Tuesday, June 05, 2007

22 Weeks and in GOOD Company!

My Aunt Judy (my mom's twin) is here to play with us for the summer! My uncle brought her up from south Texas last night. Also along for the ride was my Aunt Patsy (another sister) who wanted to come and love on my belly in person! It was so nice to have everyone here for a big dinner (Collin and Ashley came over as well)...it felt just like old times at my Granny's house with tons of people around, eating lots of food, and catching up! LOVED IT!

Today, 3 of the sweetest ladies from my church in Waco made the trip up here to have a little living room "picnic" with me, my mom, and Judy. How cute is that?! The food was phenomenal and they left me with some lotions/candles/toiletries for my future hospital stay...oh yes, and a HUGE danish pastry ring from Panera Bread! (apparently, I am LOVING pastries! It's one of the few things on my "diet" that I really enjoying eating in this small time frame while I can!)

Super excited about my in-laws coming in this weekend! My babies are getting so much love and attention. Joe and I thank God every day for our wonderful families...we know we could not do this without them.

Been a while since you've seen the belly? Well....enjoy! Ahhh...just imagine how comfy it is to lay with a 30 pound bag of weights tied around your waist, and not being able to move or get a good stretch. And I'm only halfway there! (to my goal weight). Oh, and my new beast??? HEARTBURN!!! MAN- is it uncomfortable!

"My gut...my gut...my gut is ON FIRE!"

My little basketball team is forming a ginormous basketball inside my belly...well, I guess it's more like a watermelon!

"HELP! I swallowed a watermelon...whole!"

This next pic is CRAZY!
How in the world am I supposed to continue to grow for another 12 weeks? It doesn't seem humanly possible! (and how funny that my "pregnancy line" down my belly is crooked?! so funny/weird...pregnancy is SO WEIRD!)

It has been a blast feeling the little ones move and kick! You can even put your hand on my belly and feel them from the outside! Every time they are moving around, I grab whoever is close and make them wait, with their hand on my belly, for the gentle thump. SO COOL! Tomorrow is the weekly doctor's appointment! Please be praying for
1) healthy babies
2) healthy Suz
3) another week at home!!!


Lauren said...

You look wonderful!!
I had to leave a quick comment about the heartburn... I had the worst heartburn when I was carrying my daughter. A friend of mine told me a home cure and it works so quick and well. 1 Tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Yes, it will be disgusting and yes you will gag severely- but it gets rid of the heartburn in less than a minute! Just be prepared with a big glass of water nearby!
Good luck! You are still in my prayers!

Casey's trio said...

Great belly pics Suzanne! How can 4 babies be in there?!? Amazing. You look great, not fat Suz in the slightest. It's all in your belly:) So glad you have lots of friends and family keeping you company and giving lots of love. I know it must make your time on bedrest go by so much faster. I will be praying for another good report tomorrow and waiting for your update!

God bless,

Claremont First Ward said...

Suzanne, you look FABULOUS! Love the belly shots. It's hard to believe looking at the shots that it's possible for you to have gained 30 lbs. and have 4 babies in there. Um, my mouth watered when I read Panera Bread. LOVE that place, was my favorite when we lived on the East Coast and I really miss it. Have you ever tried their cinnamon bun bagels? Scrumdiddlyumptious!

Good luck tomorrow!

Tad and Michelle said...

Suzanne, You are unbelievable! You look terrific and are all belly. It is amazing what the body can do during pregnancy. That's great you have so much family around to help these weeks pass as quickly as they can. We'll be anxious for another update. Good luck with your appointment tomorrow. We're praying for you all.

Nicki W. said...

you look so so good! hey, my line was crooked too!

lauren said...

I love this post! You look SO great and I am in awe of you belly! It's so neat to think there are 4 babies in there! I'm so glad you have been spoiled lately; you deserve it!!!

nurse jen said...
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nurse jen said...

..just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you, your husband and the four little precious ones in that belly!! CONGRATS!!! You are doing an amazing job with this pregnancy!!! I talk to alot of moms of multiples and I have learned to appreciate what a wonder it is to carry so much precious cargo!! Bless you!! You are glowing!! Hang in there and keep growing!!

JAMIE'S CREW said...

Hi Suzanne-
I have been anxiously awaiting your newest post and thought I would have to wait until tomorrow. You look absolutely wonderful. I am so glad to hear that you have so much family here to be with you, Joe and the babies. Enjoy, enjoy! Keep McMoms posted. Let us know what we can do for you and your family!
Take care!
Jamie Pugh - McMoms

Anonymous said...


You look terrific! Keep up the great work! I am not as daring as you to post my belly pictures. My husband took pictures of me last weekend and I compared them to when I was pg with the twins and let me just say I am going to be so huge that they are going to have to fork lift me. I go next week for to hopefully find out the genders (I will 17 weeks)...I am hoping to have 2 and 2 since the twins are girl and boy...need to keep things even around here....but of course I will be very happy with whatever combination. Thanks again for sharing your story....it gives me hope that I can do this too. I would love to keep in touch.

Tina (5 year twins with Quads due in November)

Nate, Maurine, Hannah, and Monroe said...

Suz- You are sooo cute- you are all belly!!! The living room picnic sounds like fun. What a great idea. We'll be praying for you tomorrow. Love Mo

Stacy said...

