Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Nursery Bedding

**Addendum to this blog at the end...to answer your questions**

I thought I would post what my nursery bedding looks like. (and might I add, that it was so difficult trying to find unisex bedding that we liked!) We weren't big on "themes" for nurseries, but we found this bedding at Walmart (hooray for cheap prices..especially when you are buying four!!) and fell in love with it. These are the exact colors we had imagined for the nurseries...(yes, nurseries PLURAL...two bedrooms upstairs will be nursery rooms; and the living room upstairs--which for a very short time houses our pool table that we will be trying to sell immediately--will become like a gigantic play room for the babies). We love browns and blues together...nothing too loud and bright.

In other awesomely incredible news ;) ......I AM A FULL 21 WEEKS TODAY! My four little ones are as long as large bananas (about 7 inches and 11 ounces)! Yep, I'm starting my 22nd week of pregnancy...just THAT much closer to 24 wks, then 28 wks, then 30 wks, then every day after 30 wks will be a celebration! But we are still rooting for 34 wks max! Mom just arrived today for the long haul! She will be taking care of me all summer and more importantly, fattening me up!

The shower/party was great! I will try to post pics soon...just difficult b/c everything is on our main computer upstairs and I'm on a laptop downstairs. Oh, and we had a bad storm last Thursday that zapped our electricity for hours. Well, we think our computer is forever jacked up. My bro (master computer genius) thinks he MIGHT be able to somehow get our hard drive off of it..but it doesn't look good. It won't even turn on! and yes, we had a surge protector and everything. SO, I'm freakin' out about all the pictures I have stored on the computer. I made back up copies at the first of the year before we moved, but all of my pregnancy pics and every pic from January are on that computer! Not to mention all of our iTunes songs...sheesh! Wish us luck that we can get all of that stuff off of there! And go make copies of all of your important stuff on your computer RIGHT NOW!!! ;)

Answers to your questions

Sleeping arrangements: (which will all be subject to change based upon what works for our babies) They will all four start off in the same crib until they get crowded or don't want to sleep together, then we'll go 2 and 2 (the identicals together and the fraternals together) in two separate cribs, then eventually they will all be in their own crib. We are guessing that we will keep the identicals together and the fraternals together...but I don't know for how long. Poor Savannah having to share a room with Ben. Joe and I still don't see eye to eye on when Sav gets her own room and the three boys share a big room. (Thank god its three boys to share a room...they won't care) So, we will start off setting up each nursery room with two cribs and one changing table. (If one baby gets overstimulated and is crying and keeping the others up, we can always take him out and put him in the other "baby-less" nursery in his own crib)

Fetal movements: I felt a 100% real, unmistakable kick for the first time on Sunday afternoon (it was either Ben or Savannah)..it was so funny. I was laying by myself while Joe and our company went to the grocery store and all of a sudden "THUMP"...clear as day in my lower left belly. I just smiled to myself. But other than that, I will occasionally have weird feelings in my stomach. It feels so strange/abnormal, I can't describe it well. I just can't wait until I feel regular movements. Bring on the kicking, punching, etc...but I also know that I might not feel as much due to the LACK OF SPACE in my uterus. poor babies.


ferniBlog said...

You don't know me, but I love reading your blog! It helps that ya'll are Aggies! :) Anyway, I don't know if you know, but a lot of surge protectors come with liability warranties, so you might want to call the company. It's worth a shot...it won't get back your pictures, but might help cover the cost of trying to recover the hard drive! :) Good luck!

laura said...

Adorable nursery pic, and yeah for low prices at Wal-Mart! We are praying for you!

Jessica said...

Hi! I posted earlier wishing you good luck and BIG prayers on your cerclage surgery!
I wanted to offer you a small suggestion when buying bedding! Bedding is a HUGE scam by the baby bedding companies!! :) With that being said, you'll probably NEVER use the quilt/comforter that comes in the set. And THAT is what usually makes the set SO expensive! However, you can usually buy the SUPER cute items like the bumper pads, sheets, lampshade, and all the other things that make the nursery a 'nursery'!! Just wanted to let you know, especially since I have 3 brand new quilts from my triplets still in the package sitting in their closet, and then I DID IT AGAIN!! With my twins!! You would think I would have learned... I totally didn't. :) Hope you don't think I'm being pushy, just wanted to offer my penny saving advice... I've got tons more where this came from too :)
And btw, I'm SOOO glad all is well!! I've been keeping all 6 of you on the TOP of my mind!! And sorry about your pc, hope things work out there too!!

sillydoggies said...

The bedding is so sweet!!

Corrie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Casey's trio said...

