Guys, this is TOO funny! Check this video out. Everytime Shiloh hears the song "Scar Tissue" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, she will begin to howl! It is hilarious. I've never seen anything like it. Joe and I will be driving out of town with the ipod on shuffle, Shiloh will have been asleep for hours, then all of a sudden, this song will come on (we won't realize it, until Shiloh begins howling LOUDLY!). It has almost made me wreck the car! and it is ONLY this song! no other song! ...TOO CUTE!
Shiloh singing "Scar Tissue" Part 1Shiloh singing "Scar Tissue" Part 2
TOO CUTE! I love it! Tell Shiloh that she may have a singing career in the future! This video gave me a laugh that I needed! :)
Way to funny! I can't tell if Shiloh loves that song or is begging you to turn it off! Super Cute!
That is hillarious! Elvis cries to "Cry me a River" but I understand why-Justin Timberlake sings really high. Looks like Shiloh just likes the Red Hot Chili peppers!
I can't believe that!! How crazy that she'll only sing to one song! I think that must be part of God's sense of humor.
that is hillarious!!!! i could not stop laughing!
my favorite part is when she tilts her head back and her ears fall back and she just lets loose! crazy girl dog. (and when she snorts at the end of one of the video clips) ;)
Shiloh is VERY talented!
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