (Drew)

Me and E (notice the cars?)

LOVE LOVE LOOOOOOVE this picture of Joe and his mini-me.

Drew chillaxin' on Dadda early Saturday morning

This is what relaxing actually looks like for us...hard to imagine, eh? Look at all of those kids!

Ben- too cool for school

Another lazy morning spent on the patio...LOVING this weather- before it gets scorching hot!

The Steeces actually went to our good friends' Crawfish Boil on Saturday afternoon..but alas, I have no pictures to document the occasion. Maybe it had something to do with tending to four toddlers the entire time? Shucks.

Thanks, Chris & Mari , for letting us crash at your place. Always such an amazing time with you guys. We love you so much!

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Vocabulary Lesson for Today





1. Boldly resisting authority or an opposing force; "a defiant attitude"; challenging

insubordinate, rebellious, insolent; daring.


Use in a sentence.

"The defiant daughter is back in diapers for boldly attempting a power struggle with her poor, sweet mother."

See images of defiant.

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Potty Training: 1 down, 3 to go!

As hard as this is to type, I really want to remember how difficult this potty training thing has been. (You know, so I can hold it against them when they are teenagers! Ha) First, I need to fill you in on a little bit of my personality.

Hello. My name is Suzanne. I am a perfectionist. I research EVERYTHING. Failure is NOT an option for me. I give 110% in all that I do.

I have been this way my entire life. If I was going to start a project, I would not stop until it was perfect. I am VERY hard on myself. I was class Valedictorian. I took my grades very seriously. I have the absolute BEST parents a gal could ever ask for---they did NOT push me nor put this pressure on me. I just have this inner drive (that I put upon MYSELF) to be the best that I can be in everything I do.

I have been struggling with trying to be the best parent that I can be. Some days, it really gets the best of me, I get completely overwhelmed, and I feel like an absolute failure. I just want to curl up in a ball and give up...throw my hands up and say, "I'm done." But then I pray about it, talk to Joe and my girlfriends, and start a new day. I know I am not alone.

So- potty training. I knew this was going to be a VERY challenging transition for me, being the perfectionist that I am. I knew that I needed to be relaxed and calm...make it a game...don't EVER get upset or frustrated. (ha). So, I prepped and prepped and prepped. We've been talking about it and watching videos since they turned 2! I've read like 3 books, taken notes, and figured- okay, its "go" time!

I got all the pottys ready, (1st, we tried our bathroom)

(then moved the pottys into the kitchen)

made little sticker sheets,

got the Clorox wipes ready, etc. I was BEYOND prepared- both mentally and physically. I knew the drill backward and forward. I knew that I would have to adapt the plan, based upon the different personality types of the children. Trying to potty train QUADRUPLETS is a whole different ballgame and NOT MANY PEOPLE HAVE DONE THIS BEFORE. I knew that some of boys were probably not "ready"...but figured we'd give it a try- just to see...

Here's the breakdown.


Girl child, you are amazing. Simply amazing. I know she's been telling me for months that she was ready to go pee pee on the big girl potty, but I had no idea just how serious she was....well......SHE WAS MORE THAN READY! Folks, I am NOT kidding when I say that all I had to do was put a pink potty down on the floor and she did the rest!

Oh gosh...if all of my children could be girls this easy (cough, cough) I would have it made in the shade. She is cracking me up, because she literally goes pee like every 5 seconds and she is SO proud of herself.

She has never had an accident and uses the big potty perfectly. I have just been in awe of her. (BTW- Savannah's personality is EXACTLY like her Mama's, if that tells you anything...)

I realized that the every-30-minute routine was not working well with the boys. So, I changed up the game plan. I'm not going to rush it. They see Sav going like a billion times a day, and when they are good and ready- they can give it a try. Naked-play in the backyard with potty chairs has been what works the best- as of right now.