Hi Suzanne,

Thanks for the update! So glad another week has come and gone for you, getting you that much closer to 30 weeks:) I will chime in with Jessica's bedding comment, that we never used the quilt that came with our bedding set...it is still in the package in all it's cuteness! I have seen the quilts hung on the wall as decoration though and look great. Great idea to have 2 rooms set up as a nursery and another as a playroom. If I have learned anything from having mulitples it is that I have to always be flexible....we have reconfigured sleeping arrangements and the house set up so many times, just because their needs change as did ours! In the end, however you and the babies can get as much sleep as possible is the magic answer.
I hope you have some luck with the computer and getting all of your pictures back.
So glad to hear that your mom is there to spoil you:)


Tesney said...

Hi Suzanne...you don't know me...I think I may have posted a comment once before but I can't remember for sure. Anyway, I read your blog all the time...we have some mutual friends. I just wanted to say that I completely agree with Jessica...don't waste money on the quilt that goes with your bedding. Unless you want to hang it on the wall or something, which is what I ended up doing with mine because it's never been used!

You are in my prayers...yea for 21 weeks!

Teale said...

That is adorable. We got our crib bedding at Wal-Mart also (multi-dot). I'm so glad Wal-Mart is stepping up their game these days. I've been keeping up with your blog... best wishes for a smooth pregnancy and healthy babies!

Amanda's News said...

Love the bedding you picked out! I can't wait to see pictures of the nurseries:) I'm so glad your mama is there to take care of you! To answer you question on my blog, doing good and still pregnant. Going to the doctor this afternoon so I will update my blog later about progress. Keeping you guys in our prayers!

Kelly said...

We hung up the quilt in Jenna's room (we got the clips at BRU). The quilt can be used once it is a toddler bed (if you got a crib that converts to one.) Happy eating!

Corrie said...

Hey, Suz! The bedding is cute! I love the fishies! Since you are going to have two nurseries, how are you going to decide which two go in a room together? I love the idea of a giant playroom! SO excited that you've reached 21 weeks! Woo-hoo! You keep taking it easy!
(P.S. The first time I left this comment I said 20 weeks...Shame on me! 21 is WAY cooler than 20! My bad!)

Welcome to the Shit Show! said...

LOVE that bedding...love even more that it's at Wal-Mart. Isn't Wal-Mart wonderful? I also love that you're having 2 nurseries...that's awesome! Congrats on 21 weeks! Keep taking care of yourself!

TEXOSE said...

Love the bedding, diddos on the quilt, sorry about your pc and digital memories. I hope your bro can work magic, and your mom is fatten you up with love and food.
I don't know if you remember the trips that were born when my baby girl was born but they had some good ideas for changing tables and strollers. On a side note: I remember them saying that they let their babies take over the down stairs of the house for the first couple of years. Here is their website--if you look at the first pics... this is were some of the ideas are...

JAMIE'S CREW said...

Hi Suzanne,
Glad to read your newest post! I agree with the other ladies about the quilts for the bedding. We hung 1 of 2 quilts as a wall hanging which was really cute until my boy twin began to tug at it once he could stand up! And then when the twins were old enough for toddler beds - they were too old for the baby bedding we had selected. It was John Lennon's "Imagine" which was a very popular theme when my kids were born and worked for unisex.

Keep up the posts! I know that I am always looking forward to the next installment. YEA!! for your Mom coming to stay and keep your tummy full of good foods.

Take care!

Melissa Halford said...

LOVE all the great WMT comments! (For those of you that don't know me, my husband is a toy buyer for WMT!) He will be so glad that you got your bedding there. BTW...I love the bedding and yes, it was SO hard for us to find neutral bedding as well. Poor Elliot never gets to see pink in her room!
Congrats on 21 weeks. Hang in there and let your momma baby you silly!

Claremont First Ward said...

Cute bedding. How will you decide which babies to put in each room? Just curious about who gets paired with your girl. Will you co-bed or have four seperate cribs? My twins were co-bedded until they started moving and then they hated to be in the same crib, much less the same room. They are funny. Best friends while awake, not so much when it comes to sleep time. Huge congratulations for making beginning your 22nd week.

Jackie said...

Suzanne, you can rest easy now that your mom is there. I know she will take good care of you. Here is a name of a book that you might like to read to pass the time away. I told you mom about it, but did not get a chance to tell her who the author was. It is called" Prayer" by Philip Yancey.
Keep up the good work taking care of those babies. Tell your mom I said HI.

Anonymous said...

That bedding is very very cute!! Yay for being 21 weeks!! Still praying for the 6 of you :) So glad your mom is there to help you out and fatten you up!!

