Thursday, September 08, 2011

Labor Day at the Zoo

Wow. Can I just say how incredible you guys are? I mean seriously, I had no idea that my last post would get so many positive responses- HOLY COW!!! What a blessing you are in our lives…without you even knowing it. Thank you and may God continue to touch lives through your kind words. Bless you. Each and every one of you.


Taking advantage of the beeeeautiful 80 degree weather, we decided to head to the zoo! (along with the rest of the city of Dallas).

Savannah, Ethan, Andrew, and Ben

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We have never been to the zoo as a family of 6- so it was a special day.

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Our kids have zero stamina- like zero. It is ridiculous to walk into the zoo, turn a corner, and already hear complaining children. It was going to be a LOOOONG day- if Dad hadn’t scored these push carts.

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My favs!

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Little baby. awwwww

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and the kiddos staring at a crocodile---reminding them of Ben’s Halloween costume from last year. They said, “Look Benny! Its you! Its your crocodile!”… (lol. crazy kids)

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Afterward, we met some of our friends & Uncle Ed in town for some good grub and had a wonderful day! A perfect way to end our fun-filled summer…


Next up: First Day of School! Yipppppieeeee!

suz signature


  1. First time commenter (been reading for awhile) - your kiddos are adorable and I have to say, I think it's so funny how in Texas you wear pants when it's 80 degrees, up here in Boston that is still too warm to think about pants! I love reading blogs to see how much variety is there in the US! Hope you had a blast at the zoo!

  2. hey suz! i don't know if you've seen this blog, but i've been reading it for a while and when i noticed you went to the dallas zoo and posted a pic of the baby giraffe, i had to share! here is just one post, but i encourage you to read others and get to know this family and keep them in your prayers. take care!

  3. Anonymous6:03 AM

    You have such a beautiful family - the joy you all embrace life with is evident in every one of your pictures!

    I live in the Northeast and found it interesting that two of the blogs that I follow have overlapped. I've been following the story of the Sikes family and then seeing that your family had visited the Dallas Zoo, in a way brought you all together. You may already know their story but I've added the link to their blog if your interested.

    Continue to enjoy those precious kids of yours; their amazing!

  4. Just getting caught up on my blog reading and saw the post about the troll! I am so sorry!!! There are no words for how awful people are at times. It was so nice to meet you in person today (at the park) and your kids are just as precious in person!

  5. meghan11:19 PM

    Oh you got to see Jamie, the baby giraffe named after James Camden Sikes! Im jealous!

  6. Love your trip! It looks like so much fun. We don't have a Zoo close to us and I've been dying to go with our little Peanut. Instead we've gone to the aquarium.
