Sav got super loopy and didn't even realize that the nurse had rolled her out of the room while I quietly froze and "became one with the wall". If she "lost it"...she did not do it in front of me- yelling: "Mama!!!!! Maaamaaaaa! Why won't you get me? Why are you letting them hurt me?!!!"
Savannah loses it = Mama loses it
and that didn't happen today! Yaaaaaaay!
The hardest part was saying bye to Joe this morning- as we both teared up. It is KILLING him not to be here. :(
Thank God for my parents who drove in late last night and stayed with my bro- so they could be here for us this morning at the hospital. *(I would not let anyone step one foot inside our FLU INFESTED HOUSE)* And a special thanks to sweet Tempe and Rodney who stopped by to be with us today. You are an absolute blessing.
Here is Savi once we got to our room. OUT FOR THE COUNT! Lol
My bestie, Lizzie-poo, came to stay with me all afternoon. God love her. She has been at the hospital for every one of Sav's surgeries (and some of her icky kidney tests as well). WE LOVE YOU AUNTIE LIZ! You mean the world to me.
And here is the latest picture of Sav- will not let that balloon out of her site. Yep---this gal LOVES her balloons!
God love her.
She did not get sick- aside from one dry heaving incident after her long and windy ride up to her postop room- thank the LORD. (Sav, her Granna, and I have been genetically cursed with the severe postop nausea and vomiting gene).
Savannah woke up to watch TWO, mind you, TWO rounds of Tinkerbell- The Great Escape, per her request. Now, she is down for the count. Praying that she (and I) will get SOME sleep tonight.
On that note, I'm going to curl up here on this *oh-so-comfy* mattress and try to grab some shut eye. I know I'll eventually end up in her hospital bed with her, and that suits me just fine.
I love this girl, I do.
Savi hero.
you know I was thinking while looking at Sav today what a little hero she was! I love you all!
Aw, she's my hero too! I've been praying for her lots today. Love you so much and feel so relieved she did well. Big hugs friend!
Glad she has come through nicely. get some sleep, even if it is by sharing a hospital bed!
So glad that surgery went well! She is so brave :)
Get that baby more balloons! STAT! ;)
Bless her heart!!
Soooooooooooo glad everything went well today! We were thinking of you & Sweet Sav all day! Hugs, hugs & more hugs! lOVE you!
So glad we could be there with you, and yes, you and Savi were troopers. So fun to watch her eyes light up when we gave her that balloon!
Granna & Papa
So glad her surgery went well! We were praying for her!
SO THANKFUL she is doing good after her surgery! I know it is such a relief to you to have that behind you! I can't imagine how difficult it would be to hear your child screaming for you :(
Bless her sweet little heart - she is a trooper and very brave. Your post made my eyes well up with tears - you are a wonderful mommy! I hope she heals well and that the rest of your crew gets over the flu quickly!
You are such a great mommy!!
Thanks so much for updating us even though you have had a long day!
She looks so darn precious in all of her pics!!
Praying for a speedy recovery!
Such a trooper! So glad that Sav is doing so well and that the procedure went good.
I'm glad she did so well!
Hugs to Savannah for a quick recovery. Some Mommy and Sav cuddle time is exactly what the Dr. ordered!
Suz, you look fabulous are you sure you still have reminants of the flu? I wished I looked that good sick!
How's Dr. Dad handeling the boys back home?
So glad to hear that her surgery went well! Funny, I feel like I know you guys after reading your blog for so long, was thinking of your sweet family yesterday and hoping that Savi's surgery went well!
Best wishes,
Alissa & family
Such a sweet little girl. I'm really glad everything went well.
Hope the rest of the family is getting better.
You are two of the bravest chicks I know. So strong. Love u like crazy. This will all be over soon! Prayers still coming!
PreciouS baby girl!!
im So glad She'S ok!
Such a brave girl. Hope you and your family all recover quickly from surgery and sickness.
SO glad she did so well!! Hope she is healing well and that everyone is healthy and happy again in your house very soon!
I love you all so much. Savi, auntie Gen is SO proud of you.
I am so glad everything went well.... I hope she has a very quick and painless recovery!
Please let us know how sweet little Sav is doing.
Prayers for all...
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