Thursday, October 09, 2008

Quads' Due Date- a Year Ago

I was thinking back to last year...on this very date----the Quads' original due date was October 9, 2007. (When we thought we were only pregnant with one child! ha!) It feels like we celebrated their first birthday (Aug. 1st) ages ago...

Here are some photos I took of the babies last year on their due date.

'Lil Mama with her babies (Andrew, Savannah, Benjamin, Ethan)

Granna and grandquads (B, S, A, E)

I cannot believe they used to all fit in the same crib...with lots of room to spare! (S, B, E, A)

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Heather B. said...

I love the pics!! They were so small. It is hard to believe they were ever this little!!! I laughed when I saw that A & E have name tags on in the last pic!!

So Precious!!

Stephanie said...

I love how they are "labeled" in that last picture!! time flies..I just read Jenn from King Quads and how she cant beleive they are a month old already. I bet you think that same thing everyday! (I do, and I've only been "reading" about your life much less experiencing it daily!!)
You are truly blessed with 4 precious babies!

kristinkfitness said...

I found your blog and I'm amazed! What a blessing! We're Aggies too so of course that makes me like yall even more! =) Good luck with everything!

Darron and Ashlie said...

I can't believe how they have grown!! I ran across the picture I took on my cell phone of Sav taking her first bottle (the one I tried to later found out you can't get pics on your phone!)So amazing! Miss you guys..give those babies some love from me and miss halley!!

Darron and Ashlie said...

I can't believe how they have grown!! I ran across the picture I took on my cell phone of Sav taking her first bottle (the one I tried to later found out you can't get pics on your phone!)So amazing! Miss you guys..give those babies some love from me and miss halley!!

MEGAN said...

Ok...I want 4 babies now!

Wellers said...

Today is my son's 1st Birthday!! So he was born on their due cool!!

Brandy said...

They are so cute and I love the fact that the two boys are labled in the last picture. That is to funny, its amazing how time flies by I can remember when my Trips were just born. Enjoy all of those precious moments.


The Drama Mama said...

Gosh, it's hard to believe they were so small! And it seems like forever ago when they were born...isn't amazing how fast the time flies by? I love reading updates on your precious family! HUGS!

Kelly said...

Aw! Happy Due date! Ash's will be the 17th. (Born the 6th of Oct.) She was sooo in a tutu like her big sis did for her 3rd b-day.

Kelly T said...

These are too precious. Oh, how far you've come! And isn't it good of the Lord to humble us when we think we've finally got it all under control (like your "worst day yet" with all the illnesses).

I have to tell you, I use an RSS feed that I check blog subscriptions on, and if I see there are new updates I only get excited about certain blogs. Yours is one of those, and I don't even know you! Thanks for shining your light with Blogger World!

Kari said...

That is just amazing! I've been following your blog since they were born and it's incredible to see how healthy they are.

God has truly blessed your family!!

Elyse said...

I can not believe that they all fit in one crib either! They are such sweet miracles who have awesome and caring parents! What sweethearts!!!

Kaci said...

Happy Due Date Birthday! :)


Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

my gosh, they were so itty bitty! we just went through this too and i was amazed by how tiny they actually were!

twarpula said...

So sad how fast it flies by!! I remember my twins when they were coe-bedders, now they are 5. (sniff sniff) Thanks for sharing, you will be so happy to have your blog to look back at when they are older. ~Tanya

glitzen said...

A wonderful due date, its my mom's bday today and my sister had her baby today! I got to put his very first teeny weeny diaper on him.
I love your blog, especially your banner. Its so much fun watching your tots grow, thanks for sharing it with us!

Marty Rhea Hill said...

Suz, From the picture a year ago, you continue to glow. ....x4. God is so amazing and He continues to put that spark in your sweet face. Thanks for the pictures.

The Sims Family said...

Ever since I ran across your blog several months ago I can't help but check in daily! I too am amazed at how those little ones have grown. Time does fly by! You are so precious and I love how real you are!

Julia said...

They have gotten so big! It doesn't seem like it has been a year and I only read your blog! I bet time has just flown by for you! Your babies are growing up so fast! It is so fun to see all the mischief they get themselves into these days!

Anonymous said...

Those babies make me smile so big every single time! I think Ben has changed so much!

4under3 said...


What a big blessing you have! I keep looking at the first pic of you holding all of them...and think, how in the world?

But, oh yea, it definitly has nothing to do with anything that's in this world. ;)

You guys are so cute!!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow..amazing how they've grown! They were so tiny. Happy Due Date Anniversary to you!

Carie said...

Hi Suz and Joe...your family is precious, such cuties. What a great blog and so fun to read about you guys!!!

Joe...Caleb says hi!!!

kjames106 said...

That is so sweet. What a true blessing from God!

I have a question. In one of your posts, you said that the doc wants them to be able to repeat animal sounds by 15 months. Well, I only have 1 baby and he was born 2 days after the quads, but he is not even close to imitating animal sounds. That post kind of worried me? Did he say that is was normal at that age?

Meg said...
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