Sav playing with her favorite (and only) cousin, Carter--she had a hoot dressing him up with bunny ears!
On December 23rd, my Daddy turned the big 6-0!
We went out to eat at The KEG restaurant while Joe stayed behind to babysit 5 kids! (such a sweetie)
Cutest little reindeer I've ever seen! (baby Carter)
The quads were THRILLED with their new kitchen from Uncle Col & Aunt Ashley (and Carter)! It is big enough for all 4 to play inside at one time. (Ben in orange, Ethan in maroon, Drew in blue)
...of course the fun quickly turned into bickering!
And why are we all wearing summer clothes?...because the temperature was a toasty 70 degrees outside! (followed by highs of 30's and snow the next day! Gotta love crazy Texas weather!)
Note to self: Take the family group picture BEFORE the kids open any presents! (Drew, Sav, Ben, Ethan)
Helping Savi with her tea set
Lots of "Dora" fans in the Steece house (notice Sav's Dora doll and the purple "backpack, backpack"...I could sing you all of the songs if you would like)
Little Miss Diva can turn anything into fashion and proudly walked around with this festive bow on her head for the remainder of the evening.
Time to bust out the "jump jump" (as we call it)! Yes, this jump house from Papa and Granna took up our entire living room! But the kids LOVE it!
Me and Sav giving it a test run
The boys brought all of their new toys inside to play with while Sav jumped her little heart out
The jump jump even managed to get a smile out of Mr. Ben that evening! (which was no easy task)
Merry Christmas 2009~ from the Hoag family! (Papa with Ethan, Granna, Me with Ben, Joe with Drew & Sav, Ashley with Carter, and Uncle Collin)

Precious! Hope y'all are all feeling better soon! Love you!
This weather is crazy alright!!!
Looks like so much fun! I love the jump jump!!
If you could please get those Diego songs on video, it would make my day! haha
Looking forward to the rest of the posts!!!
Great pics, Suz! You look GORGEOUS!
So much fun! Glad you all had a fabulous Christmas! HAPPY 6-0 to your dad!!! Love the group shot at the bottom! So cute!! Hope you all are feeling better soon momma! Love ya!!!
We are on our way once you get feeling better! =) (I wish!) The kitchen and the jump-jump should get you through the entire winter, Suz! Love those Hoags!
Get better soon!
Beautiful family. I laughed so hard when I read your "note to self" so true.
The jump jump is the bomb bomb!
Feel better soon!
love the big gifts! the jump jump will be so great on rainy or too cold/too hot days!
Happy New Year!
Man...between the jump jump and the kitchen, I think the kiddos are in HEAVEN! Miss Sav always shows her Diva side :o SO precious! Glad the Hoag/Steece family had a very Merry Christmas!
PS-the kiddos may have the chance to play in more snow next week...eek!
Great gifts.
Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!
Suzanne, I could sing you "packpack, packpack" all day long and I don't even have children. Dallas' youngest, Elyn, calls it "packpack" and even when they are not around, I can sing it. Love the photos!!
On a side note: Dallas and I went skiing with the rest of the family this past week in Winter Park, CO. Dallas and I walked the girls (Nora and Elyn) to and from the car (maybe a mile) to ski school everyday......both girls in bulk clothes, ski's, boots, helmet, etc. The slopes offered free wagon's for the families with kids and we were ALL about that service. Woohoo for Winter Park!!! Well, the last day, Dallas and I saw ONE LAST WAGON to reserve and once we saw it, our walking pace increased. I am pretty sure that the father saw us the same time we saw him. Well....our pace increases and before we know it, HE IS RUNNING!!! He won and we ended up carrying everything with our four hands. After the father walked away with our "treasure", I said to Dallas, "Wow, what if we had quads? We think two kids was hard (and breath-taking with the altitude)!!! Then we both talked about how awesome we thought you and Joe are and giving you two kudos for always making time for each other. Oh.....and we talked about how awesome you look.
Anyway, I hope I didn't "talk" too much. Just wanted you to know that we were thinking about you and the rest of the precious Steece fam.
Happy, happy, happy new year to you and your sweet and precious family!!!!
Love, Marty
You looks like we so Christmas time - all summary and hot! Great to see you had a good festive season.
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