Bath time is SUCH a fun time in our house. (a LOT of work, but the kids LOVE it---you would think they were at an water-amusement park!) Sav, Ethan, Andrew, and Benjamin
And at 2.5 yrs old, they can all still fit in our bath tub upstairs! They LOVE splish splashing together and its funny to watch them sliding all over each other without bothering one another. Reminds me of what it must have been like in utero. Funny to think about. All FOUR of these kids were in my belly! It still catches me off guard most days---nothing is ever normal when you have quadruplets.
So, this is how I bathe the kids by myself.
I lay out a changing mat on the small little bathroom counter. I have all of their clothes together and all of my post-bathtime essentials within reach. This way, I can diaper/dress/lotion them one-by-one while keeping an eye on the others.
We LOVE our new bath toys from Aunt Susan---especially the twinks (Ethan back, Drew front). They like to tell me which car they are holding ("apple truck", "ice cream truck", etc)
Mr. Smiles- Drew- the kid cracks me up. He repeats certain words and phrases OVER and OVER and OVER again..."like my ipod stuck on replay". Its funny for the first 5 minutes (especially if you haven't heard him before)...but it seriously lasts all day long---even when he is napping, I can hear him in there: "Vacuuum...batteries gone gone....zzzah zziw zzzi guowwo....its broken...its broken....zzzu zzzzah go gii.....vacuuum gone gone....vacuuum bye bye."
Its like, he wants to speak in paragraphs like adults--so he'll fill in the spaces with sounds and "his own version" of words. We will catch like every other word. Hilarious.
Little Ethan, my hoarder, likes to gather as many cars, balls, toy fish as possible. He'll tell you the color of the object very matter-of-factly. (so proud of himself) He pretend plays and talks to his toys like best friends. He's too cute! But don't you dare take one of his toys away. He cries and throws a fit---as if someone broke his heart into a thousand pieces.
Little Benny Boo loves his stackable boats. However, I have to keep reminding him that we don't drink bath water because it is iCkY! Ben LOOOVES his bath and will let me groom him and pamper him all day long. He LOVES helping me soap up his hair with shampoo and will lend his siblings a hand as well. Mr. Cranky-pants does NOT like when bath-time is over- not one bit.
Sweet Little Sav. Guys, I swear that she is SO much happier and full of life since her surgeries are behind her. Even the grandparents have noticed. She is SO happy. We used to "have it out" every day---she was my most difficult child...but now, she is laughing and dancing and playing and smiling. Poor thang must have been in so much pain.
I kinda get sad thinking about the day that we have to start splitting them up for know, as soon as they get interested in "how their body parts are different"...but so far, they've noticed, but could care less! Nothing but lots of splashing and endless giggles. Love it.
The quads are too cute in the bathtub! I love hearing about their different personalities and I don't know how you do 4 baths, bedtime, etc by yourself. I have 1 little independent princess and she is a handful. Oh and I wonder if it's a girl thing about being independent. Emma has always had to do her OWN thing and at times it can drive you crazy!
these are the most precious bath pics EVER! so much fun! forget splitting them up - just get a bigger tub! ha! lovely family!
Too cute Suz! I'm so happy for Miss good to know that she is feeling so much better! I LOVE Ben's sweet little face in that top picture!!! Love you momma!!!
Too cute! Those are some adorable children you got. Glad Sav is doing a lot better. : )
Santa brought us some bath fizzies that turn the water either blue, red, or yellow. You can mix and match the colors to create different colors. You should get some for the quads. They are awesome and my girls love them. They didn't stain our tub either.
I am friends with your cousin Eric and something about the picture of Drew just struck me and I thought he looked a lot like Eric in that picture. Looks like the kids are all having a blast in the tub.
such cute pictures! fun memories! i love how you are so honest about your kids!
my boys LOVE bath time too...i had to kick my 7yr. old out to the shower and most of the time my 5 yr. old takes a shower it is just Bowen that i have to bathe! i know how you feel though..i help my bff with her twins all the time with bathtime! it is a lot of work..keep up the awesome job girl..your kids are soooo precious. much love and blessings from ga~erin
Suz - they are just SOOOO precious. All of these pictures are absolutely adorable! I just love that 1st one with all of them smiling so big. I enjoy watching them grow so much, so fun!!!
You're such a fun mom! So glad you're little diva is doing better these days!
So sweet. They are all so cute. I'm sure they do have a big time in the bath! :0)
We have four kids too - not quads, but close in age: four years, two weeks from top to bottom - and we always bathe them together too. I say "we" but actually, my husband is the hero and does it by himself! I've been meaning to get a photo of them in the tub, and you've inspired me to do just that. Fun times!
awww....LOVE those wet shiny faces! we're close to outgrowing out bath and it does make me sad too. SO happy sav is her sassy self but even better now:) no more surgeries!:)
Suz, this post was a treasure. You're going to LOVE looking back on this...
So fun to see their personalities and mannerisms.
