Thursday, October 28, 2010

Trick or Treat with Grammy and Grampy

Last weekend, Grammy and Grampy came to play with us! They brought lots of Halloween goodies.

(Ethan, Sav, Grammy, Ben, Grampy, Drew)



Grammy and Ethan



of course Ben and Savannah go straight for the suckers…one for each hand.



Drew loves his Halloween light stick



Love this pic of Grampy and Drew



Sweet Lil Savi with her broomstick- girl is in heaven (probably feels right at home with that broomstick! I kid, I kid…..)



Love her. Sav is such an incredible, wise-beyond-years, little girl…a pure joy to be around.



Sweet Jess and Uncle Ed came over to play as well! (but I’m betting they wish they hadn’t---after we all passed around a nasty stomach bug! SOOOOO SORRY!!!!)



Benny and his Grampy…little guy loves his grandfathers.  Such an old soul.



Table for 10 at BJ’s



Grammy lovin’ on Savi



Identical smiles! (sorry for the gums sweet Drew---but Mama just loves seeing your gigantic grin from ear to ear!)



After lunch on Saturday, we braved the “birthday party crowds” at our neighborhood Chuck-E-Cheese for the first time ever. I must say, I was hesitant- but the kids ended up having a blast! Thanks to Grampy and Grampy for always showing us a good time. Look for that post tomorrow.


You guys may be wondering, “Wow- Suz is actually blogging on a regular basis again!”  That would be because I’ve had LOTS of time on my hands. We have all passed around an awful stomach bug. Any of you had it? Its horrible, right?! Here’s how we have been weathering the storm mini-hurricane:

last Wednesday: Ben starts puking off an on all night

Thursday-Friday: everyone was fine- I actually thought we might all stay healthy!

Saturday night: I puked all night and did not leave my bed for 24 hours

Sunday: Suz sick in bed all day

Monday: Sav wakes up with a fever, lethargic. Ethan starts puking that afternoon

Tuesday: Andrew starts puking

Wednesday: Joe starts puking; take Sav to the doctor because her fever is not coming down- she has a urinary tract infection (her second within a month…thinking about kidney problems again.)

This morning: Sav starts puking; Joe is unable to get out of bed.


AWESOME!!! I have missed work all week, the kids have missed school. Joe is missing work. Poor Ed and Jess have gotten the bug, which we feel horrible about! Thank God that my dad, and Grammy & Grampy haven’t gotten sick. 


Speaking of being sick, make sure you check out this week’s topic at LG’s text education. Did you know that 43% of teens admit to participating in some form of “sexting”? FORTY-THREE PERCENT!!!!!!! Now that makes me ill. Don’t know what “sexting” is? You should. Check out the convo: “WEEK 5: Teens and Sexting, Parents and Sexting”.

(Each comment left on the posts that are listed will benefit the with a $0.50 donation up to $5,000!)



Hopefully we are all on the mend and will be able to party it up on Halloween! LOVE the kids’ costumes- will post a teaser pick soon.

suz signature



*I have been selected as a BlogHer compensated LG TextEd Ambassador


  1. oh man I hope you all feel better soon. I love the picture of Sav and her broomstick, such a gorgeous smile.

    Feel better Steeces

  2. I can't seem to log in on the site regarding texting but I wanted to comment.

    I had the internet disabled on my kids' cell phones. It costs nothing and can be done in minutes at the cell phone store. This doesn't prevent them from having access to things on other kids' phones but they are unable to send/receive pictures or access any websites via their own phones, thus cutting down the risks and temptations a great deal.

    I guess I don't understand why more parents don't take this step. Kids do not have to have every option on their phones just because it's offered.

    I certainly hope your family is on the mend soon.

  3. Been following your blog since you were pregnant but never leave comments.

    The quads are adorable as usual! So sorry you guys all had the bug! Those are no fun and I couldn't imagine that much vomiting in one house! :(

    Hopefully it is almost over! I hope your kids have fun trick or treating!

  4. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Hope the family is feeling well soon....I just love seeing those big smiles from your kiddos..they're SO dang cute!

  5. Hey, I've commented before (I'm a Harding grad, and I have a daughter with Kidney Reflux). So sorry to hear about Sav's UTI. Those are AWFUL! I thought she had the reimplant surgery?? Did that not eliminate the reflux/UTI issues? I'll be praying for her and your family!

  6. Good times! Grammy looks like she is in heaven with those cuties of yours!

  7. Kathryn5:15 PM

    Question: is that first photo edited, or does Savi's eye typically do a strange reflective thing? Does she have an eye condition that you guys know about? Because that is raising red flags to me.

    Your family is beautiful, I don't mean to offend or scare anyone, I just didn't know if I was the only one alarmed by that look.

    All the best!

  8. We have had that awful bug here in Georiga. Out of a family of five, four of us had it. Praying it goes through the house quickly.

  9. Stomach bug going around here too! I teach in Garland and it is baaaaaad! We have passed it around the family with only half actually puking, knock on wood! Hope everyone feels better soon! Thankfully, it is usually fast. Sorry to hear about Sav's UTI. :(

  10. We've had it around our house too! Its awful!! And we dropped like flies too! One after another after another...etc. Then we passed it to my sister in law's family. So nice of us!
