Sunday, April 05, 2015

Easter Sunday Fun Day 2015

I wish I could just freeze the kids in this stage right now. They are so sweet and cute and excited about life. Look at these expressions before the big hunt in our backyard...
(E, B, S, A)

On your mark....get set....

I caught Ben in the middle of an epic maniacal laugh! This picture makes me giggle.

Ahhh...the search for the coveted golden egg with the $5. Sav won it again this year! The bros weren't too happy about it.

They clean up pretty well for church! My cuties: Sav, Ben, Ethan, Andrew

The hubs and me xoxo

This is what happens when it is raining/icky outside...

Savannah is serious about her egg huntin'


The annual Easter Family Picture

Savi and her Prince Charming...he can do no wrong in her eyes.

 One last cousin pic in their cute clothes. I love Easter Sunday!
(Sav, Carter, Ethan, Ben, Andrew, Sawyer)
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