This morning I headed outside by myself to scoop up all the Shiloh poop (which is a full time job in and of itself) so the kids could go out and play later. I knew I was headed for trouble when the door handle kept clicking and moving.
I finished the poop cleaning and headed back to the door. I reached for the handle (that Shi has tried her hardest to bite through)...
...wouldn't budge. "Awesome"
I peeked inside and couldn't see ANY of my FOUR children ANYwhere. I mean seriously...there's FOUR of them..surely, SOMEone would be within my line of vision?!?
Another: "GREAT"
They're probably into something or where they shouldn't be. (You see, that is how they punish me for going outside without them...I guess, that and now locking me out!)
We keep all of our windows and doors locked- even when we are, that wasn't really an option. (I know, I know---hide a freakin' key, lady! But not really comfortable with that either) Did I mention that I didn't have my cell phone? I banged on the back door and finally, little faces started to appear. Ethan approached with a "what in the world are you doing, Mom?" and when he realized that I couldn't get in, HE SMILED AT ME. NO LIE. The precious little demon SMILED at me! I asked him to turn the knob and he just kept smiling, wouldn't budge an inch.
By this time, Ben is completely freaked out by my banging and is in a FULL meltdown as he shuffles, with tears streaming down his face, toward the door. (are you picking up on their personalities here?)
"Ben...BEN! Its okay...come here and turn the handle!" And he approaches the door, starts messing with the handle, but not working. So, I know who I needed---I needed little Miss Smarty Pants.
Andrew is no where to be another room, just content and playing with a toy...oblivious.
"Ben...BEEEEN--go get Savannah...where is Savannah?" And he looks over to where she is.
"SAAAAV!!! Come here, sweetheart!" (totally laying on the charm) "Hey sweet thang, Mama needs your help!" (I can get her to do ANYthing if I tell her that I need her help) "Mama is locked out and can't get inside...I need you to turn the handle."
(BTW- Where was she, you ask? Why, taking her clothes off like she does EVERY single second of every single day, of course!)
She walks over, turns the handle, and whallah...I'm in. PHEWWWWWWW.
Seriously, thank GOD that little girl has been able to understand what I say to her, since she was like 1 year old! I can speak to her like an adult---while her brothers just stare at me. She is SO smart. A PAIN in the REAR 80% of the time...but I love her independent character and wouldn't change her for the world.
Joe and I have nervously giggled about how we need to keep keys on us at all times, because we KNEW the day was coming--whether it was our garage, or back door. I guess we've learned that lesson...
Just another thing to cross off the "welcome-to-motherhood-lessons-you-will-learn-the-hard-way" list.
Tell me I'm not the only one! Would LOVE to hear your stories!
Happy Friday! May it be uneventful! ;)
It was a few days before Christmas last year and I took my then 1 year old for a quick trip to the mall. As we were getting ready to leave she started I decided to distract her by giving her my car keys. When we got to the car I unlocked the doors and put her in her carseat then shut the door. At that very moment I realized that she still had my keys and - you guessed it - beep beep, she locked me out of the car!!! After what felt like eternity, but was only a few minutes she stuck the keyless remote in her mouth and teethed on it for a minute and managed to unlock the car! Let's just say - lessoned learned!! :)
My story is too long to write in the comment box so there's the link in all your free time. : )
Great story! Love how their different personalities show through in experiences like that! LOL
So funny to hear about their personalities. I love that Ben cried, one had no idea you were outside, precious.
I've begun leaving my keys in the door so you know ANYONE can come into my home. Thank God I haven't been killed yet w/that silly habit.
That has so happened to me before. Don't feel bad. My little girl (who is now 5) did that to me when she was probably pretty close to the quads age. She just laughed at me, & I had to climb through a window.
