Joe and I went on our cruise from Feb. 5-10th! It was amazing- lots of pics to post.
THE DAY we returned home, I came down with the flu (type A) and it hit me like a freight train. LIKE A FRIGGIN' FREIGHT TRAIN. I was in bed for 4 straight days and it is lingering now. I tell you---I have NEVER been this sick in my life. Can I get an AMEN from anyone else out there who has had it???
and yes- we all had the flu shot...both of them.
Well, Ethan now has the full blown flu- type A and Ben is battling a bacterial infection. All 4 kids have been placed on Tamiflu and Joe is getting his Rx this morning! JUST IN CASE...
AND- today is the day of Savannah's kidney surgery. In fact, I am writing this in the waiting room as I wait to hear word from her operating room. She was an absolute trooper! She did SOOOOO well this morning. My brave little rockstar. No screaming or crying when they took her away from me, into the OR.
I will update you when I know more. I will be spending the night with Sav here in the hospital tonight, while Joe is on "nurse duty" at home with the sickies. He is admistering breathing treatments and dispensing meds around the clock- poor guy!
Thanks SO MUCH for all of your prayers and well wishes. I love you from the bottom of my heart.
Can't wait to see pix of the cruise...I could use a lil sunshine even if its only pictures:) LOL Hope you and the kids feel better soon!
I just caught up with your blog and I absolutely love it! Congratulations on raising such a beautiful little family!
Anyway, I wanted to wish all the best to all of you. I hope Savannah's surgery goes well and that you all feel better soon!
BEst wishes,
Sending best wishes to all of you. I did wonder if Sav's surgery was soon and was praying for her.
Hope things get on the up soon Suz!
E x
I rarely comment, but BOY...have you guys been through the ringer! I hope the surgery goes well for the little missy and that all of you start feeling better soon!
We're thinking of you and praying everything goes smoothly and everyone is feeling better soon!
it seems it's never worth it to go on a vacation! something always happens when you return home!!! either extra work or sickness like you just described!
i hope yall get well soon and that your precious beautiful baby girl heals perfectly. :)
I totally feel where you are right now. I'm sitting in a hospital room with my 7 month old who is recovering from her 2nd surgery in the past two weeks.
Hope you all are feeling better very soon!
Savannah the trooper, we are wearing pink and thinking of you today!!! We hope your kidney function is repaired and you feel no more pain!
To the sick brothers at home keeping Daddy busy, we wish you all the get better vibe! Joe hold the lysol close by!
Hey Suz, remember a Mom can handle ANYTHING... We are thinking of you and your family...
Excited to see cruise pics and hear what you thought of it! Praying for Sav!!
Praying Miss Savannah's recovery is quick & painless! Praying your sweet boys get to feeling MUCH better VERY soon! Also praying for you & Joe! Hang in there! I'm so ready for spring & all the germ-bug enemies to LEAVE!! :) Psalm 60:12
So glad you had a great time on the cruise, can't wait to hear all about and see pictures!
Hope all the kids and you and Joe are feeling better. Thinking about Sav today!!
So sorry to hear that almost everyone has been battling the sickies! Isn't it always like that, everything at once?! Thinking of your little princess and hoping that today's surgery goes smoothly.
Take care, Alissa
Hang in there! Sending lots of prayers and well wishes to you guys.
AMEN! The flu knocked me on my rear too! Praying for Sav!
I had the flu the week of Christmas. I have been married nearly 52 years and that was the sickest I have been since I married.
I stayed in the bed with my head covered up most of the time. Could not eat and could not get enough to drink. I lost four pounds during the week of Christmas. Bet that does not happen often.
I ran temperature close to 102 degrees for 5 days. By the time I knew I was really sick it was Christmas eve and no doctors available. So, I just rode it out. I had the flu shot, so I thought I probably had Type B.
I understand when you say SICK!!!.
Hope things go well for your baby girl.
Betty James
Waco, Tx
I've been thinking about you all morning!Praying for a quick recory for all of you (especially sweet Sav!)
Please keep us updated!!
We've had the flu here too...A & B! Our pediatrician told us of a little girl that had the flu shot in November, Flu A in Dec, Flu B in Jan, and Flu A again in Feb!!!! sheeesshhh...this is some tough stuff. Hope y'all feel better soon, we'll be praying for Savannah to recover quickly!
Yes, I have had the A Flu!! Totally wipes you out, and is absolutely no fun!! My son has also had it and was soooo sick 104 fever, a 16 yr old, man he was a sick boy!!
Hope all goes well with Sav's surgery today, what a big girl!!
Take care, get better!
To the Steece's
Praying for all of you to get better. I expected to read about Sav's surgery, and was surprised to read ALL of you are on meds. Praying for all of you!
Prayers for health and healing. I've missed you while you were gone.
I've been praying for you, LOVE! And I will continue to...please keep us posted! ((HUGS))
Hope everyone feels better soon and Sav's surgery goes well!!
I was putting my kids to sleep and it crossed my mind that you haven't blogged in some time (love your blog!) I knew that Sav should have her surgery soon (I thought it was tomorrow), so I was wondering how things were going.
I wish her a quick recovery... Good luck with everything!!!
Long time reader, not an often commenter, but this I had too...
AMEN to the flu! I got it and strep last week and it knocked me down like a friggin freight train too!!! I too said I have NEVER been so sick in my whole life!!! Absolutely horrible! I am on day 6 and am somewhat feeling normal. My youngest had it as well, but knock on wood everyone else dodged it.
I truly feel for you and I hope you get completely back to yourself quickly! I will pray for your family and your sweet girls recovery.
Oh have been hit hard!!! I will say a prayer for you all and especially for Sav! I hope all went well with her surgery and she is doing well in her recovery.
Wow what a week you've had. SO sorry to hear that you guys are all sick. And especially around the time of Sav's surgery. I will keep her in my thoughts & prayers and hope all of you get better really soon. What a brave girl Sav is! Glad to hear she was calm when they took her to OR - that must have been so very hard :(
Saw a few of your cruise pics on FB...looked awesome!! BUMMER about coming home and getting sick.
Hope Sav's surgery went well today!! Hope you are all healthy again soon, too!!
Oh, wow! You and Joe are such excellent parents, and you both work so hard out of love. What a good example you both are. Hang in there -I'll pray for Sav and the rest of you all!
I was dx last fall (on my birthday) with Influenza A while my little guy was only 18d old. It was horrible. & yes, the phrase, "never been so sick in my life" comes out of my mouth EVERY SINGLE TIME I talk about the flu. That was the absolute worst. BLECH.
Hope all continues to go well for Sav & the rest of the kiddos. Hang in there mama!!
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