Oh and several of you have asked about the no stretch marks...that's a big thanks to my mom (super hereditary). However, I just think that there is NO WAY I can go this whole time without any...I'm not counting on it, but we'll see...I'm going to be ENORMOUS!! I can't imagine the stretching that will be involved!
I've already got a little "linea nigra" going on from my belly button down to my pubis! It is so weird how that happens...
Oh, and bring on the back acne! I've always had reasonably clear skin...but WOW! Someone has taken a machine gun to my posterior and it's a little crazy back there!...somewhat disconcerting, but the doc said that no permanent damage will be done...it should clear up after pregnancy. (not that I'm super obsessing about it...just annoying)
Yay for belly pictures!! You are so very cute and sound like you're doing great :) That is no fun about the bacne, if you will. Rubbing alcohol really helps to clear that up, and it will make your back feel really clean. Just a thought! Still praying for all of you!
I did not have either... shhhh..you know why... I sure did not look as good as you carrying my babies and you make carrying 4 look amazing...As for as the acne issue, lets just say that somethings that one developes during pregnancies, stay with you afterwards. Talk about a chemistry change... I know mine did...I will tell you that Seabreeze-or any skin cleanser that contains just a touch of alochol, would problably work too. Looking good and love your update!!! MISS YAH CUZ!!!
JoLee and Family
Love the belly! Are you on total bedrest now or can you still go out??
P.S. One thing to be thankful for (besides the four little ones in your belly!) is the fact that you don't have any acne on your face! Also, when I was a teen I used a neutrogena body wash that was supposed to clear up any back breakouts. That might help!
I'm amazed at how great you look! You're belly is so cute! Glad to know I'm not the only one with the bacne. I've never really had a problem with it until now either. Mine is worst when I wear a sportsbra for an extended period of time, so maybe avoid them or get a mesh backed bra. Keep looking great!
Amanda Thornton
As always, you look beautiful! Who cares about the acne...you don't have an ounce of extra fat anywhere on your body! That is so nice for you, and with that strict "diet" they have you on. Are your babies all moving yet where you can feel them?
Stumbled upon your site from another multiples blog, just wanted to say your pregnant belly is so cute and you're lucky not to have stretch marks!!! I hope it stays that way! :) good luck w/the quads, I had NOOOO idea anyone could have HOM's on Clomid!! I hope you don't mind my reading your updates. I've been living in San Antonio & going there for IF treatments, so Texas is dear to me!
You look awesome! I don't know if this will make you feel any better, but I didn't get 1 stretch mark with both my girls..it's all in the genetics. I have a friend who calls them her love scars. How true is that?
Praying for you...
Oh the bacne...I think I told you but I am now on Accutane due to the wonders of sudden teenageness on my back & face during pregnancy. And stretchmarks, mine didn't show up until the last month. They are not that bad though 6 months later. I am pleasantly surprised. Lube up with baby oil as soon as you get out of the shower/tub. Keep up that rockin body with those babies. You look great!
lookin' good, kid! i STILL have my linea negra! ahhhh!!
I can't wait to see your belly (and you) in person this weekend! My linea negra took forever to go away, but it finally did. Be careful driving!
I second the thought, Yeah for belly pics! Acne, stretch marks, and that belly button. What are you going to do? My back broke out something fierce! I hated it too- because my back was always so smooth- total bummer I feel you- It went away after precious baby H came. Then she had a little baby acne from my hormones for me to stress over. It didn't last long though. I don't think my belly button will ever be the same it still looks funny- it stretched out so far. I bet yours will pop right back into place- Thanks to your great elastin! I think I see some surgical alteration and maybe some lipo disolve in the future for me after we are done having babies. : ) Is that vain? I want my cute belly button back! Oh well-it's a small price to pay for a beauiful baby- or babies. Sorry for the novel- just want you to know I empathize. Love Mo
Be thankful your acne is on your back - my spots keeping popping up on my face! And my belly button is doing the same thing as yours, the top part is out and the bottom is still in.
What is Shiloh thinking these days? Does she know that something's up? I think Lucy senses something, but Desi is as happy-go-lucky and clueless as ever!!!
I have to agree with Dallas - who cares about the acne - you're a gorgeous girl and your belly is just a bit distracting from your back! :) I LOVE "outies" and hated that I never had one with either pregnancy (I think my waist was way too long and my kids both had plenty of room to spread out!)...can't wait to see the pics when your belly button decides to officially poke out! :)
You look hot, mama! Love that your not afraid to keep show'n us that beautiful belly all along your pregnancy!!! There is nothing prettier!
I HATED that my belly button popped out pretty early in pregnancy. I wore a bandaid over it every day because it was so big I joked that it was gonna pop people in the eye.
I was really annoyed when I started to get acne on my shoulders during pregnancy and my OBGYN told me that I just needed to wash better. Did he think I didn't bathe? I showerd 2 times a day because I was pregnant during the heat of the summer. Grr...he just made me feel yucky so don't let it make you feel that way-its normal and mine went right away after birth.
you look great! what a fabulous belly!
Hey, Suzanne! We don't really know each other, but we went to HU around the same time. I don't have quads, but I did have 3 kids in less than 2 years (a little boy and twin girls), so I can sort of relate to your situation. Let me just say that I absolutely LOVE your honesty and your bubbly personality!! Keep it up, girl! What a fun mom you will be! I've been keeping up with you and the quads for a couple of months now and I am so glad that everything is going so well for you. May the Lord continue to bless you guys and those 4 sweet blessings!
Hi there, I found your site a while ago after looking at other sites and click click click and here I am, i have to confess to being a serial lurker and reader and even have your site added as a Favourite. As a lurker I am not sure if it the OMG 4 babies that brings me back, the gorgeous pics and stories you share or the sheer amazement at what you are going through. I can say Suz and Joe that all they way from New Zealand I sit and read and plan to share your journey! Good luck rest well, I am so looking forward to it all. Marie the serial lurker!
You look better with 4 babies in your belly than I will look with only 1!!!
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