Starting at the very top of the picture, is a baby's back ending in the buttock (you can see the spine connecting to the pelvic bone)...clockwise to the right, we have a head (as if you were looking down at someones skull) the very bottom of the pic, another head (as if you were looking down on a skull)...squished in the very middle of the pic, is the fourth baby, looking right at you, somewhat down (you can see it's cute little nose) and the blob to the left of this last baby is it's body with it's two little feet flat closest to the "camera".

Now, I THINK that's how it goes! I had to ask the doctor on this one, and I think that is what he said...but it's very hard for me to tell as well! Organized chaos--from now until the next 18 years! haha ;)
Okay, so, I need some encouragement ladies...when did you start feeling your babies move inside you? I've had SOME fluttering, not much. And once, this weekend, I could feel tightening in my right side (where the twins are)--like they were on top of each other, pushing out against my stomach...then it went away. Nothing more. I'm getting kinda anxious about it. I want to feel them inside of me moving! My doctor said it could take up to 22 weeks...but I should start feeling it soon. I go for my next visit tomorrow...and I have a feeling that he's going to put me on strict bedrest from here on out (based upon the way he was talking last week), I've got to go now, and do TONS of errands--my last chance of freedom outside the house! heehee....jk....kinda.... :)
Oh yeah, and Shiloh is clueless as to what is going on with my body. I guess some dogs can tell that "somethings up"...well, not our hound dog! ;) Sweet Shi is oblivious to her four little siblings residing in my tum tum! This is a pic from last Thursday when she had a baaaad reaction to an injection in her hip. Poor baby was so sick, all night! I stayed up with her and couldn't sleep b/c I was so worried about her: she was shaking, and screaming anytime she tried to move, she had the chills and a fever at one point...I gave her baby Benadryl and she got a little the morning she was perfectly fine. This is how I had her wrapped up all a little green bean! Poor baby.
that picture is amazing! how wonderful. it took a while for me to feel my daughter with my first pregnancy. i am sure they will be moving all over the place very soon. i can't imagine feeling four little precious ones! you and your family are in my prayers constantly.
Melissa Hicks
What a talented doc to get the babies in one frame! Not an easy task:) I am sure you will start feeling the flutters more often now and soon some small thumps will start! One of my girls was right on top of my cervix and I felt like I was a punching bag in the nether regions--yikes! I don't think I really started to feel them kicking until around 20 or 21 weeks. The fun was just getting started for me and then I went into early labor. I know you are probably feeling overwhlemed with all that needs to be done, but don't over do it. This will definitely be the time when your friends and family will come in handy and start carrying out your orders:) Being on bedrest was really hard because overall you feel fine and think that it's no big deal to put that load of laundry in the dryer, but try to stick to it as best as you can. Can't wait to hear an update after you dr appt.
Glad Shiloh is feeling better..I know one family member will be thrilled that you are on bedrest:)
I have no knowledge of the baby moving stuff, but I DO have puppy dog knowledge! Poor Shi! I truly believe that having a dog is good preparation for having a kid. You learn to take care of something that can't take care of itself. You learn to be selfless (..."Do I buy these jeans or do I buy the dog's heartworm prevention this month?"...)
You are obviously a wonderful puppy dog mommy!
My first I felt at 16 week and this one I am carrying now I felt at 15 weeks. At first it is just every now and then and not even every day. You have to think, your babies are smaller so it may take longer to feel? Anyway, I am sure everything is fine. I go for my level 2 ultrasound tomorrow for this little bug.
As for the Furbaby - hope she feels better soon. Before I had my daughter I had stayed up w/our Molly when she was sick. And she DID have a clue about the baby and this time she won't even acknowledge it. Denial, denial, denial!!
Take it easy!!
P.S. Bed rest- I was on it for a month and half with the first baby (pre-eclampsia) and Molly (our Shih Tzu) LOVED every minute of it!!
I didn't feel Thomas until 22 weeks and then with this baby I felt it probably around week 17-18. I'm sure you will be feeling them move very soon and then wishing sometimes that they would just stay still for a while so you can sleep:) I'm glad you were able to get some TLC from your mama!!!
