Thursday, August 07, 2008

3 Bumble Bees & 1 Little Ladybug

Again- a big thanks to Chris (Liz's hubby), Aunt Susan, and my dad--who all took loads of pics, so that I could enjoy the party! You guys ROCK!

The theme: (Bugs) Mainly--cute little bumble bees and ladybugs

The invite:

Yes, handmade by yours truly! I figured since I didn't quite get those birth announcements out and skipped on the Christmas cards...I needed to create a neat, personalized card for Ben, Ethan, Andrew, & Savannah's 1st birthdays! (Thanks to Liz, the scrap-booking genius, who helped me brainstorm and gather materials and also to Jen Murray , Miss Creativity, for fun wording ideas!)

The layout: A nice little Saturday mid-morning brunch

The menu: sausage balls, cocktail weenies, fresh fruit and veggies with dips, crackers, Aunt Judy's famous punch, Linda's amazing bug cupcakes and caterpillar cupcake-cake (she made them all from scratch!!!)

Granna, Papa, and Aunt Judy getting the fixins together before guests arrive

Can't believe that my babies are ONE!

Party favors as you leave through the front door! (hee hee...look familiar?)

Good morning, Sunshine! Rise and shine--today is your First Birthday Party!

My sassy little ladybug--checking things out! (ooooh, this could have been bad!) Stacy at Sara Rose Tutus made Sav this AWESOME ladybug tutu to wear on her birthday! She is SO creative!

Savannah and her best bud, Miss Emory!

Oh...the attempt at a family photo....(Ethan, Sav, Ben, and Drew in plaid shorts---seeing as how I threw you a curve ball with all 3 boys wearing stripes! Ha!)

The grands with their grand-quads!
Suz, Papa with Ethan, Granna with Sav, Grandma with Drew, Grandpa with Ben, Joe (Uncle Ed in the background)

"Its MY party and I can cry if I want to..." (Sav still sick, but thankfully no fever today)

Ethan, Drew, Ben, & Savannah--investigating their packages

Gosh, so many different captions I could put seems I have quite a few pics of Ben giving Sav these funny looks!

Liz tickling Mr. Drew

Linda and Ethan sharing a moment

Grandma Kate with Boo Bear--making his new funny face!

Mama Bear feeding her cubbies bananas! (which Sav can almost say---SO cute!)

Stay tuned for naked babies wearing party hats and eating cake! Woo hoo!

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Amanda said...

oh my goodness!!! How adorable are those invites, cupcakes, decorations and THAT tutu?! I want a bug birthday now :)

Brandy said...

Very cute!!...and quite creative! Love the cupcake caterpillar. I don't think I've seen the quads downstairs in a let them come out on their birthday :) too cute.
Happy 1st birthday!! Looking forward to reading more (been reading since they were born)

Astraea said...

That face Ben is making at Savannah is hilarious!!! Happy Birthday! We might need some of those tutus at our house!

Annabelle said...

Breaking out of lurkdom to say that your children are absolutely adorable. It's so lovely to see such happy kids, and parents who really enjoy them. Great party theme!

Laura Marchant said...

How fun!
Love all the pics.

GlitteryKitchenTable said...

LOVE sav's outfit! Looks like a great birthday party! Love the invites too! :)


مارية said...

That ladybug outfit is cute!

The McNulty Family said...

you are freaking amazing my friend! beautiful pics for a beautiful family.

love you!

Rachel said...

I LOVE THAT TUTU!! That party was such a great idea!! I don't know if I have ever commented, but your kids are adorable and I love to check your blog, you are hilarious!! I have already contacted Stacy for some tutus!! Thanks!!!

andersons said...

The family picture is incredible. Your beauty inside and out is amazing. You are one fantastic mom. The party was adorable. You would never beleive there was so much troulbe in the beginning. Again, your beauty is radiant. An absolute beautiful family. Lurker from Tennessee!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, looks like a ton of fun. Blessings to you all.
Fan from Big D

Deanna said...

