Joe and I were encouraged and energized to find the ability to give thanks in any situation. "Sure......." you might say with a smirk, and yes- I too have thought that yah, this sounds like a great "idea" in theory...but if you work at it, you will see that you can find a reason (if not MANY reasons) to give thanks in any situation! It takes practice!
Joe and I were having fun with it (half serious/half goofy) are some examples:
As we were leaving church on Sunday, we were cut off by a speeding car on the interstate...Joe began to get "heated", and I laughed and said, "I'm thankful that we avoided a wreck.....we are so blessed to own a nice working vehicle!" Joe laughed and it soon became a game...
After eating lunch on Sunday, my stomach was hurting pretty badly (I've had issues off and on lately), instead of focusing on my discomfort, I laughed and said, "I am thankful that I feel great the majority of the time--I shouldn't take it for granted!" (Say it out loud, even if you think it is silly!)
One night this week, I was complaining of it being cold in the which Joe responded, "I'm thankful for our house and heating!" (so true!)
On a bigger scale, I recently was blown away at the dentist office with the amount of money it would take to correct damage done to my teeth while pregnant. (insert sobs here) It is SO difficult to justify spending money on this when you have SOOOO many other things that your money should go to, ya know? So, after a couple tears--I was able to give thanks that my teeth are pretty healthy and that I have four precious babies alive and well from my pregnancy!
Later that week, we received a check in the mail from the insurance company that I had been fighting for approximately 10 months (late last year and earlier this year). After MANY a heated phone conversation and lots of tears shed---the insurance company was FINALLY able to locate the problem and resolve the issue. Whew, boy was I happy the day that I learned that it was all sorted out and I wouldn't be hearing from them again! Well, months have gone by and apparently when the company was performing an inventory on their accounts, they realized that somehow the Steeces had over-paid and we were issued a credit of $500-out of the blue! WOW!
God has perfect timing!
So, I just wanted to encourage you guys to look for something positive in any negative situation! I promise you will always be able to find something to be thankful for!
Happy Thanksgiving and Safe Travels!
I'm thankful for blogs like yours that are always entertaining and inspiring to visit! Have a great Thanksgiving with your kiddos!!
Happy Thanksgiving- I am thankful you are my friend!!!! Say hi to the fam for me- (Great advice by the way!!!)
i sure am thankful that you take the time to post things like this so we can all be reminded to stay positive! woohoo!!
Great advice. Thanks!
I am thankful that my family is nearby and everybody is healthy, so we can spend Thanksgiving together.
You are SOOOO right :) It's easy to get caught up in all the negativity around you, but the Lord makes it sooo possible to remain joyful even in tough situations. What a blessing to get unexpected money!!! That is awesome!
Thanks for this post! I intend to play your game too! So positive!
Thank you! Dh teases me and says I am a Pollyanna, because I play "the glad game" but its become a family habit, and I think a good one.
Good for you getting the unexpected blessing of a refund. Isn't it awesome? We just got a rebate back and it was $100 more than I thought it would be, so there is a little more money for Christmas which was going to be kind of lean.
Thanks for such a wonderful post...I really needed it tonight.
good stories!
way to give God the glory!
I had one root canal after my singleton pregnancy and 2 after my triplet pregnancy.
Now just for the fun of it one of the root canals is failing and I need to get it extracted and get (gasp) an IMPLANT!
I'm 31. Yikes.
I feel your pain. But I'm thankful that I have dental insurance, and that I am able to get it repaired.
Great advice, so positive. Your blog is amazing.
what a great way to look at things! I will have to remind myself of this...
I'm so thankful that there are more "Pollyanna's" out there!
I'm so thankful for 4 beautiful babies that I've never met, but pray for each night!
I'm so thankful for Mommies and Daddies that provide so much "entertainment" to those of us that are so boring!
God Bless you ALL!
I've never posted before but I've always been a "lurker" that keeps up with you and your beautiful family. Thank you for this post (and all the others!) I really needed it tonight. I am a pretty optimistic person anyway, but like anyone else, I have my moments. So thanks for sharing and making me realize that the world and my life is really more GOOD than BAD and it's all in the way we choose to see it. =)
i love your attitude! this post hit home for us too. thank you for sharing. and praise God for the huge blessing!
You are awesome...I am thankful for YOU! God does have perfect timing...Amen Sister!
This is how I got through this past year as so many difficult things seemed to come at us at lightning speed. Tough pregnancy, my MIL's diagnosis and then recent death to ALS, financial woes, NICU stress, insurance battles (ME TOO!), my husband losing his many things that could have just knocked us over. I had to work very hard - sometimes through gritted teeth! - to try and remain grateful and focus on the positive. God has blessed us so many ways, even through the difficult times and keeping this attitude of gratitude has been crucial. Its not easy - I've definitely gone the 'woe is me' route, but God moves quickly to bring me back and give me some prespective!
YAY for your $500 credit, btw!
Happy Thanksgiving to your family too!
I'm thankful to have a family to drive to today, even if it does take 10.5 hours while pregnant and toting 2 dogs!
My husband is recently unemployed (his whole engieering design center closed) and I have been able to realize, now more than ever, how true your statements about finding reason for thanks in every situation is. I now read scripture from the apostle Paul frequently and I can actually relate....How much more will I now have to be thankful for once my husband is much. I will never take small blessings for granted after this situation.
Heather Holland
That is a great idea. I need to start trying that.