I felt Clare around 18 weeks and Christine at 16 weeks. It feels like a gas bubble at first. I usually felt it low. Tracy is's all about where your lady parts are positioned.
Boy, it gets crazy from 30-38 weeks though! I remember feeling the girls ROLL around--kinda creepy. Also, I remember an elbow or knee sticking out and I had to "push" it back down because it felt funny. It was really crazy when they heard a loud sound (like a door slamming)--they literally would jump!!! I can't imagine if all 4 of your babies jumped at the same time-WOW! Oh, and when they would get hiccups..I loved it!
I'd bet at least one of the placentas is anterior cushioning the kicks. I noticed that you said something about the "twins". Do you *only* have three placentas? Your ultrasound picture is amazing!!!! Sending Shiloh some love, poor little thing. I hope you don't mind me posting.....I just want you to know I'm looking and reading and I feel a little weird just lurking! Since I found your site through a friends though, I check often. I think your story is just amazing, and I think you're doing a fabulous job of documenting the pregnancy!
Suz- I am sure you will feel those babies moving any day now- I almost forgot about baby hiccups! It is a cool feeling when that happens- I can only imagine what is will be like with 4- I wonder if they will have the same sleep/wake cycle? The US picture is awesome! Sorry Shiloh has been feeling bad. : ( She's the perfect age to grow with the children- she'll love running around with them in a few years!
I 1st felt little flutters at 16 weeks and then more and more little by little. I was feeling them pretty good by 20 weeks. Another things is too, they run out of room so I can only imagine with 4 in there competing for space. Towards the end, Elliot moved ALOT more than Keaton and still does. You will be amazed at how early their little personalities start to come out. Maybe you are just lucky and have all sweet, calm babies!
Hi. I recently found your awesome blog!! I am a mom of 2 1/2 year old triplet girls and also an RN (mainly in NICU and PICU). Sounds like your pg is going very well so far!! Thats awesome!! By 18 weeks I'd had my first cerclage and by 20 weeks I was on hospital bedrest for the duration!! Glad you are off work already, I was still working 8 hour shifts and thinking I could keep going as usual........NOT the case. :)
I started feeling the girls around 20-22 weeks. I think I had felt flutters before that, but it was my first pg and I wasn't sure what was going on. When they all start kicking and moving at the same time it is a totally AWESOME experience!! Looking forward to keeping up with the quartet!!
Hi. I just found your blog through Baby Max's. I went to HU, but I think I was a year ahead of you maybe? My husband and I live in Grand Prairie too, and I have two kiddos. With my first, I felt movement around 22 weeks. Once it starts, it gets a little crazy! My son's hiccups could knock a phone off my tummy by 35 weeks. I'll be praying for you and your family!
Summer Mittig
I'm so glad that everything is going good for you so far. I didn't write down when I started feeling the quads, but I know at 19 weeks I called the doctor with questions of strong kicks and 1 of the boys was under my boob and it was starting to hurt. At that time I was still going to work and getting very big. He then arranged for me to have a home contraction monitor machine which I hooked up to 2 times a day for 1 hr. each to see how many contractions I was having. At 21 wks I was measuring 37 weeks. Something to look forward to! You're doing great and take care of yourself - it was very hard for me to let people come into my house and do things for me when that time came, but it's well worth it so you can take care of your quads! If you need any quad questions answered - I'm here for you!
How wonderful to see all 4 of them. I am currently 26 1/2 weeks pregnant. I only have 1 baby by IVF. I felt bubbles and 1 slight kick at 17 weeks and then stronger movements around 19-20 weeks. I feel her now at various parts of the day. It was weird because I have also had many ultrasounds and everytime there she was bouncing around and I was feeling nothing. It will happen believe me. I still have times I don't feel her and everytime they look at her on ultrasound she is VERY active! It will happen and with you having 4 it will be a circus inside you when you do feel them. My baby tends to stay turned inward facing my spine which they have said is a reason why I don't always feel her kicks because she is kicking towards my back, which may be the case with some of yours. Hang in there I check on your blog each day and pray for you and those babies as well. I know how excited you must be because we tried for 4 1/2 years and after 2losses got pregnant through IVF with this little girl!!! You can see my journey at!