Those invites are so cute! When my guys where younger I always made their invites. This year they got store bought ones. It came up to fast. Sav looks so cute in her tutu. We will have to pass Madyson's down to sav when she outgrows them you will love them. They are big and fluffy. Very girly. The boys look adorable also. You guys did a great job. I can not wait to see cake pics.


Crunkface. said...

omg. i love reading your blog... you are amazing. you have 4 babies, a dog a husband and a blog. wonder woman for sure. :)

Unknown said...

Gorgeous kiddos! Fun decor! Yummy food! Looks like an awesome party to me! Great invites!!

Terri said...

Can I say I just love the family picture!!

Can't wait to see the cake pictures! We had fun with 2, I am only imagine 4!!

Whitney said...

I am so glad your birthday celebration turned out great! Can't wait to see the next post!

Chelsey said...

congratulations!!!! they are so beautiful! i cant belive it has been a

The Drama Mama said...

OH, all I can say is P-R-E-C-I-O-U-S!! All four of them - adorable! What a fun day. I LOVE Sav tutu! Can't wait to see more!

Charla (SHar-la) said...

Oh, my girlie! You were one BUSY MOMMA! Maybe God was reminding you that even if you didn't have a.c. or lights, even if you had to take Shiloh to the vet, even if the quaddies birthday wasn't perfect, that his grace is and you would make it through...and YOU DID! I knew you would! And no matter what the day was like, the next morning you could get up and kiss those sweet, sweet babies all over and know that all the heartache was worth it! Woo hoo! Mysterious ways? I'd say so! Love y'all!

lauren said...

I just got the Reece's Pieces thing...I'll blame it on the pregnancy! I did enjoy those this week! The pictures are so cute...the party was adorable! I hope you are able to recover some this week from your crazy weekend! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Confessed lurker here too, but I just couldn't resist your crazy Friday & the awesome party you threw! The kids are adorable-HAPPY BIRTHDAY! The bug idea is too cute & everything you had to go with the theme was so great! What a tough day Friday, but I am glad to hear the girls are feeling better & it ended up being all good. Sav's tutu makes me smile :) Thanks for sharing!


Julie and Chris said...

What an awesome theme for your quads!! I have been coming to your blog for a while now...and love to watch them grow..that family picture couldn't be better!! Seriously I think it looks so cute and everyone is happy!! You are an awesome mom and those kids are very lucky!! YOU GO MOMMA!!

Becky said...

Happy Birthday to those sweet babies!

Stephanie said...

AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL! Wow I see why you were were stressing on Friday!!
Looks like it turned out great..what a cute theme! (and favors!!)
Happy Birthday kiddos!

Melanie said...

AWESOME!!!! You are FABULOUS!! Loved the theme of the b'day. So original and cute!!!!! Great family pictures...Can't wait to see more;)

Misty said...

Those pictures are great!! Thank you so much for sharing your birthday weekend with us, the good and the bad!! I can't imagine your friday, you just want it to be perfect and then you get thrown a curve ball!!

Glad to hear Shilo is ok, took mine today and she has a UTI and is on meds :-( poor baby!!

mrs boo radley said...

The tutu, the party hats...the stripes, the spiked hair...your kids are so sweet!

I love all the pictures. You all look fabulous!

Kimberly said...

That is the cutest party ever! I love the bug theme, Sav's tutu, the adorable watermellon fruit bowls, cupcakes, love it all!! You are so creative and a super-mommy! You know God gave you a crazy day so you'd have some major blog material! So glad all ended up well and I"m so happy that Sav is feeling better!
Happy Bday to the cutes quads I know!

Jodi said...

We've been out of town, and I just couldn't WAIT to see all the birthday pics! BTW, kudos on surviving the actual birthday. Oh. My. Word. Anyways, Happy Birthday to the Steece 4 and to their Momma!!!! The Momma always knows what the "actual birthday" really invovled!! :)

And I have to say thanks for "lending" your Linda to me... she has kinda adopted me and my girls lately, even way down here in Houston. :) PRECIOUS lady that I already dearly love.... who evidently is AMAZING at cakes!

Marianne said...