When I was 2 years old and my brother was a newborn I locked my mom out of the house when she went out to get the newspaper. In her socks. And there was a foot of snow on the ground. apparently sav is a way better kid than i was because my mom ended up having to run to the neighbor and call the police because i wouldnt open the door!!!! BUt i hear what youre saying about the boy/girl thing. My 2 year old daughter is WAY more mature than the boys were at this age. Its amazing how different those men are!
you are not alone! My son flipped the lock on the sliding glass door locking everyone else outside. He went over to the cake on the counter, getting whatever icing his little fingers could reach. I had to go around front, thru the garage.
Suz!!!! That is crazy... good thing the kiddos are old enough to open the door. We never locked our parents out of the house but I remember my sister drawing the entire story of dumbo on our bedroom walls during naptime!
Smart sweet Savannah!
Lillie has been able to open and close doors for the last couple of months. A few weeks back we were in the kitchen and she crawled into the living room and shut the joining door. I was freaking out as she was in the room on her own and I didnt want to risk opening the door and trapping her fingers or knocking her over. Luckily my other half works from home and his office is directly above the kitchen so I could go outside and shout him to come move her. He found her sitting by the door with one hand in the hinges the other under the crack saying "no no no". Eughh heart attack!
How funny!!! You go Ms Sav!!!! Love the pics mama!!!! Love you!
we live in an apartment in college station without a deadbolt up high enough that my son couldn't reach. i have a 4 year old and a 2 year old. but when the 2 year old was a newborn, and the other was 2, i was sleeping with the baby, husband was at school, and i woke up a little late. walked into the living room to find the door wide open. my oldest was outside, in nothing but a diaper, and had moved all his tonka trucks out and put the keys in the car. not my best moment. you're not alone :)
Been there, done that! This summer when it was sweltering hot outside, my little girl and I came in to get a drink...I went back out to spray for some ants and told her to stay put inside for a couple of minutes. She (in all of her 20 month glory) got mad, slammed the door and then immediately regretted what she'd done. She tried to open the door, but instead hit the little lock button. I was totally stressed, until I looked over and saw my cell phone sitting on the ledge where I'd left it -- outside! Had to call my husband to come home from work to let me in! My poor child was traumatized, I think. But yeah, lesson learned...always have an extra key SOMEWHERE! :)
I have one for you...we used to live in CO but parents were still here in Fort Worth so we'd drive back and forth all the time. Well my oldest got car sick somewhere in between so we pulled over got him cleaned up and put him back in the car while we cleaned up his carseat and he LOCKED US OUT of the car. The keys were on the dash, thankfully we didn't leave it running. We were on the side of the highway, I was making all sorts of faces and hand motions to get him to figure out how to unlock the car. He was grinning ear to ear and without too much prompting figured it out, he is still my brainiac child! :-)
Oh that has happened to me too, except, I have an in-home daycare and I took my little dog out and my oldest daughter who is 4 went with me outside. One of my daycare boys locked me out. I was panicing with no phone and no keys!! Finally I got him to unlock it. Since then I take my keys with me!
The same thing happened to me when my son was 1 1/2! I went outside to get the mail and he locked the door. All of our doors and windows stay locked too. I could hear him inside crying and crying and crying! He was calling my name and he couldn't understand when I told him to turn the knob. My neighbors were gone, I had no cell phone....
Finally, a neighbor came home and I had to end up calling a locksmith!
Crazy kids!! :)
Oh so many years ago (as my oldest is now 30 years old!), I was unloading groceries from the car, and my son, about 18 months old I guess, was taken in the house with the first load. This grocery trip was instigated by being out of baby wipes and needing them! He locked me out and then calmly went and got his Richard Scarry book and climbed into a comfortable chair and read it, ignoring my knocking on the doors and windows to let me in. I first tried to break the window in one of the doors but, when the outer panel shattered into a zillion pieces, I aborted that method. I ran across the street and got a neighbor who managed to break into my house, easily I must say, with a credit card! So, no, you aren't the Lone Ranger! Thank goodness Sav listens to you and obeys!
