Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Friendly Neighborhood Stroll In the Quad-Wagon

I was working on this post Sunday...I tell ya what--the Steece household has been hit with illness lately! Joe and I both caught some NASTY 24 hr bug Monday night and each lost 8 pounds of fluid from our bodies (I'll spare you the details)-yah, does it count that I'm finally back to my pre-pregnancy weight because of illness?! ha! ;) Andrew & Ethan are both lactose intolerant and spent two different nights taking turns vomiting all over themselves and their beds in the wee morning hours. They are doing much better with the soy milk--like a complete turn around. Joe and I are starting to feel better as well...we don't think we have ever been that sick in our lives! You can't call in sick from being a parent, right folks? Can I get an AMEN? Whew- it was ROUGH! So, here I am, back to the world of blogging and catching up on emails! Ah...feels good to return to the land of the living!

To Granna & Papa:

Thank you so much for our Quad Wagon...even though you gave it to us back at Christmas and Mom and Dad are JUST NOW taking us for a stroll in it...we loved our first ride in the are some pics. Enjoy!

Love, Ethan, Ben, Savannah, and Andrew

Soooo glad it is finally turning into fall around here! There will be many more rides to come...

Also, Kraft and BlogHer are hosting a contest to share your "Feel Good Meals" and are currently featuring Steeces Pieces along with some favorite blogger buddies on their website (including my sista, Jen at 4tunate) . So go to this site and share your favorite meals with BlogHer and Kraft! You could win a $100 grocery gift card!!!

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Wade's World said...

I love the quad mobile. Too cute!

Lisa said...

That is too cute! Love your blog!

Angela said...

That little wagon is sooooo cute!! What a great idea!

T said...

Such cuties! Love that wagon! I hope all of you keep feeling better!

The Porter Family said...

How cute! I love the wagon :) They all seemed so at ease! And how awesome is it to loose that weight?! I have been sick a time or 2 with the same type of deal, and man do I LOVE my body afterwards! ha ha :) Not the ideal way to loose it, but hey, whatever works, right?! J/K!


Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

That wagon is soooooo cute! And, what a workout you must get pulling those kiddos!! Probably not the best turning radius, either! I love it!

Glad you all are feeling better! Hope the soy helps those lactose-intolerant boys! And better still, I hope they outgrow it!

becca said...

Hi Suz! This is my first time commenting on your blog. The choo-choo train is TOO adorable! Oh how I would love to be walking through my neighborhood and stumble upon this, lol! Too cute. And I just clicked on your sister's blog ... that is crazy that you BOTH had quads! Thanks for blogging, I love reading!


Anonymous said...

Linked over to your blog from the Kraft website, and I'm LOVING your family (the Cubs t-shirt also helps)!! Our lactose-intolerant 2yr old prefers Lactaid to soy milk -- the best part is that I can also use her Lactaid to make our Kraft mac 'n cheese and other gourmet dishes.
Best wishes and if I knew how to reach you, I would send our outgrown toddler clothes,

SG said...

I love this little wagon train thing! It's like you are a parade or train everywhere you go!

Years ago we had a friend in Southlake who had 3 yr old twins, a two year old and a one year old. She took little wagons just like these everywhere! I'll never forget the Fall Festival where she showed up dressed like Cruella Deville pulling 4 little Little Dalmations behind her in these same type little wagons! Cutest things ever! LOVE these pictures!
Your blog always makes me smile!

Lani said...

We just got a choo-choo too! Love it!

Williams' bunch said...

Glad you're feeling better...we were sick last week, wasn't as bad as it could have been-thank goodness! :-)
Congratulations on being your pre-pregnancy matter how you got there! ha, ha I know you've been working at it!

MEGAN said...

8 pounds in 24 hours does NOT sound like fun! Glad you are alive and well!

Anonymous said...

Glad u guys are feeling better. The quad wagon is the cutest thing since hair bows! LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

That last pic of Joe and the wagon looks like those toy ducks that you pull with the momma in front and all her little duckies behind her!! (except dad in this case...)

Leslie P. said...

Love the train! Joe's narrating in your video's always cracks me up for some reason! Hope you have a great day!

JAMIE'S CREW said...

I was laughing about Joe's voice too. Love it.

Sorry about the stomach flu. Nasty.

Soy is great. I remember when my duo had been sick with the stomach flu about the same age as your quads - they were better but had some residual 'runs' but kept crying for whole milk which I didn't want to give them. I finally asked the pedi nurse about SOY and she said "Do it!" T hey loved it and coincidentally - the runs stopped too.

Who is being referred to as your sister that also had quads by Becca up above in the comments? Did I miss something?

Suzanne said...

none other than, my quad-sista, jen murray! ;)

Jeannie said...

I am so glad you got this! we love it too! and it is so cute. seeing that picture of Joe---I can not imagine how heavy it must be to pull with 4 kiddos. my husband and i always "fight" over who has to pull ours :)

Anonymous said...

Ive been meaning to ask Jen Murray where she got hers, we want to get one of the quad wagons. Can you shoot me an email (when you get a moment, HA) and let me know where they got it?

asplashofsunshine said...

