Saturday, October 04, 2008

Let the Games Begin...

Sorry the blogging has been super slow lately...the Steece 6 have simultaneously been hit HARD by various bugs, colds, fevers, etc---it seems like we cannot get well! The stomach bug came back...all 4 quads, at the same time, blowing out diapers...that was fun! (3 hours of absolute insanity: definitely- a future blog post...hardest day I've had thus far) Now we are all trying to get over colds! (lots of breathing treatments, runny noses, etc) So, Mom has not had time to do much of anything! And there are SO many things I need to blog about! (especially our wonderful visit with Aunt Susan and Uncle Ronnie!)...Hopefully this week, we will start to feel much better....

I leave you with this:

What happens when mama heads downstairs to start a load of laundry? I notice that the kids are being eerily quiet and walk into the nursery to find this: "Aren't you proud of us, mama?" (Ethan by the door, Ben at the drawer, Drew with hand in mouth, and Sav sitting)

Oh we go...And YES! To answer the obvious future question: We immediately secured our drawers and furniture- just one of the many things we had been meaning to do for weeks and just never got around to it. We are quickly learning that if we are not 100% completely "on top of our game", if we fail to leave a door barely cracked, a cup too close to the edge of the table, a drawer partially opened---the quads are on it like "white on rice" in 2.2 seconds! Especially Ethan. It is absolutely amazing.

Ahhh....let the games begin...

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Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

the pictures and video are cute, despite the mess!

isn't it amazing how quickly they can get into trouble at this age?

i often find my 3 doing the same thing...though it is typically with the selves of their food, cups and utensils. they LOVE to take everything off the shelves and scatter it throughout the house :)

i hope you are all feeling better soon!

DJones said...

Funny that they get so quiet! It is such a give away. But oh so adorable! Get well soon!

Leah said...

My one year old is the same way, and I only have 1! I don't know how you do it! Gavin has a new brother and sister (I also have 4 week old twins), and he likes to go in their room and pull stuff out of their closet and off their changing table! I dread the day that Kami and Luke become mobile! LOL I'm having a hard time with just one, I can't imagine 3 of them! And you have 4! But, you have to admit, they are soo cute when they get "caught"!

Kim H. said...

Isn't it the same way with the floor? I can vaccume 100 times before my neices come over - but they will always find something on the floor to put in their mouth!

Anonymous said...

They look so darn cute in that picture though, you can't help but smile when you see those faces!! (I, of course, wasnt the one cleaning up after them though)

Pam said...

And they still all look so cute and so innocent! Love the post and the pictures! A friend in East Texas, Pam.

Brandy said...

Oh Suz,

Those pics and video are adorable, my Triplets are 5 and my Singleton is 6 and they still cant leave their drawers alone and no matter what I do they still seem to get into them. Which leads to more laundry for me to wash, fold and put away its a never ending cycle. Anyway I hope all of you guys get to feeling better soon.


Jenny said...

That's hilarious! Never a dull moment, huh? They are getting so big. I've been following your blog for about a year now and it seems impossible they are already so big. So, so sweet.

Lees said...

I am SO sorry that you have all been sick - that is SUCH a bummer!

I can not beleive the mess they got into! :0) Too cute!!!

Mailing that book on Wednesday - have a sitter for Bible Study so will get some errands done too! I hope you love it!


Anonymous said... the video! Sorry all of you have been under the weather. Praying you all feel better soon. Nothing worse than 1 blow out diaper, but 4. Whew girl you're brave! =)

JAMIE'S CREW said...

Hey Suz!
I could tell you some similar stories about my twins! There were definitely days that were a challenge to be sure.

So sorry that you guys have been sick. We had a couple of spring breaks in a row that all 5 of us passed the stomach flu around. We were so careful to wash hands and use Lysol. To this very day - the smell of Lysol grosses me out.

Take care! Keep your chin up. Soon enough - the kids will all be well again and you and Joe too.


Jen Wilson said...

That's too hilarious! (The clothes all over, not the sickness!) I'm sorry your family has been struggling with being sick. I hope you're all 100% very soon!

I have a question, for the next FAQ or something, if you do another one!