The good news for me is that both my front and back door HAVE to be locked with a key from outside. So, unless someone from inside ACTUALLY locks me out, there is no danger of me getting locked out! Thankfully. But, I wouldn't put it past Gavin (2) to lock me out on purpose :-/
my 2.5 year old just did this a few weeks ago, but with our bedroom door. thank the good Lord he can't reach the front door deadbolt yet!
the only doors in the house that have locks are the bathrooms and our master bedroom. my husband had just gotten out of the shower and was walking around in his underwear (classy, no? :) we were talking in the kitchen when we hear our bedroom door slam. luke likes to play in there and you guessed it, had locked the door before he slammed it shut. so there's my husband, mostly naked and the 2 year old trying to get the door unlocked. we have a little allen wrench that will unlock the doors on the inside but it was IN the bedroom--smooth on our part! dh had to unscrew the entire door knob to get in and what was waiting for us on the other side? dear chloe, who had quietly crawled in when no one was looking. we hadn't even missed her until we got the door open, which thank goodness was only a matter of minutes!
i went right out and got those door knob covers and he hasn't bothered them since. they're pretty cheap--3 for $3.
fun times!
i love your blog, btw, and read regularly. you're my hero!
Haha, reading Stacy's story, yep, Gavin has been locked inside the car before! (Or I was locked out? However you wanna look at it.) Thankfully I have Onstar, so it wasn't really a problem, except I forgot for about 10 minutes that Onstar can unlock you doors! LOL
We live in an Apt. Complex.
One day a few months ago I knew that the maintenance guys would be coming by to change the filter in our AC unit. My mom called me in the middle of the afternoon during our normal quiet time and said she had bought something for my daughters (2 yrs and 1 yr) Knowing my 2yr old was quietly watching TV and my 1yr old was napping i decided to leave them up here and go grab the stuff from my mom(just down the stairs)
While I was down there the maintenance guys came from the other end of the hall to change the filters. They came of the hall just as i was turning to walk upstairs and they were joking about how they thought the girls were home alone but they know me enough to know my girls are ALWAYS with me. I got back up stairs and to my door and realize THEY LOCKED ME OUT! My 2 yr old can't reach the lock then i realized my cell phone was in my hand. I frantically called my mom to please run into the office and have them page maintenance to come unlock my door. I don't think I have ever been so frantic in my life, even though I knew they would be back right away to unlock my door. I too never walk outside my door without my keys anymore...too much stress for one locked door.
BTDT! My daughter locked me out when I went to get the mail. I must mention it was probably 20 degrees out and I didn't have my coat!
When my son was 1, he locked himself in the car with the remote after I'd strapped him in. I had to run to the neighbor's, call someone to bring me a house key, get in, find my brother-in-law's work number to call and see what the door code was (luckily he knew!). I got him out after about 20 minutes, but learned my lesson- don't let him hold my keys!
Glad you were able to get in!
That is too funny, it's like I can hear you talking to your children and I have never even heard your voice. My SIL locked, well, she didn't, but their little dog which she left in the car while she ran in the church building, locked her car with the keys in it and my nephew sitting in his car seat. The weather wasn't that hot but it terrified her, luckily living in a small town it was no problem to get the local city police to come unlock charge either! Your friend in East Texas, Pam.
