Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Jennisa is AWESOME!!!

The highly anticipated work of Jennisa is finally here! YAE!!! Guys, she totally made a page that looks just like "me/us/the Steeces"! If you want an awesome customized blog design/header for yourself, make sure to check her out at:


Also, here are the polls that Jennisa helped me set up. It took ALLLLL day to go through the incredible blog title suggestions! Holy COW! It was SOOOO difficult! There were many that I didn't use because they were very similar to my bestest quad buddies blog titles--which means they were AWESOME...but already taken! ;)

So, here they are! Make sure and vote! I am SOOOOO glad that I will not be the one having to decide! There is a poll for a blog TITLE....and another poll for the blog's "tagline" or catchy little phrase!

post signature


J said...

Love the new page! It looks fabulous! :)

Leah said...

I love it!

Anonymous said...

How is Savannah?

Charla (SHar-la) said...

LOVE IT! It looks great and I can't wait to see the poll results!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous...what's wrong with Savannah?
How was yall romantic weekend? I hope yall had fun!

JAMIE'S CREW said...

The new page is really great. Love the header! I may have to check out your friend. She does awesome work.

Tabaitha said...

love the new look!

Suzanne said...

savannah is free from infection! yae! we will be meeting with a urologist soon. i will post about it when we know more. thanks for asking!

Elyse said...

LOVE IT! What an awesome Blog! I am so impressed!!!

Lauren said...

Love the new design. It is adorable!

Anonymous said...

Hey, what happened to the blog header that Stephanie (Triple Take) was working on. I hear her feelings are pretty hurt.

Suzanne said...

Nope, Stef and I are cool...

Anonymous said...

I hope all your celebrations - Joe's birthday, anniversary of finding quads in your tummy and your anniversary - went well. Did you enjoy your weekend away? Did the grandparents take any pictures of the kiddos without Mom and Dad? I love the new look!

Anonymous said...

I love the new look!! I can't wait to see what the title will be!!


Jennisa said...

Well, thanks dear for the PLUG! What nice things you had to say!

I think you're pretty FAB myself!

I heart you....

Kann said...

I love the new layout!!!

Brittany Wardlow said...

Hey Suz! Love it & miss you!

The Manning Family said...

Your new page ROCKS! It's adorable!!!! I'm so jealous!


Totally cute!

lauren said...

I love it!!! It's so so cute! Glad y'all get to get away for your anniversary! Are you all better?

Brooke said...

Hello I have been following your blog since your pregnancy and I love seeing you little ones grow. I got your name off of Jenny Holloways blog. Anyways I am just starting my blog and I already love it. I am trying to figure out how to post friend blogs on my page! Id like to add you on my page. Hope you have a great day!

Brooke Taylor
Knoxville TN

Anonymous said...

Your new page is awesome! I love it. I must say though... I love love love the header that you initally posted with the kiddos sitting on their bums and you and joe in the middle. That one was super cute. I'm assuming the same person did that one as well because its the same design. What changed your mind with that. Either way you blog rocks!!! Cutest quads around. :-)

Long Time Lurker.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Super cute. I can't wait to see the results of the poll!

Beth said...

Great header!

Stephanie said...

The page looks great! Cant wait to see the results! Hope you enjoyed your weekend together!

Jilliebean said...

I LOVE the new page!

The Murray Crew said...

Suz, you're blog looks HOT in polka dots! =)
Praying for you this week,
("one of your bestest quad buddies")

Anonymous said...

I love your new page. It's beautiful. The only thing I don't like is the size of the baby's eyes...a bit tooo big and round. Otherwise, perfect!

Courtney said...

love the new page. she did a great job...

Dallas said...

yea! I use Jennisa also and she rocks! She works so well with her clients. I am definitely using her again when I get ready to update.

Jodi said...

Wow, it is FABULOUS! Love the new look. :) Glad to hear Sav is on the mend!!!

Anonymous said...

Your blog looks wonderful!
I have to tell you that I was doing a search the other day (for the life of me I can't remember what for) and I happened to be linked to your blog. I was so taken with your most recent blog entries that I went back and read from the beginning of your journey...what an AMAZING story and testament of the power of prayer!! God has truly blessed you and Joe and I pray that He continues to shower you and your four beautiful children with all His Love!
PS> I'm pregnant with my first and I have total faith that if God can get you thru the pregnancy, labor/delivery and daily ins and outs of raising FOUR...than He can surely get me thru one! :)

Hilary said...

The blog looks great and I love pretty much all the choices so whatever you pick will be great as well! I've been talking to Jennisa blog designer to blog designer and she's pretty great!

Allison said...

Love your blog! Jennisa did mine too and she is awesome! :)

Gen McNulty said...


LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! It's so YOU!!! I hope you guys had a great weekend away. Thinking of you guys always..

Love from Quadville

Colleen and Billy said...

The blog looks great! LOVE it!

Anonymous said...

What does "&" mean?

Maybe I'm just dense?

Jenny B said...

Suz I LOVE the new look. You're so chic:) i've been thinking about giving ours a face lift:) Glad y'all made it back safely from your wonderful weekend! We LOVE you guys!


*kt* said...


Anonymous said...

Love the new design! It is so cute!

Anonymous said...

I love the new design and I can't wait to see which name wins!

Anonymous said...

I love the new look. I'm glad Savannah is doing better. Hope you and Joe had a nice and fun getaway?

Mommy of five

Kate said...

Oh, I LOVE the new blog! SO adorable! I'm glad you're back to the blogging world...you're fun stories were missed! Hope you had a GREAT week. Ok, the picture of you and Joe in your new header is adorable. This is the conversation I imagine is taking place in this picture...
Joe - "Hey gorgeous, what are YOU doin'?"
Suz - (as you slightly push him away.) "Ah,ah,ah...not so fast lover-boy. We don't need ANY more kids. I've got my hands full with these."

Sweet Sassy Mommy said...

Love your blog. You must be the queen of Patience!

1A said...

It looks great!

Deanna said...

I love the new blog look. Very cute. How is Savannah doing?


Unknown said...

Adorable! And fun choices for the title! Can't wait to see the results.

aWare said...

I feel so special that you put my idea on your top three! I LOVE that you copied! It totally flows!

Celeste said...

I know this is late, but I couldn't help but laugh when I thought of it. What about the name - SUZ AND JOE PLUS FO. You know that's funny. I love the new page.
http://my web.cableone.net/leeandceleste


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