Saturday, February 23, 2013

Patriotic Presidents Program

Last Thursday, the kiddos had a Patriotic Presidents Program at school---in honor of President’s Day.

Andrew~ enthusiastically marching into the sea of family and friends…

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Yah…umm… this would be Ben, right as my camera was going off- stopping to give me a hug in the aisle. Heh. Sweet boy.

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The little red, white and blue diva~ proudly displaying her name on her hat

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Ethan~ super stoked to have a flag to wave around the entire performance…

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Trying to locate the Steece quads, is like playing a live game of Where’s Waldo sometimes…well, MOST times!

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A picture (albeit, blurry) of all 4 in one shot!

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Ethan and Savannah

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Drew and Ben… I can’t tell if they are singing or goofing around. It’s a toss up, folks…

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Drew was so happy to see his Mom and Auntie Liz in the crowd!

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Walking out~ Ethan leading the way…

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Followed by my Lil Princess…

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…and Benny…poor lil dude. He cannot get rid of these “coughs” as he calls them.

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And Drewster… the crazy ‘ole Rooster…

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These little mini-programs always crack me up. Sometimes I find myself literally laughing out loud at the absurdity/cuteness of it all: Billions of parents, aggressively “saving seats”, lined up 30 minutes in advance, for a 15 minute program…wildly snapping photos as if it were a red carpet event.


But I’m right there with ‘em and wouldn’t have it any other way.


suz signature



Don’t forget to check out my Mucinex review, for your chance to win a $100 CVS gift card!


  1. saving seats of course! One time i found some parents putting posters with their name made by themselves on the chairs. And people believed it!

  2. awesome :) i love it!!!

  3. That’s their SCHOOL!?! With the stage, video screens, and huge spotlights. How can they afford that? Wow, all that would be nice. All my school has is dusty risers pulled out of storage and set up on the gym floor :(