That picture amazes me!! I can tell just about everything you pointed out! I felt James around 15 weeks, but I always heard other people say they felt their babies a lot later. I have heard it has a lot to do with where everything is positioned in there. I would not worry at all since you're getting frequent ultrasounds! Hope Shi's all better now!
great picture!
I have been feeling some very faint 'flutters' for a while - although my doc says that's not the babies. But just in the last couple days I have felt what I am certain is Baby B - occasional 'thumps' right where Baby B is sitting.
My doc says not to expect to feel anything before 20 weeks, so I wouldn't worry too much.
Currently, some part of Samuel is pressing into my rib...I started feeling tiny little movements around 16 weeks, when I was really, really still. My ultrasound at 17 weeks confirmed that those movements were indeed Samuel.
Poor Shiloh! That's such a sad picture. I'm glad you're spoiling her. Why did she have to have an injection in her hip? Just routine?
Hello.I am Connie Ashenfelter. I found your blog through the Murray Quads...I have 21 month old twins and a 3 and 6 year old.I felt my twins at around 13-15 weeks, but they were also my 3rd it may take you longer to recognize....I have been reading your blog and praying for you. I'm looking forward to seeing your babies!God bless you.
I thought of you last night - "Redbook" magazine (the one with Debra Messing on the cover) has an article in it about a woman who had triplets - twice!!
Both my babies were late movers but they did to not make my nights long..The hardest part of my two carries was the heartburn. Poor Shiloh... I am glad to hear that she is much better. Love the pic of the pod... I can see them just from experienced views of my babies. You look great and just remember they are all different and have their own fingerprints specially designed by GOD.... IN LAMAN TERMS: Each are grow with God's design and love in mind...They will move in their own time...We love you and most have been there too.. I remember with both of my babies wishing I could feel them move too... It will come and you and Joe will not be able to get enough of it... PRAYN W/O STOPPING... Wish I could sing to your babies in stereo...hehehehehe
---CUZ JoLee and Family
wait until you have those sigourney weaver/ Alien moments... where they are moving all around, and you feel like your body has been invaded. Alright, I have only had singleton pregnancies... I can't imagine how you feel with 4 inside you!
With both of my prenancies, it was different, I really think it depends how big the babies are in the long run..and with you..they are probably having a hard time finding any space in that little belly of yours!! I remember I used to lay on my back, that would usually get them moving, however I don't know if I would suggest that, it makes it really hard to get up!!
Sara Neal
I've only felt this baby a few times, about a week ago is when it started (18-19 weeks). I'm like you, though. I'm ready to feel this baby really moving around. Something to look forward to.
Amanda Thornton
Hi there!
I am new to your blog and so I have some catching up to do but I'm so excited for you :)
I am currently 24 weeks pregnant with twin girls and didn't feel them until 21 weeks. Even then I wasn't 100% sure but now I know that's what I was feeling. It's a strange feeling, like someone is thumping you from the inside. My husband said it felt like a heartbeat in my stomach.
Wishing you all the best!!
Hi there!
I found your blog by following a blog trail from Lee and Celeste Hollis. Anyway, congrats on the quads! AMAZING! You and your husband crack me up and seem very fun. Matt and I used to live in Plano, but have lived in Denver the last 8 years.
I hope and pray your delivery goes well. God bless you all!
In Him,
Jen Honeycutt
Hey! Katie Fowler said I should email you ?Template=/cm/HTMLDisplay.cfm&ContentID=39510
I'll try again! Go to the about pregnancy & bedrest. Maybe my last post was too long?
Forgot to add that I'm in Houston AND, most importantly, hubby and I are both AGS! Check out my post from 5/15 and you'll see my little Aggie :)
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