Friday, April 10, 2015

School Fun Run!

These cute kiddos took donations for their school's fun run to raise money for a running track! It was a fun night. 
(Kinley, Sav, Andrew, Maddie, Ben, and Ethan)

Ben ran/walked one lap and was done for the evening...

Andrew might have gotten 2 laps under his belt before playing on the swings...

Ethan is extremely competitive and was running his heart out. His face looked like he was going to collapse at any moment, but he kept running and running and running....not to be out-run by his sister.

Oh, but she out-ran him indeed. I lost track of counting after lap 8. Sav is one determined and dedicated little beast. SO competitive. Never flinched. 

I sure was proud of them! Thanks SOOOOOO much to all who donated!!! We appreciate you.

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