Please tell them Auntie Jen loves them so much!
Aw sweet, When you were talking about Savannah at the end I would of sworn you were talking about my daughter who has the 8-2-07 b-day. They are doing and acting the same way. Must be the age and a girl thing!
They are all precious!
The Quads are precious! I have a little princess who dispises the water in her eyes as well. She gets a rag (wet or dry) and holds it over her face while we rinse her hair. We also tell her to look "High to the sky!" She also LOVES to do it herself!
Oh my goodness...they are SO funny...even in the bathtub! As for Miss Sav...since she is the only girl, she has to let tha boys know "who's boss."
They are so cute!
Rub a dub dub, love me some Steece quaddies in the tub!
They are so cute...and look how crazy happy they are in those pictures!
My twins are 5-1/2 years old, and we still give them a bath together. They definitely know the difference in body parts, but it's just too easy. Right now, things are good!
They look so stinking happy!!!
Bathtime is so much fun!
You supermom..I dont know how you do it!! Bath them all and get them ready afterwards!! You rock!
I wont complain next time I have to give my one a bath! lol
So glad to hear that Sav is a new woman ;) I know that must have been tough!!!
Great post Suz!!!
DARLING! Love those babies like my own. Well, I guess they aren't babies anymore.. but you know what I mean.
Mr. Drew.. you and your quirky vocab have a very special place in my heart. The thought of your funny little voice and word choices can make me smile even on the worst of days. Did I mention I think of you ever time I clean my rug! ;)
Shy sweet Ethan. Your such a love bug! That smile warms my heart and those warm eyes.. they melt me. I just wanna hug you all the way from Cali!
Benny boy.. oh boy are you a handful. But, that makes you just that much more special. Ease up on your mama would you... you've got plenty of time to drive her nuts in the years to come.
Savy pants! Pretty girly girl.. love it when you smile. BUT, love even more when you get the "don't mess with me" tude going on!
Love you Steece fam!! When are ya'll coming to Cali? That was a hint.. just in case it wasn't coming over LOUD AND CLEAR!! ;)
Auntie Gen
I still bath the lil miss at 5 years with the twins - and yes, she knows the difference and I think it is a good thing that she does.
They are so precious!
I love those pictures!! Bath time is so much fun....for them:) I feel like I get soaked every time. They are getting so big, Suz:) They are precious!!!
Suz - You are so smart - to want to remember all these things!! My kids are grown and I am so jealous that we didn't have blogging back when my kids were little - but when my parents came for a visit (from College Station!!) they brought me MILLIONS of old letters that I had written to them back when my kids were tiny - AND THERE IT WAS - all my memories right there - and you are right.... LOTS OF IT I have no recollection of - so it's wonderful to have in writing!! BLOG AWAY GIRL!!!
Your babies are PRECIOUS!!! I love reading about ya'll!!
And not much smells sweeter than a tot freshly lotioned after a bath wearing clean jammies! Bathtime is one of my favorite daily rituals with Clara-Bear. I have this feeling that the twins will be a little more messy, the bathroom will be a little more wet, but that it will be a favorite time with them as well! P.S. I'm SO happy Savannah is feeling so much better. Sweet girl!
Oh, Suzanne....this is the very reason I can't give up blogging! As tempting as it may be, you have so eloquently presented the argument against stopping. Now if only I could be as punctual and organized.....hmmmm.....New Year's Resolution?!?!
You had me laughing with Drew's talking! I can just picture it and I LOVE that I can relate to you in so many areas of daily life. It helps to know that you're not alone, ya know?!
Love you like the Steece kiddies love to smile in the bath!
I'm so glad Sav is feeling better. The poor thing must've been in so much pain. Who wouldn't be grumpy with all that going on? So glad to hear it's behind her now.
Love it! They are so precious and you are sooo organized!!!
They are such cuties! I can't believe they all fit in there. We have two and it seems to be getting tight. you are an absolute inspiration to me! A friend of mine sent me your blog and told me I must look at it! My husband, JOE, and I are expecting triplets. I am 14 weeks now and have been stressing about how on earth I'm going to carry these babies! I constantly hear comments from people about my size and "good luck carrying all of those" and it can sometimes make you feel down after a while. But when I looked at your profile and saw your size before you were pregnant I felt so much better especially after reading how long you carried for! I am also from Texas (Houston) but grew up mostly in Virginia Beach. My husband is in the Army (from NY) so we get to move around a lot but I hope one day we can come back to TX. I would love some advice so that I can make sure that I'm doing everything possible to carry these babies as close to full term as possible without blowing up like a whale! I want to be "all belly"! Thanks so much for sharing your stories, you don't understand how much they've done for me and my husband's hopes!
I think you will still have many more years of bathing them together before they don't want to do it. Makes no difference having them all together, they will ask questions but not be bothered by it at all! My boys are 4 & 6 and they still walk in on me having a shower an are not fazed by it all. They know I am a girl and that things are different but do not care. Have fun and don't stress about it yet.
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