The boys had a blast with the Steeces this past week. And we returned home to find that Santa (aka Grammy) had visited early! Thank you guys SOOOO much for watching the dudes while we were away (not to mention driving home through nasty, icky weather!) and for the MUCH NEEDED new lounge wear! Don't know what we would do without you and our amazing family & friends who are there at a moment's notice to help us out with the quads. We love all of you SO VERY VERY much!!!
My four little munchkins. LOVE them SO much! (Sav, Ben, Ethan & Drew)...couldn't believe they all sat down when I asked them too--usually it is MUCH more work!
Yep, that didn't last long...since Ben and Sav didn't want to cooperate any more---I took some pics of the two guys who are the absolute easiest lil dudes to get to smile! Andrew and Ethan
LOOOOOVE their signature open-mouthed smiles when being tickled! SUCH sweeties!!!
Your little ones' smiles just melt my heart! Glad Savannah is doing so much better!
Such cute pictures! New clothes from Grandma and Grandpa are the BEST thing around here! Savannah looks wonderful. Hope you have a great weekend (:
Suz, the are amazingly precious. LOVE their smiles that melt my heart. Sav looks sooooooooooo great! Enjoy the weekend, mama!
Seriously? Santa brought you one more set of quadruplets? Well enjoy !!
Glad you are all away from the hospital, and back home together!
Glad sav is doing better. Your kids are adorable.
They are the most adorable set a little quads!!! I suppose that's sort of an odd way to refer to them, I'm sorry, lol. They are precious and I hope your family has a wonderful holiday season :)
Too cute...
Love your little munchkins new clothes---They are all so cute and precious---want to reach out and hug them right now.... :) Glad Sav is doing so well after her surgery----She looks great!!! Love ya girl !!
Too sweet! Miss Sav looks great!!! So good to see that girl smiling & back to her sassy self!!!! =)
Little Miss is looking as beautiful as ever. We just got the same sweetheart shirt for our sweetheart (Addison).
I giggled out loud at those pictures of the boys smiling by the tree...what a fun fun Christmas it's going to be for your family.
Love you!
Um, those little guys(and gal!) are precious!!! Definitely the best little presents of all!
Love those smiles! So happy to see Sav smiling! Love u!
Goodness they are cute! Sav's eyes look PERFECT!! The first thing I thought of when I was looking at Ethan and Andrew's big smiles was, they look just like their dad when you post pictures of him doing the big silly grin! So who was blonde when they were babies? You or Joe or both? I'm so glad Sav is doing well after her surgery and her kidneys are in A+ shape now!
Cathy in Frisco
What sweet pictures. Sav's eyes look amazing... so glad to see such an improvement as I am sure you are too!
Their hair is getting so light! Those double A's are just too much! Such happy little guys! And yes, Sav's eyes look awesome!
Oh the pictures are so cute. So glad Sav is doing so well.
I am cracking up at Ben's smile in the pic of the 4 of them. He looks so mischevious!! I don't comment often, but visit your blog often...they are precious and growing up...almost 2-1/2, can you believe that!!! My baby girl will be 4 right after Christmas and my boy is 6-1/2, I'm just realizing that I don't have a "baby" anymore!! Enjoy them and Merry Christmas to you and your family!!
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