I just got home from work and realized that I really haven't blogged very much lately with the holidays and such. Life is crazy for me right now. We are getting closer to closing on our house and getting everything ready for that.
It seems like within the past couple of months, God is trying His hardest to teach Joe and I lessons in life...we are just having a hard time trying to figure out what those lessons are. So, I promise to post more when my life slows down a little bit and when my sight becomes more clear. Until then, type on my friends! I enjoy reading all of your posts!
YEAH! More posts...love your posts! Keep them coming! I can wait to see pictures of your house once you have made it "yours"!
That picture makes me smile! Please don't be a stranger in blogworld! Do you where your wedding ring around your neck? That is a pretty necklace! I'll be praying for a smooth move into your new house!
aware, lar- thank you for your kind words...they are therapeutic and healing.
lar- i wear my wedding rings around my neck for work...you never know what nasty things you could pick up in the hospital..especially surgery (btw- they are also causing my ring finger to break out in a rash! but that's another post!)
Ahh, that makes sense! It's pretty that way! I just reread my comment and realized I misspelled where...should've put wear! I write so fast that I do that too much!
As long as your back to blogging we'll take any post you got! I've missed you and can't wait to see what God has in store for ya this year!
Girl you so funny!!! The blogging world forgives you but seriously you need to keep us updated about what is going on.
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