OMG...I could have written this one MYSELF...even down to Meredith being the only one that would have a clue how to get the door open & HAVING NO CLOTHES ON!!! Our girls are DESTINED to be thick as thieves! Cracks me up...seriously I think they are identical & were separated at birth!!! And yes...I locked MYSELF OUT w/ 4 little bambinos in a play yard! I had to get Aidan from the bus stop on a rainy day & the bus stop is in our front yard so I just stepped out on the porch. UGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH....Aidan was totally FREAKED...I had to break a freakin' window...aaaaahhhhh....the never ending freakin' drama! I have also locked us out of the van...good times! But we lived to tell the tale, right?!?!?! LOL!!!! LOVE YOU MOMMA & I love that sweet SAV, the future locksmith of the family!
hi suz, just wanted to tell you how much i love reading your blog. i stumbled onto your blog a few months ago from one of my friends blog and i always enjoy your entries! your kids are cuties and it looks like you and your hubby are doing a great job of raising them. you are a great inspiration for "not yet moms" out there. :)
love, rachel
I got locked out when our daugher was a newborn (now a toddler). She was just worried cause her mom was no where to be found, and she was hungry. It was also August in Texas so it was hot.
So far this has not happened to me, knock on wood. I have a 4 year old and a 5 month old. We do have a key hidden in our garage and we have a key pad to punch in our code to open the garage door, so this shouldn't be a problem, but you never know! :) One of my good friends has had this happen multiple times though! Her son was about 2 and he locked her in the garage, so there wasn't a window for her to look in and try to coach him through unlocking the door. She couldn't get in any windows and her husband was out of state on business with the only other key! So she had to call the cops, she and one of the cops went to the back windows to coax her son back there and then the other cop broke down the door! Her son was hysterical by the time she got to him. She's also locked him in the car, in his carseat, with her keys laying in her seat. So he couldn't unlock anything for her. But thankfully they had OnStar so she was inside in a matter of minutes. Poor thing! She's been through a lot! haha Glad your kiddos let you in!!
Okay. Mine is a little different, but scary none the less, it was a traumatic experience for me. It was 2007, summer time. So, the twins were 3 and my oldest 6. Well, we were heading out the door, and I had to load them in their carseats. It was our minivan, so I put one in and walked around to place the other in the van, but what I did, was put my purse and keys in the passenger seat, for ease. (WRONG MOVE!) When I went around to the other side to put the other one in the van, the one inside, locked the doors. Power doors at that. So, we had to call the fire department, and I kept coaxing the one in the car to remove his clothes, it was so hot in there. It took them a while, and I was devastated. I tried getting him to unlock, he wouldn't budge, hand me the keys through the opening on the window (the ones that pop out), no luck. He just sit there and after a while, when I was in panic mode, he was too! Horrible. I NEVER EVER EVER Let my keys out of my sight anywhere I go now.
Glad that Miss Smarty Pants helped you out :0
I locked my kids in the car at Circle K, so I went inside and asked the manager CALMLY to call the fire department. He starts freaking out, running around like a chicken with his head cut off. It was a perfect 70 or 80 degrees out, not too hot, not too cold. I was a little embarassed, but calm. About two minutes later, the largest, loudest, most ridiculous fire engine come zooming in with lights on, sirens blaring, GOOD LORD, they unlocked the kids, but REALLY the sirens and a huge engine. They could have sent one man on a bike!!!
The joys of parenting!
Well, it IS friday the 13th! LOL!! I'm still waiting for a lock out story, but I know it'll happen eventually!
OH YAH sista! Read about ours here if you want to laugh!!!
happened to me just last week! my 2 yr old daughter locked me and my 6 month old son outside! she couldn't figure out how to turn the deadbolt lock the other way to open it though. my husband's cell phone was dead, so couldn't call him. my friend who used to have a key couldn't find it. THEN, my daughter starts crying and saying she needs to poop on the potty! (she is newly potty training). i'm telling her to "GO, GO GET ON THE POTTY!" through the door! LOL! she disappeared for a really long time (later found no business in the potty---guess it was just a gas pain!). finally remembered i had one of my husband's coworkers # in my cell, called him, and he got my husband who then came home to let me and the baby back in! oh, and did i mention that this was last week when everything at ft hood was occurring (which is about 20 miles from me) and everyone was on lockdown. I was on LOCK OUT apparently!
