Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Kids Celebrating Dad’s B-Day

I LOVE this age, where the kids get a kick out of planning various celebrations. Last Thursday after school, the kids and I wanted to surprise Joe for his birthday.


We decorated the house…

01 march 2013 001



…bought him a new cruiser bike to ride around with us

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…bought him some gourmet cupcakes and decorated his with a “34”…

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…then hid behind the couch, waiting for Dad to come home, so we could surprise him with our party noise makers…

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Oh, the calamity! Dad was immediately attacked by four little kids giving their biggest bear hugs.

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So proud of their handiwork.

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Happy 34, Babe! (Sav, Ben, Joe, Ethan, Drew)

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Opening up some presents… custom made washer  boards! Gig ‘Em!

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…singing “Happy Birthday” to the old man…

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…and blowing out the candles!

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We love you, Dad! Happy Birthday! We had a blast partying with you.


We celebrated a little early with the kids, because Papa and Granna gave us an amazing anniversary gift---a weekend without kids! AWESOME.


Stay tuned to see how Mom and Dad played while the kids were away!


suz signature

Don’t forget to comment on my previous Mucinex Post for a chance to win a $100 CVS gift card!


  1. I'm pretty sure your family couldn't be any cuter! It's hard to tell who is happier in the pics, Joe or the kids!

  2. Love it! The one of all four kids hugging Joe is my favorite. Happy birthday!!

  3. I love your family. I've been reading your blog for awhile now and the enthusiasm and passion you and your husband and littles seem to have about life is infectious! Scrolled through with a giant smile on my face and got tears in my eyes at the bear hug birthday surprise. So sweet. Thanks for sharing the happy moment of your awesome life with us! :)

  4. osteff2:29 PM

    Where did you happen to find the custom washer boards? Perfect "house warming gift" for some of our Aggie friends.