I absolutely love reading about your family and all the adventures in your world. Thank you so much for sharing your quads first birthday with all of us who have watched them grow this year and prayed for them so often.

Can't wait to see the "naked baby" pictures!

Stacy said...

Oh my goodness, I just read this post and the other birthday post. Oh my! I am glad that all turned out and everyone is okay. All the kiddos look adorable! I love Sav in her tutu!

Stephanie said...

Sounds and looks like y'all had a very busy day but a great one. Love the birthday announcements - too cute! And Sav's little tutu is too cute! All of the kiddos are adorable. Thanks for sharing their day with us.

Stephanie - Bryan, Tx

Casey's trio said...

I am SO impressed with your birthday party theme and all that went with it. I am SO lame when it comes to that creative stuff. Savannah's ladybug tutu is just about the cutest thing I've ever laid eyes on...with her in it of course! ADORABLE:)

cat said...

Happy birthday little bugs! Looks like a great party.

Brittany Wardlow said...

girl, i hope you realize there will be little girls all over the world now having lady bug birthday parties wearing a red lady bug tutu. you have done it!!!

oh and i love the invite. and i have not met savannnah yet, but from the pics I do imagine her to be just like you!!!

wonderful job!!!

*Lasha said...

oh my, I LOVE Sav's outfit! That is just the cutest thing I've seen. Happy late birthday, Steece babies! Such a beautiful family!!

Kelly said...

Everything was perfect- of course!! I am so glad they had a happy first b-day. Loved seeing it all and am so happy for you and Joe! It's so funny we were due at the same time and my baby is ten months old and yours are a year old. I guess that's how quads roll. :o) Love you guys!

Beth said...

Your family picture on the staircase should be up somewhere! That is the cutest pic ever! Husband and wife looking at each other, 4 precious babies all doing their own thing! So precious!! I love love it!!

TEXOSE said...

What a whirlwind of a Birthday but it truly will have great moments to remember. You look FAB and I love the family picture. SO MUCH LOVE!!!! Congrats to the Steece Pieces and Shiloh included. I pray that she is doing better now and Sav is better everyday.
LOVE--Ladybug Jo

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

this is a few days late (and oh my, what a weekend!) but i just wanted to say a big happy 1st birthday to drew, ethan, sav & ben!!!!

Meghan and Riley's Pictures said...

Love the party invitationS! How creative and absolutely adorable.....

Anonymous said...

Your kids are adorable! And Sav's outfit...OH MY! LOVE IT! Now I have to get a tutu for my little girl's first birthday! Where did you get Sav's shirt and sassy shoes?

Paige said...

Ok let me just say that it looks like that party was a blast:), also, I just attempted the catepillar cupcakes for my daughters party last month..they so did not look that good:)

Anonymous said...

Gosh your family is so cute, I'm addicted to your blog...and I hate to admit it, but its mainly because of those gorgeous babies (although your writing is good too!) They are all so sweet, little Ethan melts my heart!!! Great birthday theme too!

1happymommy said...

How adorable!! I love your blog. You're quite an inspiration!

Lees said...

Oh my gosh! So cute! And, can I say that you look AMAZING? Seriously if I didn't "know" you and you told me you had quads a year ago I would think you were a liar! :0)

You do a wonderful job of giving them individual props instead of lumping them all together all the time... they are just so precious!

Ok - if you have time - can you tell me where you got that black shirt Sav has on? I got Addie a pink tutu for her party in Sept but I can not find a cute black shirt -
Thanks and if you can't I TOTALLY understand!

Lees said...

ok you are AMAZING... I really don't know how you do it... it has to be the age differnce - I am slow in my old age! :0)

We have family in Tyler and have thought about moving there in the next 5 or so years... seriously if we move there - we have to have a play date - 7 kids and two mommies has to equal a great time! I know tyler is not that close to you - but a lot closer than Phx!

Hee hee - Sav and Addie could be all frilly and put those boys through the ringer! :0)

Anonymous said...

congrats to a job well done! u are amazing! yesterday i just ordered my little ones tutu for her 1st party-IN OCTOBER, what can i say i couldnt resist. i hope sav gets to feeling better asap. happy b-day quadies!

