This morning, Sav has pretty much been pain-free. She enjoyed watching episode after episode of Dora.
And the first time I saw her smile was when Auntie Liz came to play!...but not in this pic---Sav was perfecting her "stink eye" for the care partner who had just walked into the room to take her vital signs.
Do I really need to explain this pic? Haha
Just waiting for radiology to call us down for the renal scan...Joe is at work today (poor guy HAS to be exhausted) and sweet Lizzie came to hang out with us and experience the super fun testing! WOO HOO!
Aww poor baby girl - what a trooper!
Poor baby! She probably thinks why don't they just leave me alone! Your friend in East Texas, Pam.
Aww, I hope you get some good sleep soon and I'm glad she's doing well! ha, "the stink eye," just cracked me up!
Oh Mama. Been Thinking of You ALL DAY LONG! Let me know if you all need any TLC delivered to Texas. We LOVE you all!
So pitiful and adorable at the same time! Lots of thoughts and prayers going your way. I hope y'all get some rest soon!
Poor baby girl. Hope all goes well.
I have to say I did giggle at the stink eye .. classic and she sooo has mastered it. She really is a wee trooper. Haved posted for a while but love your blog, love catching up really is my highlight when there is an update ... sad I know but oh so true. Marie in New Zealand
I have to say I did giggle at the stink eye .. classic and she sooo has mastered it. She really is a wee trooper. Haved posted for a while but love your blog, love catching up really is my highlight when there is an update ... sad I know but oh so true. Marie in New Zealand
How did the tests go? Are you home now? Hope she's doing well and that all 6 of you are getting some rest. We are local, give us a hollar if you need anything!
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