Ben is all smiles and has no idea where he is about to be going...
The staff at Cranial Technologies in Dallas was amazing! They were so good to us and our babies. We took up half of the waiting room! Joe was in one room with Ben and Ethan...I was in another with Drew (the one who screams bloody murder the second we walk through the doors) and Savannah (the one with 103 fever)...hmmmm....fair? ;)
Oh poor baby Drew...This is right when he was finished with his head mold. Sweet baby...
And then there was Ben...just sprawled out, having a good 'ole time. Laid back as EVER, sucking away on his paci, nice and quiet and still. I laughed SO hard when I saw this! Joe really had it bad, eh?
Poor little sister. This is when they put strips of plaster across the forehead and is so messy!
...then we sit them up so they can plaster the back part. (this is usually the part that the babies like the least)
...then we are all done and it is time for a bath...but first we wanted to go see how Joe and Ethan were doing...
E man not liking it too much...
Sweet Daddy giving baby Ethan a kiss...its all over! (Ethan looks exhausted!)
Time to bathe them all and get the plaster off of their tiny little bodies! (not an easy task)
Needless to say, it was a VERY LOOOOOONG day! But we are finished! YAE! The staff at Cranial Tech will be sending us the final pictures and measurements of their heads and that is when I'll be able to post the before and after pictures. Savannah and Ben have "basketball heads" like me; and the twins have a more elongated face and head like Joe. I have thoroughly enjoyed kissing on their heads and cannot stop touching and stroking their sweet little soft heads!
Oh wow. Not gonna lie...that looks like a form of child abuse (I know you can't hear the laughter in my voice...I am not serious)...but wow. I certainly don't envy you all AT ALL in those moments...that must be so hard. Ben is awesome...was he like that the WHOLE time? What a trooper...mine would have been more like the other three...I know this only from when we had to get their chests xrayed and they put them in plastic tubes....its awful, but maybe you know that...I hope Sav is feeling better...let us know...
Thanks for the pictures and are so blessed and your children are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!
The Babies are finally FREE! Ben looks so happy! The Quads are starting a new stage in their life-band free! YAY!
Hope Savannah feels better soon!
Elyse Hahne
Those were fun pictures to see, but looked like LOTS of work with four babies! You and Joe must be such easy going, laid back kind of parents. Of course, the best part is the babies are DONE with all of that! YEA! I'm sure everyone but Ben is overjoyed!
what amazing technology!! looks like quite the ordeal..your babies are so beautiful!
It's so fun seeing the same rooms that we were in when our daughter got her band off!! She cried so hard that she broke blood vessels in her eyes. It's not a painful thing though!! She was just so scared with the stocking over her head, and she doesn't like to be held down. Your right, everyone at Cranial is so great and makes it so wonderful!! Isn't it weird that after the bands are off for a little while it seems like such a short moment in time that they had to wear them? I remember when her band was off for only 2 weeks it seemed like SO LONG ago that she had it on.
Awesome pics! I just look at this and think, "how do you do it?" Ben is awesome...I don't know ANY six month old that would have chilled out during that kind of torture! Obviously, you and Joe are both laid back people when it comes to your kiddos. See, the Lord knows who can handle quads and that is who he gives them to. The rest of us get to watch from the outside in awe! I look forward to seeing the before and after pictures.
Wow!I didn't realize what a PROCESS that was.Poor little things....can't wait to see the before/after shots....
I can't believe the cranial bands are done with! I'm sure you'll be making up those weeks with the bands with a lot of pictures of their preciously formed heads. I can't wait to see!
The appt. does NOT look like fun...and neither does an appt. like Sav went through. Poor Princess. What an ordeal these passed couple days!
...and you still had time to blog?
Wow, I feel exhausted just looking at the pics! I'm sure it was not an easy task to watch your babies cry like that. I admire your perseverance to do what is best for your babies in the long run though. And even though they hated the plastering and whatnot, they will not remember it when they are older and I'm sure that they will thank you and Joe for making the decision to get them these bands. I can't wait to see the before and after pictures! I have been wondering, how is the battle with insurance for the bands going?
congratulations Steece quads, can't wait to see before and afters!!
Wow! what a process! I'm sure it was all worth it though! Can't wait to see the before and after pics!
Awwww!!!! They look SO cute. So do you by the way...I just looked at all your recent pics and everyone is right-you look amazing! I just had a baby three months ago-only one-and I would kill to look like you! Kiss those sweet noggins! :0) Jenny
Great pics! Thanks for the update on those pretty noggins...
Glad all went well. I love keeping up with your stories. You all are so uplifting.
Poor little things! I had no idea it was such a tramatic ordeal. One of my good friends had to have both of her twins banded, but she never showed me pics or went into much detail...
So happy they are now band free! Can't wait to see the before/after pics.
