Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas to All...

...and to all, a GOOD night!

Ethan, Savannah, Benjamin, and Andrew

Papa, Ben, Granna, Savannah, Suz, Andrew, Joe, Ethan, Ashley (baby Carter), and Collin

We hope you all had a wonderful, magical, and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

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Melanie said...

I hope you all had a Very Merry Christmas as well!!!! :o) Love the pictures! Great looking family!

mrs boo radley said...

Merry Christmas to you! What a beautiful family.

Brooke said...

Too cute! Looks like fun! And congrats to Ashley!

Anonymous said...


I chose to remain anonymous, not because I don't care for you to know who I am, but purely because I want you to know the great things you do by keeping this blog. There are people all over the world reading what happens in your day to day life. I love it! I check the blog daily. But you do such a good job with the reality of this wonderful, yet busy and stressful, life you live. I feel like I'm right there with you. So, just to thank your for what you do.

Merry Christmas to you and yours! I hope you had a blast watching your four darlings open presents Christmas morning!!

I'm still waiting for the day I become a Mommy, but I just want to thank you for doing your blog. It makes me look so much more forward to, hopefully, someday raising my kids as good as you seem to do with yours, and I could never put into words the things you have shown and taught me through your blogs. I hope you've had a blessed season and a wonderful new year full as well as years to come.

Love from LaLaLand. :)

Anonymous said...

SO sweet!

Elizabeth said...

Love it!!! You guys are so cute.

Beth said...

I'm one of those blog readers who doesn't comment often :-) I enjoy reading about your adventures as a family of 6! I finally decided to comment though because I have a 22 month old little girl...and everytime I look at your blog I have to laugh because Savannah has on the same outfit or PJs that we have :-) Those were the Christmas PJs of choice this year! Merry Christmas!

Casey's trio said...

Merry Christmas! Love the kiddos in their jammies:)

Angie said...

So cute!! Love the pic of your family in front of the tree. Merry Christmas!!

Unknown said...

Great family photos! I realized after the day was done yesterday, that we got TONS of pics of the kiddos, but no family photo! :-( Hope you all had a GREAT Christmas!!

Lainey-Paney said...

Wow, what great pics!
Hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas!

glitzen said...

Great pictures. Love your Christmas eve pics. We do that too. Its such a fun thing to look back on, now that our girls are 10 and 11.
Merry christmas from Alaska!

Kendall and Brooks said...

Adorable! Merry Christmas!

Cori said...

What wonderful photos! Merry Christmas!!!!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to your VERY large family! You look very happy :)
I really like the kids Christmas PJs!

Jenny said...

So precious! Merry Christmas!

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Merry Christmas!

Kelly said...

Hi there! I've been reading your blog for awhile - I came found it as a link on Jeannie's blog "Three for the Price of One". I am also a nurse...worked 3 years in a Peds Cardiac ICU and almost 2 years in a fertility center.

Just like everyone else, I REALLY enjoy seeing your family pictures and reading your posts - you have a gift for writing!!!

On a selfish note - if you happen to read this comment...I have 1 question and 1 comment:

1. I love your ballet flats in your Xmas picture. Where did you get them or who makes them?

2. I LOVE your hair!!!! You are such a beautiful girl - inside and out!

Anyways, Happy Holidays!

Sheridie said...

Merry Christmas & God Bless!

Anonymous said...

They are getting SO big! Merry Christmas!

Kelly said...

Simply adorable. Hope it was a merry one!

Anonymous said...

Now that's a good looking family! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you!

Ronda said...

What a precious family! Truly a blessing!

Anonymous said...

What a great picture of the family....You should all be models! :) Can't believe how the" little angels" have grown..Look forward to seeing you soon...Love and hugs to all of you!!

Jac Tubre said...

Great pictures! We had adorable, thick and cozy pj's picked out for Christmas Eve night and then it decided to get to 75 degrees...sheesh! Your crew gets cuter everyday and you are looking good too mom and dad!

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Beautiful family!

Unknown said...

What a gorgeous family!

Ms. Perky said...

what great pictures! Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!

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