So i was a nanny for mmm 8 years I have had tons of kids in and out of my car and driven 5 different cars (provided by their families) and yes it is bound to happen I pick up Miss A from preschool and stick her in her car seat then I proceed to shut the door to walk around only... Whoops she has my keys and has just locked the door! AWESOME I mean its one thing when its your child ...but someone else's!! So I have onstar unlock the door and tada* thank god for onstar....another? Walk out back with the 3 mth old 4 lb preemie on a warm sunny day (we didnt get out much) to read a book baby is in the carrier im on a blanket and we go to go inside... locked!! every window every door until 1 hr later when her daddy gets home... and he just laughs until I swear he would pee himself and says my wife and I have done it a hundred times we need to change the locks um thanks for the warning!
Yep its happened to me too... words of wisdom... if you have any scissors around that are not locked up... lock them up... my children have followed in my childhood and have removed most of their hair in 3 seconds flat... It was just cause since I did it to my mom just before a big party...
my kids needed to be at church at 4am to leave for a missions trip. I grabbed the keys an took them only to find, upon my return, that I grabbed my husbands keys (no house key since a kid took it off of his key)so I got out my cell, called my husband, no answer; called son #1, no answer; called son #2, no answer, called son #3 no answer (all phones on silence to not wake them incase some random person should call in the night); I decide to honk my horn, no response! I pull the van by the sidewalk and decide I'm stickin' it out, in the van, in pouring rain, until at least 8am when my little kids would be up, when low and behold my husband peaks out the door with a questioning look on his face! WHEW! I'm saved! he said something just made him wake-up.....could have been the horn honking, one wll never know! lol
We were camping about 2 hrs away from home and my daughter wanted to go into the camper to watch a movie (she was about 18 months) so I put her in and started her movie and shut the door and joined my family and friends at the picnic table (all the boys had gone fishing) Maddie started banging on the door, so I got up to let her out and it was locked. I panicked at first, but then thought, I'll just call my husband and have him come back from the lake with the key so he can unlock the door. I get him on the phone and he's like um, the key is hanging in the camper! By this time, Maddie is SCREAMING and I am freaking out. We pried one of the windows open a little bit, enough to get our hand in there, but there was still nothing we could do. The men came back from fishing right away and we had my 3 yr old climb through the tiniest window (I still don't know how he fit through) and unlock the door. We were all cheering and telling him he saved the day!! How scary!!! We now keep an extra camper key in our truck so hopefully we never have anything like this happen again!!
I locked myself out, when my oldest daughter (only then) as asleep in her crib. Something had spooked me the night before and I had locked the door from the garage to the house. When locked it lets you go out, but not back in. BAD MOVE!!! My husband worked in downtown Houston and we were in The Woodlands, he couldn't get home quick. I had to borrow a neighbor's phone and thank goodness my best friend a few blocks over had my spare key because she had watched the dog a few weeks before and I had never gotten it back. She loaded up her own kiddos and rescued me. Since then....I have always left a key with a good friend nearby!!!
Instead of having a hide-a-key, we have a keypad beside our front door that opends our garage door. Then we have our extra key in there.
My son hasn't locked us out of the house yet (we've done that plenty of times on our own) but he has locked us out of the car. After a police officer was nice enough to come break into it for us we decided we needed to get hide-a-keys for everything. I was nervous about a key under the car but the cop who helped us break in said he's had a key for 20 years under his car and nothing has happened in all that time.
Here's what has been a lifesaver for us since our exterior doors lock so easy. Buy a hide-a-key box that has a combination on it. You screw it to the side of your house (or wherever you want) and then you set the combination, put a spare key in, and you have a locked up spare key that you can get out only if you know the four number code. It has saved our tails more than once!
Oh, that's my fear. I'm really trying to instill the "no door shutting" policy, but it's still a work in progress. In the mornings I go into the garage for dog food and many times she has shut the door. I keep thinking, I really need to put a key in there just in case. Her putting the bar across the back sliding door is another issue... Thankfully I haven't been locked out yet.