Do each of your boys have a different clothes? Or do you just buy LOTS of boy clothes and they wear whatever?

katherine said...

Aw, sorry you've been sick. Hope you're well again this week!

I've determined that my house stays ClEANER if I DON'T clean. Then I can distract the kiddo. If I try to clean, she can un-clean faster than I can clean so it works against me.

I love that the clothes all over the floor are so pink. I bet Savannah has as many clothes as her brothers put together. =) Heaven knows Anna's closet is busting at the seams--it just happens!

Melodie said...

My two year old loves to do that! And she especially loves removing everything from her toy box and spreading it all over her room. Fun, fun, fun!

Anonymous said...

My twins are obsessed with making messes-and they're 2 1/2! They still love to pull all the diapers off the shelf, smash chips or cookies on the floor, and color on things (my girl twin got our fish tank today).
I hope everyone gets better soon!

MEGAN said...


HW said...

This is about the age my son got into the CHILD PROOFED cabinet and poured maple syrup on the floor. And three years later, his sister did it with vegetable oil - at the same age.

"If I'm too quiet, you better find me..."

Rolyndia said...

Love it!! Not that you were sick, but I know how it is to walk into something unexpected. So cute!!

Kaci said...

When Mommy's away we will play! :) XOXOX

Unknown said...

How funny! at least it was just clothes and not a fridge full of food or pile of trash!

Hope you're all feeling better!

Anonymous said...

The way Ben is transitioning from the drawer to the table and back---it looks like you've almost got a walker. Is that about right or are they already cruising?? They look great---mischevious of course, but super great. Way to go MOM!!!

A Fan from Big D

The McNulty Family said...

tee hee heee!
love you.

Moni Graf said...

It's hard enough to get my hubby to close the drawers after himself. And now, ours are starting to learn how to open up cabinets. I'm afraid....very afraid.

No making out at your house until everyone's 100%! Just kiddin' - do whatever you like. It is your house, afterall! But, seriously, I hope everyone gets better soon. Blow-outs really are about as lovely as a dissecting aortic aneurysm.


Unknown said...

LOVE IT !! With my two it was an entire new package of baby wipes, while I was loading laundry ~ at about the same age!! And yes I took tons of pictures of it that day too! :-)
Hope everyone is feeling better soon!!!

Cindy said...

So SO adorable! I love the mischief in their faces :)

Anonymous said...

They were busy busy busy! I'm sure they thought they were helping mom out. Didn't you want all those clean clothes scattered all over the floor? lol!

I hope you are all feeling better and stay well!

Cathy in Frisco

Ed and Jamie said...

Wow! Somedays I stuggle with 2 wondering what in the world to do. Thanks for making me smile!

TEXOSE said...

My little one and eldest love to do this and I think it is a mess...
God bless you for your patience of love with your babes. I hope that all are on their way to recovery and that sleep is getting longer for you. I know that the stress of a sick little one can really effect your spirit. May God also provide grace and mercy for your tired and weary soul. I do miss yah and wish I could have seen yall when you came down last, but there will be a next time... ALL my love and XOs from a CUZ...
----Ladybug Jo

Greta said...

I've got an 11 month old son and regarding how they seem to find everything at this doors, open drawers, cups full of stuff that will stain, unsupervised anything...I refer to him as an opportunist. That makes it sound like he's advanced, right?! Hahaha!

Mercedes said...

Wow. I need to get those myself it looks like. Too funny.

Elyse said...

All of you sick at the same time? Four 14month olds! Oh my goodness! Hope you ALL are on the road to recovery now!!! *HUGS* being sent your way! Hang in there!!!

Emily said...


I stumbled upon your blog after checking out "Blog Designs by Jennisa" and have been hooked ever since. I have a one year old who was born around the same time as the quads - so I can relate on a much smaller scale! For your next FAQ post: what are your thoughts on vaccines? Have all the kiddos been vaccinated? Just curious what other moms out there think about this topic...

Hope you're all well soon!

Emily in Maryland

Melissa Halford said...

Oh girl...get ready! Mine someone stole frozen egg rolls from the freezer this afternoon, opened them, ate them and shared them with the dog! It will never be dull I will promise you that!

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