Monday, June 25, 2012

Fun in South Texas!

We just returned from a nice, long weekend~ visiting our families in South Texas. We left Thursday night for Austin and Grammy & Grampy’s house. Friday morning while Joe and I were packing up to travel some more, the kids were following Grammy around the neighborhood, asking her a bajillion questions. It was cute, so I grabbed my camera…like little chickens following there Mama.

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Whenever we travel, I let the kiddos each pack one backpack full of whatever they want~ toys, books, water bottles, etc. They look like such big kids walking around with their backpacks on.



We traveled 3 more hours down to Uvalde, Tx to see my grandparents (the quads’ GREAT grands!) It has been a YEAR since we have loved on them…a year is just too long.

Sav & Sugar

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GrandPapa and the boys (Andrew, Ben, and Ethan)

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My sweet Papa…such a good man. (My Daddy is just like him!)

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Sweet Sugar and her grandquads. LOVE her!

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Benny, enjoying a little cookie break.

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Drew, my little spaceman…always smiling

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LOOOOVE this picture of GrandPapa and his oldest great grandkiddos. What a legacy!

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Little E

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Sav, the absolute Diva. Yep, the ‘ole GGparents were *lucky* enough to witness several of her infamous temper tantrum meltdowns that they’ve heard so much about.

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…and then she goes and completely redeems herself (movie? anyone?) by composing one-of-a-kind artwork for her Sugar and GPapa. Pretty sure their hearts melted into mush. She sure knows how to butter you up!

 Winking smile

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Those crazy little munchkins and their Great Grandparents. It’s a framer, y’all. We are beyond blessed to have such special grandparents in our lives.

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LOVE you, Sugar and Pop!

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That evening we headed further South (by the Mexican border) to a special, little town called Brackettville, TX~ where my Mom’s fam lives. We played at Auntie JuJu and Uncle Stoney’s house.

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Mouth FULL of candy with smiley face glasses on…what a MESS!

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A nerd and my Benny boo! LOL.

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This cracked us up to no end…so, we had all of the kids sleeping stuff in the back room. We noticed that, at some point, Sav had managed to sneak back there, set up her space as big as she could make it, right smack dab in the middle of the floor, and crumpled up her bros’ bedding over to the side. If she isn’t the queen of entitlement, then I don’t know who is. WOW…… (enough stuffed animals there, Sav? Jeez)

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The next morning we played on the brand new, NICE playground up at the school…getting good and sweaty before heading to the pool. (Joe, Drew, Ethan, Uncle Stoney, and Ben)

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I LOVE before and after pics…this was exactly one year ago… The Fort Clark Springs pool (that used to be where the military base stored ammunition~ ITS HUGE!).

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SO many memories from this pool. It is spring fed and FREEEZING~ but I spent all of my childhood summers here, swimming my little heart out.

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Oh, by the way…the kids finished their swim lessons and we officially have FOUR SWIMMERS!!!! Praise the Lord. I have been so worried about that.


Stay tuned for my next post when we finished off our weekend in Austin for a swim day with Grammy and Grampy!

So. Much. Fun.

Happy Summer, y’all!


suz signature


  1. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Savannah's legs grew so much in the past year -- wow!

  2. Anonymous9:27 PM

    movie quote was from Dumb and Dumber.

  3. Dumb and Dumber. :)

    Love the year later pics!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Love your top! Where do you find such cute ones?

  6. You must still be following the metabolism book, because you are glowing and radiant! :-)

  7. I love your pictures of your kiddos with the Great-Grands.

    Our town's pool was a transformed rock quarry. Not spring fed (how cool is that?!) but in August when all the other pools were like getting into lukewarm bathwater - ours was still cold. I remember those days...

  8. What a fun weekend! ...and I LOVE Dumb and Dumber! :o)

  9. I just love your posts! You are such a sweet, happy person!

  10. Your pictures of your grandparents make me miss mine! Enjoy them while you have them~ they are such a blessing! (I always felt younger when my grandparents were alive. That's another benefit. lol)

  11. WOAH, your kids grew A LOT in 1 year!!!

  12. Hi Suz, I'm a gramma from Michigan that has been following your blog for years! Love reading the updates of your amazing children!! I noticed the train set with the case that creates the track. My boys had one,(they"re now 24,26,and 29) Was your set bought new or was that saved from your brother too? What company made it, can't quite see. I've lookes on ebay for mattel and fisher-price but have had no luck. Would like one for my 1 year grandson! You can contact me at My name is Robin Thank you! Will be looking to hear from you!

  13. I'm a gramma from Michigan and have been following your blog for years!! Such a wonderful family you have!! I noticed the train set with the case that opens as the track. My boys had one of those 20 years ago! Do they still sell it? Or is this your brother's "vintage" set? What company makes it? I've checked ebay for mattel and fisher-price but no luck!! Robin you can contact me at Thank you so much!!