Thank you Thank you Thank you for this post...its exactly what I needed to read this morning! :) Happy Thanksgiving!
Great post!! God is good all the time and all the time God is good!!! Happy Thanksgiving!
The Cagle's
Mobile, AL
Suz, I have been reading your post for some time now and I just love your blog. Your blog has in turn inspired me to challange my readers. I think me and my husband might have to play this game as well. What a great way to turn negative into positive! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your wonderful family!
Happy Thanksgiving to the Steeces! We are all so blessed..and your post confirmed it. God is so good!
Thanks for the reminder! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your beautiful family!
This goes right along with a thought I had earlier today. I have been bemoaning the fact that the hubby has to work on Thanksgiving. Then it occurred to me today that I should be thankful that he has a job. And a good one at that.
Check out for a laugh and lesson in perspective.
Thanks for the encouragement!
I totally needed to hear that today! (actually everyday!) Thanks for putting it out there! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
WoW!!! What a story. Hope the Steece 6 have a blessed Thanksgiving and enjoy every precious moment.
Also-I awarded you an award on my blog. When you have time, pop on over :)
Happy Thanksgiving,
That's a great post for Thanksgiving!
Hope your family has a Happy Thanksgiving!
Suz...I love your blog! I've read it for over a year and a half and even went back to the beginning to read all the posts but this is my first time commenting. First off, to keep with the theme of the day, I am so thankful for your positive attitude. I know that I can always come to your blog to get a fresh, positive view on life :))
Now, something that caught my attention in your post was what you said about your stomach bothering you. Maybe you've already checked with a doc about it and maybe you already know about it b/c of your nursing background but just in case, I wanted to say something if it helps save you months of suffering. Post babies + stomach problems = Gallbladder!! I suffered for MONTHS before they finally figured out what was wrong with me and took the darn thing out! I didn't have a baby but my doc said the number 1 reason young women have to have their gallbladder taken out is because the hormones from pregnancy reek havoc on it....and it usually happens about a year after the baby (or babies ;p) are born. Sorry for the long post but I hope the info helps :)
What a great reminder-it's certainly easy to forget to give thanks, but we all have SO much TO be thankful for...roofs over our head, food, water, friends, health...having just been through 3 surgeries, one of which was an emergency and has been very painful to recover's been hard to be thankful, but I could've easily gotten a life threatening infection or something else terrible, so I'm very lucky to be on the mend, even though it's painful right now!
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Suz (and Joe and the babies). Even though we don't "know" each other personally, I feel like I know you through the blog, and am thankful for your guys' presence in my life-a cheery one!
Well you don't know me but I have been watching your blog since you were pregnant. Your family is just beautiful. I would like to tell you a little about what I am thankful for this year. This is a new beginning for me, on October 9th, 2008 my doctor called me and said we have a liver for you come in tonight at 4 your surgery will be tomorrow. I wasn't scared I was anxious and excited and very sad at the same time. After the surgery I found out that an 18 year old from Huntsville had a car wreck and he had donated all his organs. This liver was so great that it was divided into two and a two year old got half and I got the other half I know you as a nurse probably know that the liver rejuvinates itself. But this Thanksgiving has a new meaning to me and my family, we realize life is to short to sweat the small stuff and just be thankful to wake up in the morning with heat and a bed to sleep in and family all around and God in your life. My name is Mary Courington
Wow! My hat's off to you for your everyday courage in doing what must be a tremendous (but, of course, fun) job. (It's my first time reading your blog.) Happy Thanksgiving to you and your darling family, all the way from central Italy.
I am thankful for your blog and for your reminder to be thankful. But honestly this week as my sister had a baby born at 38wks and die I am really struggling. PLEASE what is positive in this? My heart is broken, and I am not his momma, I don't know what to do or say to help my sister and her husband. I don;t know how to be thankful for this.
Hey Suz! I just got my 2009 Cranial Tech DOC Band Calendar. My baby is on May 2009 under Sunday (Baylor, and yes he is named after Baylor Texas I should get you to find me some good Baylor Univ. gear for him we are in AZ) Is that your quads on the back cover?
Happy Belated Thanksgiving! I have to say God does have perfect timing and even though I lay here with a torn ACL and am having surgery in 2 weeks some good things have actually come out of it. So be thankful for all that you have and God will show you the way to remarkable and rewarding things in his timing.
great post :)
that's so awesome that you two were able to get to church together! and i love your post. it's true, it's work to always be thankful but that's what God wants us to do..."Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
thanks for sharing and i'm glad to hear you made it to waco safe and sound (well, your ears may be a bit tired from all of "singing" the babies did, though ;) i guess give thanks for their strong and healthy lungs!)
-fellow quad mom of GGGG and a 4yo boy
i read this post a few days ago andthought it was great and was going to try it!....little did i know that i would have to put it to use THAT night, but i did find the good in the bummer situation (and so did my husband) should read my post on my blog about it! you inspired me to be positive. thanks!
Suz, I have a question for you. Do you ever have days where a couple or all four of the kiddos are cranky/crying most of the day? (Say like, when they get their one year molars, etc). If so, how do you deal with it? Do you call for reinforcements or just tough it out? How do you stay sane?
I have been following your blog for a long time now, and had to catch up on some because I have been so busy. However, I had to let you know how much I appreciated this post! I feel the EXACT same way and try my best to make every situation positive! Thank you for this post! :)
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