Go to: http://www.justforyoustationery.com/
GREAT GIFTS for ANY occasion! But I especially thought it was such a good idea for expecting families. I cannot tell you how excited I was when I opened the package and began looking through these adorable cards (with personalized envelopes as well!) As an expecting mom, seeing my babies names printed out on cards, just makes it all the more real! Hope you enjoy their products as much as I do! ;)
Click on each picture for close-ups. (Once again, Suz was taking pics with her camera, so they are kinda blurry) ;)

Joe was the most impressed with the aTm aggie stationery! ;)
I also received some adorable personalized stickers from my friend Amy! The company is called: Tickle Bellies. How cute are they? Thanks again, Amy! We LOVE them!!!

It's just so neat to see your babies names printed on things! Tomorrow makes a full 24 weeks for me!!! VIABILITY!!! YAE!!!
Someone who had identical twins came up with a great idea! Those are great gifts. Cangrats on making it 24 weeks so far. I have been tracking your progress since April, and it is just amazing to watch your story. There is a whole office full of people here in Sacramento, CA that are keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.
I am glad to see you have found something to keep you busy while on bedrest. I am just wondering when you are going to run out of things to take pictures of to post on your blog! I am so happy you have made it 24 weeks. Not too much longer left to go!!!
How cute! And I may go order some of those stickers....
Anyways, congrats on 24 weeks!! Dave & I keep checking the ticker to see how far you are and just get more and more excited the longer you go. You can do it!!
love, Love, LOVE the notecards! Just a quick note- the link you have above is not valid... stationEry is writing access., stationAry is when you are standing still. :)
yeah, i JUST figured that out! i'm such a dork! thanks! ;)
i corrected it, so try it again! it's a great website!
Absolutely adorable. I'm such a sucker for that kind of stuff. I'll definitely be checking out the website!
What cute stationary. The tags would be GREAT for the NICU isolettes/cribs so they are not just identified as Baby A, B, C and D.
Congratulations on making it to 24 weeks so far. I'm praying for all of you. Love the stationary and stickers and will check out the website.
I enjoy reading your blog. You're an inspiration.
Mommy of five
HOORAY 24 weeks! I hope you have another good report from the doctor this week:) Very cute stationary and stickers! I am always amazed at the creative people who make this cute stuff.
That is adorable stationary! A big congratulations on 24 weeks Suz!
Oh how fun! I think cute notecards make writing thank you notes so much easier.
So how else are you keeping yourself entertained these days? Do you have any movie recommendations?
Hi Suz! I fell upon your blog from Lindsey Eason, and have been keeping updated on your and the babies progess. My co-worker and I have been praying for you and you growing family in Memphis, TN. Congrats on making it to 24wks. Everyday is such a blessing. I know that bed rest sucks, I was on it for two weeks and then had one ten pounder! Love the interesting pics from bedrest (or sofa-rest)! Thank you Lord for air-conditioner, I was pregnant last summer and it has VERY miserable. Keep up the good work, and we will continue praying!
Cadnace Ezell
Congrats on making it to viability!!! Jen and I are praying for you and your babies regularly. Everyday that now passes gives your babies an easier entry into our world. Lord willing, you still have a couple months to go, but you guys are on the home stretch!!
Joe: I am sure you are still feeling overwhelmed at the thought of being a father for the first time, let alone to four. But, I can tell you that most of my fears about caring for four babies were for nothing. The first month or two (the toughest time) flies by very quickly. Once you get your kids out of the hospital and you get into the routine, it is an amazingly rewarding life.
I bust out the door from work everyday to get home to see my boys. Dont take in any of the negativity that seems to come when you mention four babies. Most of those people have never had four babies and dont know what they are missing. It is a ton of work, but for every ounce of work you get a pound of fun, so dont worry about it!
Praying for 1 more week....(then we will pray for another)
Happy 24 weeks!!!
Precious stationery.
Thanks for those links. I have been looking for some tags & stickers for the kids stuff! Poor thing have "Halford twins" written on everything we take to church! Also...BIG CONGRATS on 24 weeks today!!! I remember just having such a great sigh of relief when we hit that 24th week. Hang in there..not much longer now!
Suzanne- I love this stationary. You're good at marketing because I just went and ordered a couple of their bag tags too! Aren't they adorable!!! So good to hear that you're doing so well. Love, Shauri
Those are so great! :) Glad you are still doing well, and so happy you're almost to 24 weeks, but still hoping for another 8-10 weeks for you! :)
You asked how I see my google hits. I use http://www.statcounter.com to check my web stats, but there are other services out there as well. this one happens to be free and pretty easy to use, so I like it. (Incidentally, the last two days, I've gotten two google hits for "suzanne quads")
Hey Suz!
I remembered today was the BIG DAY, and wanted to "stop by" and say congrats! 24 weeks was such a relief to me, as I am sure it especially is for you too. Jon and I celebrated with Braum's banana splits that night. It was the first time I ate a whole one by myself in one sitting. ;-) Every DAY the little ones stay in put in your womb increases their survival rate approximately 3 percent during weeks 23 and 26, so keep up your good work, Suz!! (A little funny FYI... I was at 27 weeks, home on bed rest during the Ags' 12-7 victory over t.u. Jon kept reminding me that 27 weeks is GOOD, but breathe, Honey-- we still don't want them to come TONIGHT! My dad called several times during the game to make sure I was still lying down!) I am very proud of you. Pat yourself on the back, as you are doing good work!
-Amber and The Boys
Congrats on the 24 weeks Suzanne. Yea for the Steece Six!!
CONGRATS ON 24 WEEKS!!!!!! YAAAAYYYY!!!!! Oh and the staionary is very cute too! Yall are in our prayers!
I found your blog the other week and I'm hooked! I've been checking in almost every day and finally told myself I'd leave a comment. Congrats for reaching 24weeks!!!! My thoughts are with you and I wish you a long and uneventful remainder of your pregnancy!
Yihaaaaa!!!!! We will keep praying, let us know how your Dr's visit goes tomorrow.
The cards are sooo cute and your picture taking is amazing.
I sure wish you were closer I would love to bring my girls and come up and see you for a short visit.
Give your Mom, Joe and Aunt Ju a howdy and keep blogging. I check for updates several times daily.
Love you and Joe and the 4 bambinos mucho,
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