PS You look wonderful as always.
Aww, those pics are precious, sad faces and all. God is definitely alive in your heart. Although we have never met, I can tell this is true by reading your words and how you handle the task He has given you. There is no other joy that can compare to being a parent and you do it with such grace and most of all with a laugh. I know it can be stressful with just one, but you do it with four and find the humor in the situation instead of stress and that is admirable.
I love the pic of Joe holding Drew. Precious. I remember paper mache (is that spelled right?) It was fun! It will be neat to see the differences the bands made! Glad to hear Sav is doing better. There is a natural supplement the bodies natural good flora(Laco Bacillis)- comes in pill and powder form- you could mix a little in bottle or ceral to help with diarrhea- I was going to suggest yogurt- but that might cause more diarreha at her age- yo baby is mild though. :) just my 2 cents worth- mo
Suzanne, I don't even know you but I am Dallas and Marty's mom. I was perusing your blog today and read the one from January, 2007 when you found out you were pregnant - joyfully found out and I joyfully read it! With tears streaming down my face! Your family is precious and it is so uplifting to read about you and your husband and your children! Thanks for sharing their lives and your heart through your blog.
congrats to the babes on getting their "hats" off. . . . a couple of questions for you: when the babies came home how many cribs did you use? how many cribs are they in now (i think you mentioned you had split them up into 4 now). Also, do the twins seem to have a closer or different relationship than w/Ben & Sav or have they not really noticed yet?
plus, it's so cute how much Ben & Sav look alike!
Poor babies I couldn't imagine having to do a head mold on a baby. At least their heads are round now. And poor Sav with a UTI. I'm thankfully we made it through the first year with only a couple little colds. I hope she is over it soon.
Looks like you had a very long day! Won't it all be worth it when all their head are so perfect!? Your family is truly blessed! Thanks for taking the time to update the photos. Enjoy them, they grow too fast!
congrats on having gotten through the head-bands-stage!!! what I really wonder though: how do you manage to look so effin' great on every picture??? having 4 babies I expect a tired and ragged looking woman with black rings beneath her eyes and hair sticking in all directions, but you always look so well put together and fresh! I don't manage this and I only have ONE baby... lol
It looks like the whole day was such a nightmare. So glad it is over, you will never regret doing this for your babies! They look great, I can not wait to see the changes.
Poor little Sav....I hope she is feeling better. It stinks to have a sick baby.
You guys are doing an unbelievable job with those precious babies! They are so blessed to have y'all as parents!
Yall make this look so easy. Any plans for more. Why stop now. lol!! I know yall must be exhausted by the end of the day. Does your house get messy with 4 kids everywhere or do you try to keep them in one room? You totally are supermom. Do people still come over and help?
What type of camera do you use?? Your pictures are amazing!
I just want to say Congrats Steece quads (and parents) for living through all that! Your kids are so cute even covered in plaster! You look amazing as always!
Girl, you all looked so cute for the dedication!!!
Poor Savannah, i hope she gets to feeling better soon. Sweet girl.
The kids look so good! Can't wait to see them in person.
Wow that was quick! I really expected it to take much longer than that. Of course this is coming from the spectator point of view and not the mommy point of view who actually had to deal with washing and maintaining them...I'm sure it felt like not a moment too soon!
Omigosh I was laughing so hard! I'm so glad that you guys can chuckle about it!! My sister took her little guy in to get checked for pneumonia last year and they had to put him in this clear tube constraint thing with his arms up by his head tight...anyways, Karis totally took a picture of it and the nurse was HORRIFIED that she thought it was funny! Karis then texted ME the picture and I had a good laugh! Your post reminded me of that!! Too cute! Yay for perfect shaped heads!
Yay! Finally, I'm sure the babies and you guys are happy that is over. Hope Sav will get better soon.
~Liz from MI
beautiful pics as always.
Sending good vibes to Sav.
Poor kids (and therefore Mom & Dad). I'm sure that was a long day! Ok, Ben cracks me up! Can't get enough of that smile! They are beautiful!
Hi Suz and FAMILY! I have been checking in on you guys and reading your blog since the Littons in Waco told me of your grand conception quite some time ago and I have yet to leave you a message until now. I just wanted to say "hello" and tell you what a joy it is to visit your blog and see all the pics of you guys and these beautiful kiddos. I cannot help but smile. You have truly been blessed and they are the cutest little things. I think about you guys often and you are in our prayers. I have my first child at 37 and she is 9 months and a handful...I cannot begin to imagine 4 at one time. You guys look great and the kids look great...what a happy family. Thanks for finding and taking the time to keep up with the blog and the pics...I love it.
I bet that is a huge weight lifted of your shoulders. It looks like you had great results. I can not wait to see before and after pics.
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