No rest for the weary, I tell ya. Saturday night I caught some weird stomach bug/bad food (?) and spent the wee morning hours "upchucking" everything I had consumed the previous day. It was loads of fun! Savannah especially enjoyed pile-driving Mommy's tummy while she tried to recuperate on the couch.
In other news, you do NOT want to mess with THIS guy. (Thought the shirt was appropriate)
Nice shiner, eh? Yah--it happened last Saturday at our professional photo session! Not kidding- we were there for maybe 5-10 minutes and Ethan face planted into a concrete curb. AWESOME. Felt sorry for the little guy--but had to laugh at the irony! I mean, seriously!
The session was awesome, but WORE us OUT! I don't know how you professional photogs do it! But if anyone can, its Ruth!!! She is INCREDIBLE and such a gifted woman. If you are in the DFW area and looking to take pics of your family that you will love for years to come...I know just the gal you should talk to! You can visit her website HERE.
(...a preview of our pics that I snapped with my camera at the end of the day: Andrew, Ben, Savannah, Ruth, and Ethan with the beginning stages of his awesome black eye)
I only have 2 and one on the way but I have played the same game all to recently with the boys. It is so hard to be a sick stay at home mommy. We need a sub sometime too.
hope you are feeling better! my son got his first ever black eye two days before we were doing a fall photo shoot this past weekend. one of his sisters caught him in the face with the corner of a wooden puzzle ouch! so by the time we did our pics it was a nice dark purple and green! ah well what can ya do? my Triplets weren't cooperating that day anyways for the pics so the black eye was the least of my worries :o)
Hope you are back to "normal" now sweet momma!! Love you bunches, can't wait to see the pictures!
suz- hope you getting to feeling better soon- I can't WAIT to see the pics, those outfits are just precious!
WEIRD! What a small world. I know Ruth & Chris. Chris and I went to high school together. And we went to church with them for a while. Don't see them very often now because we're in S Dallas.
I'm going to need senior pictures for my oldest this year...perhaps I'll give her a call!
Hope you feel better soon.
Wow that black eye is quite a shiner! I hope you are feeling better and I can't wait to see your family photos!
OH MY GOODNESS! Feel better Suz. So sorry.
Hope you are feeling better. Your tots are just adorable (even with black eyes) :)
Glad you're recouping, Suz. The photos are going to be AH-MAZING! Those outfits and those precious faces couldn't make for one bad photo! =) Love you, babes!
Oh Sweet Suz.....NO....I hope you are feeling better!!!! =(
LOVING the outfits for the pics....I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE THEM!!!! Too cute!!! Little E with the shiner...OMG....seriously a story for the books!!! Crazy kid -- hope he's all back to new soon!!!! Love you momma!
oh my goodness, suz, i'm sooooo sorry you are sick! what a nightmare! i hope daddy is helping out a ton!
the preview pic is killing me! i want to see more! those outfits are adorable but then again, your kids could wear anything and look absolutely adorable! they are such cutie patooties!
give ethan a big kiss, tough guy! and a big kiss to you too, mama! hang in there.
love you!
Hi! I've read your blog for some time now. Think your kiddos are ADORABLE!! We just moved to Grand Prairie, TX from Montgomery, AL. We are renting an apartment and I was wondering if you had any tips what cities to live in? Thanks!
Suz, I'm so sorry you are sick! It is really hard for mommies to be sick!! I hope you are taking it as easy as possible...Take care of you and let some things just wait until you are better!! Hugs!
I hope you feel better soon!
Stinky stuff going on all around. Stinks that you are sick and poor little Ethan, I know that hurt!! I hope both you Steeces are feeling better soon.
P.S. A friend of mine had a weird stomach thing, while at the movies of all places. She said it just came on all of a sudden. She started sweating and shaking and then presto came the upchuck for several hours. Must be something going around.
Anyhoo...feel better soon.
Hope your are feeling better. It is rough on a mommy being sick. Hope ethan's eye is better. Love the outfits in the picture. so adorable
Oh my gosh - the eye got SOOOOOOOO BAD! Poor guy! I hope you feel better soon. Had so much fun! I will be blogging your pics soon ;)
I hope that you are able to bounce back soon! That is so hard to the mommy and the patient at the same time.
Hope you are feeling better and sweet Ethan's eye is healing! I LOVE LOVE LOVE those hats the boys have on!!
For the last three photo sessions of my daughter's first year she got a bruise or red spot on her face while taking pictures. It's like a right of passage or something.
I hope you are feeling better.
Hey Suz....I sure hope you are feeling a whole lot better by now. I absolutely LOVE the picture with Ruth and the quads---oh my goodness--sooooo precious.. Can't wait to see the rest of them. Take care--Love you bunches little mama...(Poor little Ethan)-too stinking cute even with the shiner!!! :)
don't get professional pics made again....a black eye and the flu...ugh!! Beautiful family!
Suz, so sorry to hear you've not been feeling well. I can't imagine being sick and home alone with quads. It was hard enough when I had three under five. You have amazing patience. Tell Ethan that Mimmy said she hope his black eye is better soon, although, if he was one of my grandsons, he's want to keep it for a while. It makes him look macho.
God Bless,
oh wow...can't imagine chasing all 4 while ill! Hope you had some help!!
Poor Ethan. Hope she got some pics in before the black eye started showing up! Can't wait to see the pics!
Hi Suz! I love your blog. I've been a "lurker" for a while but don't comment very often. Just wanted to let you know how much you bless me through reading your blog. I love how real you are in your faith, and how you are so transparent and FUN! Those 4 kiddos and hubby of yours are so lucky to have you :) I have a question that I would LOVE the answer to if you could give me know in all that free time that you have :):) How did you get that picture that you took of your kids (which I absolutely LOVE their outfits by the way!!) with your photographer, so "washed out" looking?? I love it!! Blessings to you Suz, and praying for you that you're feelign better!
A Sista in Christ :)
Being sick can be no fun and even harder with littles ones. I hope you are back to your self as well. the preview is so so cute... it may have been done before but not with your darlings.... hang in there and know that we send our love.
I think this was the same weekend that I was at my 10 Year Reunion at ACU and a MEAN stomach bug was going around. It only last a couple of days, but it spread fast and it was pretty rough! Glad you are feeling better...oh, and the pictures are great! I know what you mean by it feeling like Christmas morning. I am the same way when my photographer tells me that my sons pictures are ready!!! SO EXCITING!
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