If you EVER find the "Benefits Package" for mommyhood, please please send one my way. I'd love a sick day (well, not really) retirement plan, or perhaps a vacation day! I suppose the benefits packages for mommyhood are just different, that's all. CUTE PICS!!!!

Quad Squad! said...

Yea! A Choo Choo Wagon! We LOVE ours!

Quad Squad! said...

AND I'm glad you're all feeling better and hope the good health continues! I know how bad it is when BOTH parents get sick, really sick, at the same time! I meant to say that before, but got distracted by the wagon!

Maggie said...

We LOOOOOOVE our choo choo too and would be lost without it, lol. I'm glad you all are starting to feel better again.

Rachel said...

I am really enjoying your blog! It is fun to read about all the adventures you are having with your sweet babies! I love the pants you are wearing in your wagon video- are they LuLuLemon? If so, I love that store!

Kimberly Jordan Walker & Sophie said...

Love your blog and LOVE the choo choo wagon, but the ones going for a ride are the cutest part, by far!

Ms. M said...

Suzanne, I hope I didn't offend you when I said the pictures made me laugh. :O I think your babies are ADORABLE.

Sorry you were all sick. Glad you're better now.

Kaci said...

Awhhh they are adorable!! :)

Anonymous said...

Ohhh!!! Looks like a mother (or father) duck and the ducklings following behind in a row!

(I've delurked for this post)

Blessings From Above said...

The wagon full of babies is so adorable!!!

Jenny said...


Seriously? I want your bug if I can look like that!

The kiddos look super cute in their wagon-what a nifty little thing!

Deanna said...

I love the quad wagon!!

Elyse said...

Quad mama and daddy are not supposed to get sick! Hope you ALL are on the path back to recovery!
Love the quad wagon!!!

mommagurl32 said...

I found your blog yesterday from the Kraft website and I have been trying to catch up with your "Quad journey" over the past day or two. I just wanted to let you know that I think your family is RIDICULOUSLY adorable. I am a big fan of Jon and Kate + 8 and I think multiples would be so much fun! I have four boys myself ages
9-3. Anywho...just thought I would say hi and I am glad you shared your story with the Blog world!
Oh and you totally DO look like Kimmie!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome wagon - the kids all seemed to enjoy it. You go kiddos.

Moni Graf said...

The choo-choo wagon ROCKS the Graf quads' world! We love it and hope you guys do too. Fair warning: It DOES attract ALOT of people. Kind of makes me feel like a circus freak side-show. Bt who can resist a parade of babies?!

Suz, you look so hot! And I don't mean temperature-wise. Good job on staying motivated. Glad there was a little ray of sunshine for you after dealing with "the bug". Not a bad trade-off.

Love from KS,

Jody said...

I am sooooooo sorry about the nasty bug! Yuck! I absolutely HATE throwing up. HATE IT!!! No, parents NEVER get a day off!! However, isn't it the best to have these babies? I can't think of anything better. It only gets more fun as they get older.

So glad the good health has returned.
Again, your family is PRECIOUS!

Julie said...


I have been following your blog for about 8 months. My brother and his wife had quads in July. 3 boys and 1 girl. Born at 35 weeks and all weighing b/w 4-6 lbs. They all came home in 3 days. Needless to say, a miracle of health. Your blog has given me sound advice and comfort and ideas that I have passed along. The babies are 2 months now and things are really now "kicking in" high gear. What advice can you give for organization and when it gets really, really stressful? Your chilren are adorable and it is so obvious that you are completely in love with all of them.


Betsy McK said...

Their quad wagon it the cutest thing ever!

Greta said... that your "for real" sister with quads too?!
If not, there is definitely a resemblance between you two!

Jenn K said...

Loving the wagon! I am with you on the fall weather, I wish it lasted longer around here.

Thanks for being such a huge support to me through this awesome journey!


Les and Kimberly said...

oh my gosh, that is by far one of the cutest things - LOVE the choo choo train!!!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that quad-mobile, its is soooooo cute! The fall weather is really amazing, I bet the kiddos are loving it.
(PS, you are skinnier than I am and you had 4 babies at once a year in the world!?!) You look awesome, you're gorgeous!

Shelley said...

Does the wago have seat belts in it? Is it really heavy to pull? Was thinking of getting one for the triplets birthday next year. I had that same thing you had a couple of weeks ago. I felt terrible to. Everyone got it but the triplets!!!

Emily said...

It was so fun getting to meet you guys in person today!!! Maybe we can meet up again at Stroller Skating once RSV season is over! Your kids are adorable!!!

Angela said...

I think it's funny that the first seven comments on this post (including my first comment :) all used the word "cute!"

Emily said...

Joe looks like a duck with his little ducklings following behind. :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry you guys have been so sick lately! Hope all is well now!
The Quad A Choo Choo is adorable! What a great way to cruise the neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me the name of that wagon... I would love one for my multiples... I keep trying to google it, but I find nothing.. I would love to buy one! Thanks!

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