Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fun Times in Tucson (Video Montage)

This one's for you: Gen, Conor, Chris, and Mari...

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  1. Anonymous7:18 AM

    So glad your little family got to meet up with the Goerlichs and the McNultys in AZ. Looks like all the quaddies and parents had a great time.

  2. love the video... looks like yall had so much fun... i can see there is never a dull moment with Joe... too much fun!
    question? can all the kids tell each other apart?? obviously the sibling sets can but can your kids tell who the G and Mc kids are by name?

  3. shelly~ yep! the kids can tell each other apart. the steeces talk with the mcnultys on a weekly/monthly basis via computer---so, they have known each other for a while! and of course we have gotten together with the G's several times.

    pretty cool!

    (as far as anyone else being able to tell the identicals apart, i'm not sure...i don't think so. only his siblings can tell)

  4. I didn't want it to end and then you had to go and end it with that line.... tears. God I LOVE YOU.

    My favorite part... Joe with the noodle... oh my god.. hysterical!! So many great moments.. too many to count.


  5. Tegan Marie6:54 PM

    Sure hope none of those kids were injured in the pool. I got scared watching some of those really close calls with the men and kids!

  6. Oh my goodness...this was such a fun video! You all are super amazing and totally deserved this trip!!

  7. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Lovelove love the Vid guys .. follow all your blogs and apart from your twins Suz I can tell the kids apart! My absolute fav shots are Sav running to Molly and Molly giving her a hug .. I had the picture in my head when I starting reading about the trip and just knew that is one photo I would see ... weird how I feel I know them. Love to you all - Marie in New Zealand
