Saturday, October 20, 2007

Birth Story...Part Deaux Joe walks into the room and his eyes are HUGE! I've never seen them look so WIDE! He looked terrified. I laughed at him and said, "baby are you OK? Don't pass out on me yet!" He held in his hands our digital camera and video camera. I said, "Joe, give those to the nurses! HURRY!" He just sat there frozen and awkward and said, "I'm OK" and did not move an inch. I finally motioned to the nurses in the room and asked them if they would grab the cameras out of my husbands hands!

About that time, one of the nurses asked me, "Did you see Dr. Tabor? He just poked his head over the drape to see you." I responded, "Hiiii Dr. Tabor!" and away they started...I remember feelings LOTS and LOTS of pushing and pulling on my belly...

ok, these next videos are pretty graphic...especially this first one! DO NOT WATCH IF YOU ARE SQUEAMISH! Watch the doctors pull my incision open.

I remember just listening...blocking out every other noise in the OR, I was just listening intently for that one, very specific, baby's cry. The CRNA said, "Come on, dad...they've got the first one out." Joe stood up and peeked over the drape. About that time, I finally heard it...the faint whimpering cry of Andrew.


Quad Squad! said...

I am loving this story! You did SO fabulous! Poor Joe! And praise God about Savannah! I'm SO proud of you for your actions that day, and SO thankful to the good Lord for being there with you! You're truly amazing!

The Murray Crew said...

Suz - You ROCK IT! This quad mama is so proud of you for going through THE WAR for your little pumpkins! We did it, Suz - can you believe it?

Carrie said...

What an amazing God we serve...that is're amazing.

Melanie said...

Suz, that is absolutely amazing!!! I've said it MANY times but THANK YOU for sharing your story!!!! You are awesome!!!!

Claremont First Ward said...

Oh my gosh. Gotta love them manhandling your incision and pulling. Yikes! I remember not even knowing I was cut open until I heard them sucking up the amniotic fluid. There's nothing so sweet as the sound of your babies crying......Thanks for sharing your story.

Anonymous said...

Makes me cry seriously, i cant wait and i hope my babies do as well as yours! And i hope i am as strong as you! You and Joe did so good at staying calm!!!!
Casey Gerwer

Brittany Wardlow said...

omigosh... that was so cool. amazing... i want to see more!

JAMIE'S CREW said...

God's Presence was surely in that room with all of you! Thanks for sharing Suzanne!

Casey's trio said...

Arghhh..I can't watch the videos on my computer from work, but will have to watch at home tonight. Hope you are all doing well:)

Anonymous said...

Holy crap!! No wonder my incision hurt so bad!!! I have a video of our girls birth too, but missed that part!

You are making me very nostalgic, I may have to get out my birth video and watch it!! What an awesome experience!!

Katie and girls

Jody said...

Simply amazing!!!How beautiful the sounds and sight!
No wonder my belly hurt for a while!! God is so cool, isn't he? YOU ARE AN AWESOME MOM!! Keep up your strength. We pray for you everyday!

Becky said...

I always wondered why the ends of my incision hurt so much more than the rest until I watched a csection on the internet one night and saw them pulling it apart. OUCH!! What a sweet little cry Andrew gave out.

pam said...

omg, you have totally convinced me that we must video the triplets' birth. so sweet! oh wow...

Laura said...

I enjoyed the video and now know why my incision hurt so much (lol). I remember feeling totally stressed and sick and then hearing the cries of my twins, utter joy!

Unknown said...

So amazing - the birth and your story. I wish we had such wonderful keepsakes of our twins' birth!

suzspeaks said...

Wow!!! I'm with everyone wonder my incision was so sore! Andrew was SO tiny! Can't wait to see more!

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty tough when it comes to blood and gross stuff, but HOLY CRAP! While I was watching that video, my *GASP* was so loud, Jeff thought something bad had happened.
I'm a little left me itching for the other 3 birth videos!!! Don't make us wait long (not like you are busy...)! haha
Love you,
"Aunt" Marcy

The Nanny said...

Ah, the suspense! KEEP BLOGGING! :-)

Unknown said...

Wow...I had an audible gasp as well when they were yanking on your incision. I'm 21 days out from a C section so I was like oh wow...that will be me soon. YIKES! What a wonderful story this is and what wonderful little miracles you have. Can't wait to hear more!

G24 said...

More, please :)
Blessings to you and your beautiful family always!

G24 said...
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Scholiast said...

Amazing! Thank you for sharing this :) Love love looove the sound of little Andrew's tiny voice!

(Went through the same thing with our quads, but on general anaesthetics I didn't have a clue what was going on...)

Anonymous said...

That is the most amazing thing to see and you were both so brave!

Deanna said...

Oh that brings back memories! That is the same room we were in when we delivered! Good job giving the nurses the camera! I did not even think of that. Andrew actually did pretty good at getting pics. He even got one of Miles getting Dr. Tabor pretty good with his first urine!!LOL!! Everyone thought that was funny. I am thinking of you guys today! I know the boys will do just fine with their surgeries but just know you are in my prayers.


Courtney said... I had natrual vaginal deliveries and yours looked equally as painful. I am glad that you couldn't feel that...and to say that you could feel some pushing and pulling on your abdomen was an understatement...he used his WHOLE body to rip that! OUCH! OH MY GOODNESS that looked awful...I can't imagine! I am still a little dumbfounded. Andrew was SO tiny!

Julie said...

Seriously! I love to watch surgery and that was awesome. It's crazy how they are so rough with you. You should be so proud of yourself! Thanks again for always being so willing to share.
Julie in VA

Mama B said...

All I can say is WOW and YOU ROCK!!!

Andria said...

Thinking of you and the boys' surgeries today. I hope all is well and everyone is resting comfortably. Looking forward to updates on the babes and Part III of the birth story!

Lindsey Eason said...

GeezLuiz...I gasped when I saw them pull on your stomach like that - face is still scrunched in pain for you! You've got one very cool birth story!!


YYYYYOOOOWWWWWW!I watched that and couldn't help but cringe!I had a c-section with my twins and to think they pulled like that on me the willies.No wonder it hurt!Seriously though,I'm loving hearing the birth story.can't wait to hear more!And Andrews cry is so sweet....Connie in Indiana.

Whitney said...

Absolutely amazing.

Whitney said...
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Nate, Maurine, Hannah, and Monroe said...

Suz- Love reading your story. I am totally going to have to make a trip to D town- one of these days, so I can watch all of the video and hear it in your words. Miss you so much!! Amazing you were able to film it all! Are you dressing up the babies for Halloween? You should at least just for cute pics. : ) Love Mo

JAMIE'S CREW said...

Hi Suz,
Been thinking of Ethan and Andrew and their surgeries. I pray that they and the rest of you are doing well this Friday afternoon.
Jamie Pug - McMoms

Tara said...

You don't know me, but my husband and I are Aggies, too (Class of 97). We live in Colorado and were directed to your website by a friend. We had our own little Ag in May...future class of 2029, I guessing.

Congrats to you all. I know it must be tough to have 4 little ones and I'm glad to see that you have help.

God Bless!

Tara, Alan and Amelia Baker

Amy said...

We need a quick one-liner just to let us know that the surgeries went okay! I'm at home sick today, and I think I've checked your blog 4 times to see if you posted anything!

PS> You don't know me either, but I'm guessing based on your 625,000+ tally of visitors, you don't know lots of your readers! :) I do live in Dallas, so if you should ever hold a "Meet the Quads" party, I'd be there!

Thumbelina's Mom said...

Oh ouch!

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