They have all gone pee in the potty on their own (without me suggesting)...they just are not consistent- by any means. I think they are still wrapping their little brains around it all.

I just finally realized, you know, that you can lead a horse to water...but you can't make him drink. And that is SO TRUE with potty training. My BFF, Gen, has been a God-send in this area (ANY area for that matter)...as she has paved the way for all of us other quad moms with every new transition (the McNulty Quads are about to turn 4! woot woot!) And I need to just relax, and know that my boys will NOT be in diapers at age 18. ;)

We will pick up potty training with the boys in a couple of weeks (its how I'll be spending my 30th birthday---fun right? But I figured that no more diapers would be the best birthday present EVERRRRR! Heh). Some of my good buddies have suggested the 3-Day Potty Training Technique and we are excited to try it. It is pretty much just stopping diapers COLD TURKEY! (which is how we've handled every transition up to this point) I'll let you know how that goes! ;)

I was SO proud of my little potty-queen, that we made a Girl's Weekend Trip to Waco- to play with Papa and Granna. We had a blast while the boys did their fair share of playing at home!

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Our trip to the Safari

I am currently taking part in the Tropicana Juicy Rewards Program. By taking one minute out of my day (literally), I enter codes from our Tropicana purchases and receive amazing discounts on Amusement Parks, Museums, Concerts and so much more!

Hop on over to my 2nd Tropicana post to see how we are redeeming our points! We recently took a trip to an Indoor Safari Playground and had an absolute blast!

Lots of cute pictures and videos----oh, and don't forget to leave a comment! You could easily win a $50 VISA gift card (courtesy of the fine peeps at BlogHer)!!!!

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dan & Dani's Wedding Shower

What a fun shower that was hosted by Mary Beth and Bobby!

The beautiful groom and bride-to-be: Dan, my brother in-law and his fiance, Dani

I seriously have the BEST brother-in-laws that anyone could ever ask for...love them SO much!

Me and my main squeeze

Joe was so proud of himself for finding coffee called "Joe" to go along with the coffee-maker and mugs that we gave them (Dan, naturally, had to poke some fun at his nerdy big brother)

The handsome dudes: Ed, Dan, Joe

The lovely ladies: Jess, Dani, Suz

The whole crew!

Dan and Dani, we cannot wait for the wedding. It is going to be a blast! We love you so much.

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Egg Huntin'- Steece Style

We had a wonderful weekend in Austin where we celebrated a belated Easter and wedding shower for Dan and Dani! Here are some pics from the Easter festivities...

The kiddies found lots of goodies from Mr. Bunny (Ethan)

Sav went straight for her new pink dress---then on to the Dora bubbles!

Walkin' outside to do a little egg huntin' on Saturday morning

And there they go!

Drew ditches his basket...

...and naturally, Sav picked it up to double her numbers

Ethan, son, you're about to get that hand taken off! (What actually happened was: E was going for a PINK egg in the bushes...Sav saw it and flipped out- screaming that it was HER PINK EGG!...E told Sav it was okay and handed her one of HIS eggs to distract her...while she was busy opening the yellow egg, E snatched the pink egg and ran off...smart kid, heh)

Lots of pics of Savannah because she is the ONLY one who will actually stop and smile for Mama!

Sav and Mr. Bunny

Later that morning, we headed over to the Hills Country Club in our bright, Easter-egg-colored outfits from Grammy!

Suz and Sav---she might be the spittin' image of her Daddy, but she definitely has my face shape (even the same cheek dimple under our left eye)...the sweet little goob!

Uncle Dan and Little E

Benny boy

Grammy and Drew

My three little men...love them!

Thank you for everything Grammy and Grampy!!! We LOVE you! I'll post the wedding shower pics next.

And guys---if you want a chance to win $50, go HERE and leave a comment. Easy as that! There are only 69 comments as of now, so you're chances of winning are GREAT! Only 2 days left. Good luck to you, my awesome blogger peeps! ;)

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