Crazy! I don't like leaving a key either outside. Maybe with a neighbor?? Leave it to the girl tocome ot the rescue... the boys are like..woohoo, mom's locked out...Par--tay!
Suz! Funny! I mean, now that it's resolved it's funny! I notice the same thing with Jilly! I can explain things to her and she actually follows directions. Such is SO not the case with the boys! Sorry you had a rocky day girl! Great story though.
I have twins that turned two Oct 23rd. I've been waiting for the day when they lock me out of the house or lock themselves in the car. Nelson loves to climb in and crawl over to his seat but thnks it's a game when I try to buckle him up. Kenley sounds like Sav she completely understands what I'm saying and Nelson looks at me like he's clueless!!!'re not the only one! My older son locked me out of the house too when he was about your quads age. Only he couldn't get the front door unlocked. Luckily, he managed to unlock the sliding glass door in the back or I would have been in big time trouble :-).
Now, I try to bring my keys with me when I go out to check the mail, but I occasionally forget, so I've been locked out again (but not quite the same emergency, since my older son is now 6).
MY son locked me out when he was about 2. We had been outside and I ran back in the garage to get my camera and he shut the door and turned the dead bolt. It was a hot day and it took me about 1/2 to get back in after finally telling him I needed his help and turn the handle left(thankfully my husband had taught him that.) Like you I had no spare key,no cell phone.My son was telling me to count to ten and was not taking any bribes like a cookie or anything. Now we have a key outside and I never go out without my cell phone.
I don't have kids but my neighbor has a little girl who is 4. The other day she locked herself out and I could hear her screaming and banging on the back door asking her daughter to open the door. I guess her daughter heard her but kept on playing. By the time I came out to help I didn't see or hear her anymore, I guess she figured she'd try to crawl through her doggie door (she has large dogs). When she asked her daughter if she heard her, her daughter said yes. She asked why she didn't open the door and the daughter just said I dunno! and then asked my neighbor to do it again and she'd open the door for her...LOL!!!
OH NO, I would have been a little panicked I think! I too keep EVERYTHING locked--Thank Goodness Miss Sav knew what to do!! :) Hope your weekend is less eventful but still great!
Y'all need to get one of these:
You install it somewhere discrete and create your own combo to remove the key from the box. We put one of these up to prevent this very problem! I think you can also change the combo easily enough that it would allow you to leave a key securely for someone checking on the house during a vacation, etc., without providing them constant access.
laughed out loud at your story though -- and how each kid reacted differently. It's great how y'all nurture each one's individuality.
Totally can relate to that. I have a spare key on my puppy's leash as i've locked myself out a few times. We use this in our home and in all my children's homes. Never get locked out again.
Love the quads. Fun times! ☺
Hysterical!! Love how all the kids had such different responses to your desperation. :) Great post, Suz. :)
My twins were about 5-6 months old and my oldest daughter 3 almost 4 at the time. I walked out on our back deck and Mackenzie the oldest shut the door and I heard it click. The twins inside and Mackenzie and I outside looking in. Did not have my phone. We tried to get in and finally found a screw driver in the garage and broke in.
Love it! Definitely take those keys with you next time, or put a set outside somewhere. Your children are adorable. Hi from a new reader - I've spent the entire morning going through your posts from day one.
I locked myself out of the Gerwer's house last month while babysitting the quads - I was in full-on panic mode. I highly recommend a lock box w/ a code.