Anonymous said...

Constant lurker... I love you and Joe in the family picture - you both have such a bond and it shows in so many ways with your little bugs!
Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Okay, these pictures were worth the wait. The invite, the decorations and the food looks fabulous! And the birthday bugs and ladybug are absolutely ADORABLE! That lady bug pettiskirt is too stinkin' cute. And you look so good one would ever know you had such a bad day, the day before. If it had been me, I would look like I had been struck by lightening.
Looks like everyone, including the birthday babies, had a wonderful time.
Looking forward to more pictures.
Cathy in Frisco

Traci said...

Absolutely always! What a wonderful blessing, a wonderful family! Love those smiles!

Aimee said...

Happy 1st to your 4 cutie pies! What a special party you threw for your little angels. :o) Cute little tutu on savy Sav! Love it!

The Martins said...

Happy 1st Birthday to the Quads! I've been following your blog for a while. I'm a fellow Harding Alum (05) and I found it through someone else's from Harding blog. I think my little boy could be the missing Steece Quintuplet. He looks so much like your boys to me. His name is Wyatt and he is 8 months old. You can check out my blog to see if you think they look alike too. : )

Goerlich Quadruplets said...

the photos are amazing! you can see the fun gleaming from all of your faces. love the boys GQ hairdos and savs ladybug tutu! what a wonderful weekend of memories. soooo sweet!!!

Rachel said...

the party was it all...especially the M&Ms. so sorry you had such a hectic day Friday but so glad everything turned out so perfect. of course, i love sav's outfit. i'm thinking of having my twins wear tutu's in their 2 yr. pics with those little tennies! adorable! could you tell us where you found them? can't wait to see more pics. happy birthday babies!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't beleive your little angels are one! I have been following your story since before they were born and it doesn't seem that long. Congratulations on such a beautiful family!

Jody said...

You are simply amazing! I will stop there b/c I could go on and on and on .......

momto2monkeys said...

SUCH a cute party! Love your blog and reading about your babies!

Anonymous said...

Well, you guys are such a perfect happy family!! There is nothing that you can't do!! Picture Perfect!

S'more of my Thoughts said...

What a BEAUTIFUL party! LOVE the theme!!!! ADORABLE!

debi9kids said...

FANTASTIC!!! OH MY GOSH! What an adorable theme for a party! Just so cute!
I had seen that tutu on Stacy's site, but didn't know it was for Sav! It is just so darn cute! (we call my daughter Emma "lady bug")

Anonymous said...

Love the tutu, the hair, the striped shirts. So cute! You all did a pretty darn good job getting a family photo. I am amazed at all of all are doing a fantastic job!

Quad Squad! said...

I LOVE the theme! So cute! That's what we did for halloween last year! And kudos on the invitations! They look fantastic!

*Lissa* said...

Awesome party favors and decorations! Sav's outfit is so adorable!

Elyse said...

Love the theme and everything included. I can not believe they are ONE!!! WOW! They are so cute :)

Megan said...

Hi Suzanne,
My name is Megan. I found your blog through a friend of a friend during one of my insomnia nights:) I hope you don't think I'm crazy, but I just read all of your posts from the past 1 1/2 years. (Did I mention that I can't sleep at night?...and reading about real people is much more interesting than reading about celebs) Anyway, just wanted to let you know what an encouragement your blog has been to me. I love your sense of humor and your love for God. Your babies are beautiful little miracles. Congratulations. I felt like I was snooping if I didn't say hi and admit to reading your blog:)

The Carlsons said...

love everything about the party! i especially like the invites! i used to make/stamp cards (e.g. birthday, anniversary, get well, etc.) for friends and family so i enjoy seeing anything like that. looks awesome!

happy to see that the party and cupcake eating was a success :) praising God for his grace and provision for you guys over this last year!

-fellow quad mom of GGGG and a 4yo boy

Missy said...

Hey, The pics are great! I was wondering where you got her tutu and big red bow..?

Missy said...

Hey, The pics are great! I was wondering where you got her tutu and big red bow..?

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