Nicki W. said...

love the bedding! that will be precious and yay for low prices!!

The Manning Family said...

VERY cute bedding!!! Y'all have great taste. And, I must say that I, too, am a HUGE WalMart fan. Our girls and I go there at least twice a week; I've told my four year old that it's our second home! :)

So glad to hear that you and the babes are doing well. You are in our thoughts and prayers daily as I do my blog check in!

Sorry to hear about your computer. My hubby is about ready to throw ours out the window--his exact words to me yesterday! :) I am in the process of putting all the pictures of the girls on discs so I'll have them. I have also put several on WalMart's site and Snapfish/Shutterfly. Hopefully those will always be there unless those computer storage systems have a major meltdown!

Take care!

Brooke :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting to 21 weeks. I remember those milestone markers very well. I love the bedding very cute. It is hard to pick neutrals but I really like than. Our little princess now has her own room and just last week we painted it a light pink. The idea of two rooms is great. If I would have been able to do that we would have but since we already had the twins when the quads came along that was not an option. We did have a huge playroom that worked very well for all of us. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers.

Deanna Turner

Anonymous said...

I am sure that you have researched this already, but thought I would share! This looks like a neat quad stroller - a little different than those long train ones...

Charla (SHar-la) said...

I LOVE the bedding...you're right it's perfect for unisex! Would you email me your mailing address?


lauren said...

Hey Suzanne! This is Lauren's sis in law. (Josh's sis)

I know that Lauren was telling you about my experience with the cerclage- I did have twins, but my cerclage was a "rescue cerclage". I was compeletly effaced and was dialated to 1. You are so blessed that they were able to get those stiches in early. The success rate that I was told was 95% success rate on a cerclage....and that was 10 years ago. Hang in there- I am praying for you.

lauren said...

I LOVE that bedding!! It's adorable, and will especially look cute with 2 in the room! I'm so glad that you got a little spoiling this weekend and that your mom's there to fatten you up! I love you!

Dallas said...

Cute bedding and congrats on 21 weeks! I went for my ultrasound today and I was telling the sono tech all about you. I'm sure she was ready for me to be quiet :). I am so glad you are doing well and I am praying for you all!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that some folks in Illinois are praying for the safe arrival of your precious little ones. Read about your blog on the Murray's blog. Our God is an AWESOME God and he does answer prayers. God Bless!

Page said...

Suzanne...I love the nursery bedding. It looks really classy and tasteful and will look EVEN BETTER with four little ones in there...soo, hooray for 21 weeks! I'm so glad your surgery is over with and that you've begun to feel kicks! We're all here for ya and prayin' for ya!

Dr. Grumbles said...

Congrats on feeling kicks!

Audrey T said...

I LOVE the bedding! I'm sure your team of wiggle worms will kick it in to high gear soon. It's so fun to feel those tiny movements, and even better when you can share it with Joe rather than keeping the wiggle worm love all to yourself.

Kimberly said...

Sooo cute!! I know it will be even cuter with those 4 babies in it!! Glad to hear your surgery went great adn that you are already getting spoiled by mom! Where are you registered?

SG said...

I love the bedding! Pink and brown are cute too, so maybe when she is a bit older you could splash come pink fish on her side of the nursery and feel better about her sharing. I sorta wish we had nurseries like they did in the old London days.(Think Peter Pan) Big rooms with little rows of beds, shelves of toys, and a big rocking chair. How fun would that be? Sharing a big room with all your siblings! For a time it would be sort of like camp or a sleep over every night.(No wonder Wendy didn't want to leave the nursery!) I would have loved to put at least two of mine together in a room but the ages of mine were to spread out and they came girl, boy, girl. Chalk that up as a pro of quads!
Hope you continue to do great all the way to 34 weeks!

Nate, Maurine, Hannah, and Monroe said...

The bedding is SOOO cute! Was it not the most AWESOME thing to feel that little kick? I loved it! Wait til they are all in there having a party. I can only imagine! Love you. -- Mo

Anonymous said...

hey suz...hope you're having a beautiful day. That's so sweet of your momma to come and help you out. And I'm glad you're home again. So what have you been doing all day long, while lying on your little bum? Blessings love. cheers and love, marykay

Anonymous said...

I vote for eventually putting all the boys together. I can't imagine how much fun those three boys will have together!

Savannah will feel special being the only girl and it probably would be hurtful to Ben to not be considered as much of a brother since he wasn't identical.

It is probably better to refer to them as quads rather than two sets of twins so Ben won't feel left out!

Sunni Len said...

Hey suz you still look lovely and like you had a good time. I am glad you have so much help and Aunt Judy will be there soon.
Love Ya

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