Love this story because now I don't feel like such a goober. This past Monday, I realized I had left something in the car. My 22 month old son was in his playroom, so I opened the door, walked right out to the car grabbed the bag and all of a sudden the door slammed shut... AND WAS LOCKED! I was in a white t-shirt (no bra!?!), no shoes and hadn't brushed my teeth or anything!?! No cell phone, because it was inside on the sofa, no extra key hiding anywhere AND a 22 month old running around in pure freedom. I was completely out of options!! Thank God my neighbor across the street pulled into his driveway, I yelled to see if he had any tools and he came over and had to bust open my door because we couldn't get in any other way.... he was a very nice old man, and I was mortified! All the while, every single item in my purse and wallet were all over the kitchen floor and in the trash can. Did I mention we had to fix the door frame?! All for a stupid bag left in the car... good grief. Oh and to make matters worse, just 4 days before, my toddler was locked in the car while I was standing in the rain at a Walgreen's parking lot. Yep, left the keys in his carseat, closed the door, he threw the keys and somehow locked the car. Stood out in the rain for 25 minutes without an umbrella waiting for AAA. My husband is wondering what is wrong with his normally level-headed wife!?! :)
I'm so happy you were able to get back in! How scary!!! Thank goodness little Sav came to rescue!
Luckily I haven't been locked out by my 2 year old, just by my 3 year old german shepard! She jumped on the sliding door and locked me out. Thank goodness we keep a key hidden in the garage!
Still cheesin' for the camera I see! Too funny...maybe a spare key hidden somewhere may be a plan in the near future! Love ya awesome mama!
been there, done that...several times! (I know...sad that it took 2x before we finally hid a key outside!! lol!) My son has done it each time - thankfully he was able to get it undone each time after a minute or two.
A few years ago (before kids), I took our dog to the vet and stopped to get gas on our way home...while I was pumping the gas, he was excitedly looking out the windows, jumped into my seat and - yup - stepped on the lock switch and locked me out of the car! I didn't have my keys, cell phone or ever $0.20 to use the pay phone - it was all in the car! Thankfully I wasn't too far from home and my husband was home so he came to rescue me with another set of keys! lol! I should have learned my lesson then...
I locked my one year old in the car...when it was 120 degrees outside (we live in Phoenix). Thankfully I had started to car with the remote start first, so she had a/c. I panicked and tried to figure out how to break the window, but then I had my alleluia moment... ONSTAR! Of course my cell phone was locked in too, so I had to run into a nearby dentist's office to call. Total "trauma time"? Less than 3 minutes, but I think I lost several years off my life!
This is a moment when you're super glad that you have 4 kiddos. The odds were in your favor that ONE of them would/could let you in! Love it!! and love the 4 different ways in which the kids handled it. So classic kid style!
Thanks for the laugh today!
cute story.
Our washer and dryer are in the garage and I ran out to the dryer to get my jeans. (of course, I ran out with just a t-shirt on!) My 18 month old angel boy came and locked the door behind me. After panicking for a few minutes (and begging my son to open the door for Mommy...which he did not!) I remembered LUCKILY, I had just hit my 50 lb weight loss mark and had tossed some of my old pants out in the garage to get rid of... SO, I grabbed them (having to hold them on so they wouldn't fall off) and ran to the neighbor's house to get our spare key!
We have a key pad on the outside of our garage. You set your own code and it will open the garage. Ours actually blends in with the side paneling. Then you could hide a key inside your garage in case the garage door is locked. Good luck!
My first daughter locked me out when she was 2. She fiddled with the lock on the glass door while I was taking out the trash, when I came back she just laughed at me. She couldn't just pull the handle and she didn't know how to "un-fiddle" the lock to let me back in so I had to run to the neighbor to watch her while I jumped our fence in the back and got in the backdoor. Oh, and did I mention I was in my cleaning clothes (stained tee shirt and short shorts) through the whole ordeal? Yeah, that was embarrassing!
I will have you know the same thing happened to me this week but or course I have only 1 little boy who is 23 months old and couldn't turn the knob the other way, I HAD TO BREAK A WINDOW!!!!!!!
Husband not happy!
This past summer, my husband was letting our 2 year old daughter swim in the back yard...naked. I went out to say goodbye to them both, as I was on my way to Bible study. Without knowing it, I locked the door when I came in, innocently locking them outside. He didn't have keys or a cell phone, so his only option was to walk down the street (probably a 2 minute walk) to some neighbors and use their phone...he's just lucky he had a towel out there for her or the police would have been called on him for sure!
A few months later, my daughter locked herself in our bedroom. She wouldn't open the door for us, but when I looked underneath, I could definitely see poop...hers! Great. My husband tried taking the door knob off, but it wouldn't budge. We tried the window, but could just see poop on the ground and her taunting us through the door. She finally quit pretending she didn't know what to do and let us in!
Ahhh...2 year olds! Gotta love 'em!
You have GOT to be KIDDING me? Thank goodness for a girl in da house! =)
I was in the middle of one of my periodic scrub downs, where everything gets shifted and cleaned. I'd emtied out the kitchen and all the chairs were in the passage waitng for the kitchen floor to dry. I then moved onto our bedroom (which comes off the same passage) and had shut the door to keep mt twin girls out while I was washing the floor. My oldest daughter then decided to use a chair to climb up and open the door, unfortunately she pushed the chair under the door handle such that when I tried to open the door, the handle couldn't move down ie the door was jammed. Thankfully we live on the ground floor so I could climb out the bedroom window. I had to then instruct my daughter to move the chair away through the letterbox.
Thank goodness she listened as I'd left the security chain on the front door, so even with a key I couldn't have opened the door.
OH my gosh girl! SO SO Funny. While I feel bad for you, thank goodness she could understand you enough to open the door. Smart girl! It is so funny how every kid reacts to "crisis" differently; some go into immediate "crisis" and scream and get panicked while others are completely calm, cool, and collected during the emergency events. Sweet sweet Sav. Thank goodness you have her, what asweet sweet soul she is. Bless her lil' heart. Thanks for the laugh girlfriend. Glad I could laught WITH you at this bad situation turned good, cuz that's the kind of friend I am. lol.
Bless you....soooo glad you have your little Sav to save the day!!!
Bless you....soooo glad you have your little Sav to save the day!!!
I actually snorted while reading this, Suz! Must say....perfect intro, perfect play-by-play, perfect pictures and perfect ending! Definitely one for the books.
Love you!
Thank HEAVEN for little girls! ;)
Dude, my kids lock me in the garage at least 5x's a day! LOL!
I love you with all my heart!
Oh my sweet Jesus! I would have been terrified! Way to go, Sav!
Ok, you are going to love this one... my daughter did this to me last year. Except she was 13! It was totally accidental - we were both outside and she went in and locked the door behind her. I nag at her to lock the doors so the one time she finally does it is when I am outside! None of this would have been a big deal but she went out to ride her bike with the neighbor kids. I yelled and yelled for her and nothing. The gates are locked with big padlocks to keep anyone from letting the dogs out of the backyard and/or for keeping strangers from getting into the back yard. After over 20 minutes of trying to yell to catch her attention, I finally gave up and jumped the fence.
No I still haven't hidden a spare key but your story reminded me that maybe I should!
I can't say that I remember being locked out. Once, I stepped outside to water a dying plant. I was wearing pajamas and had hair rollers in my hair. The next thing I hear is someone calling, "Ma'am". When I looked up a police officer was standing in my yard, apparently responding to a 911 call. One of my sons called 911. The boys never spoke to the operator, but they were wrestling and he/she heard someone ask, "Are you okay?"
Haven't been locked out of the house but have had Alex (4yr) lock our bedroom door oh and the bathroom door and then walk out and close it!
Glad you survived your next level of motherhood, the joys, keep smiling it just gets better
HI all the way from South Africa, haha last week my hubby was away in Nigeria and I locked myself in the bedroom with my little 4 month old wet and hungry baby luckily i jiggled and jiggled until it came open but before it did i phoned my hubby in nigeria in tears haha as if he could have helped but i know the feeling : )
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