Hi! Almost every day someone new 'comes out' about how they've been reading your blog in secrecy...Today will be my turn! I lived next door to you in Shores--I was the Chio who lived with Lynnette, Beth and Kellie.
I love your posts, and I have been praying for your growing family.
I tell everyone who blogs to come to your site--SO MANY PEOPLE that YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW are PRAYING for you and CHECKING ON YOU DAILY!!!
You have such a positive attitude and are surrounded by a great support system! You're already a great mom!
Stacy (Threlkeld) Stacy :)

~aj~ said...

You have such a wonderful support system. I'm so happy for you!

Your belly could not be any cuter. I'm just amazed that there are 4 babies in there. Hope your heartbearn lightens up.

God Bless!

Sunni Len said...

I hope your spine can make it ;). You still look great and I am praying for you and all the 20 ladies in my bible study group are too. I love you suz hope your appointment goes super great. Oh I am so glad you took your pic I hope you were just on your way to the bathroom and laid down when you got back :) love ya

Lauren said...

OK - well I confess, I, too, have been following your story for weeks now. You, Joe, and your children are in my daily prayers! I cannot imagine the emotions that you are filled with on a daily basis- let alone the night before your weekly appointment! I was on bedrest with Graham, my 7 month old, for 4 weeks before being admitted for a 6 week hospital stay. I was admitted at 29 weeks and put on Mag. for the duration. I will be more than happy to share my story with you if you are interested! In His Grip -

Andria said...

You look FABulous Suz! That is one gorgeous belly holding 4 precious babes. You need to take another pic with the babies' names written on your belly! What treasured moments. Praying for you. I think you're doing awesome. Can't wait for another update, but be sure to take the laptop to your appt. too, just in case you're "wheeled" over to the hospital. You'll do just fine! Congratulations!

Lindsey Eason said...

We ate at Panera yesterday and LOVE that place!! Seriousely - you look SO skinny everywhere but in your belly and your belly looks really cute (crooked line and all!!) :) Enjoy the fam and the good food - still praying for continued health for all 5 of you.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Your belly is HUGE, but gorgeous!

I came here through a link from someone on my infertile blogroll, and have just read your archives. Wow, what a shock for you, congratulations! Your family will be in my prayers.

I was a little concerned, though. It's probably just that you haven't blogged about it yet, but have you been preparing for things for after the babies come? I remember reading a very good post from Raising WEG http://raisingweg.typepad.com
where she talks about how much she wished she'd known beforehand, and focussed too much on getting the babies here and not enough on afterwards.

I know I did the same thing, and paid for it (had no idea about some very silly things in the eraly days that luckily our BFing relationship survived). Have you been talking to people in the NICU and in the HOM community about how to make breastfeeding work for you, and how to reduce the trauma of not being able to physically hold all your crying babies at once? I only had two, so obviously was trying to do it on my own, which you won't, but if I'd known to hire a double electric pump from day one, and how to nurse sidelying, waking the other baby to eat when the first baby does, true tandem nursing etc,etc our lives would have been very much easier.

I hope this doesn't come across as assvice, but I've been there, done that, and live with the regret. I'd like to help you avoid that pain.

Anonymous said...

Wow you look absoltely gorgeous, beautiful pics of your belly. Hi it is Marie here I love lurking and reading your blog. So please know good thoughts wishes and prayers to you and your family from New Zealand.

Unknown said...

who all came up?

asplashofsunshine said...

How cute are you?!?! Those babies are so lucky to have such a wonderful family, especially Mommy and Daddy. Those who actually know you and your family are lucky people. I can imagine how much fun you have 365 days a year. Thanks for making us all laugh and be thankful for life as we read your sweet blog.

Marie said...

You have a beautiful belly! So glad that you have wonderful friends and family to make the passing weeks easier on you! We continue to pray for you, Joe and the little ones- enjoy the Panera Bread ring-YUM!!!!!!

TEXOSE said...

Ok let me say that I never carried multies but with my scar I did not stretch like your lovely stomach has. With both my pregos my babes had to stretch up and down and where ever they could (they also both made it to 5 to 7 lbs fullterm).. With that said, I can imagine the heartburn. I think that was the only really hard thing with both. I am sure that your back has been aching as well with that much weight and that you have got the waddle begin stages...
I am so excited for you that you got your lovin from your Aunties and adopted (spiritual) family too. We send our love too and miss you greatly and always look forward to the photos and updates. We will continue to pray for your Pod and Peas within... (WISHING THAT I WAS THERE TOO TO LAUGH AND ENJOY THE MEMORIES).....All our love... JoLee and Family... TELL EVERYONE I SAID HEY!!!!

Page said...

Suz, you look great! I hope one day when I'm preggo I look as good as you do!!
Thanks for the update and I hope the heartburn goes away! I can TOTALLY relate to bad heartburn and it is definately a nightmare, so I'll be praying for you! Love ya!

kristy said...

You really look awesome as a pregnant woman, and you belly is beautiful! Maybe you should consider having a few more after these 4 arrive, just so you can go through the whole pregnancy experience again :) Seriously though, you and Joe are in our prayers. I hope today's dr. appointment goes well. Can't wait for those four little angels to arrive.

Dr. Grumbles said...

Wow, you were clearly in great shape before getting pregnant!

I find it so amazing that there are 4 in there. I hope things continue to go well for all of them and you!

GlitteryKitchenTable said...

Good luck with your appointment tomorrow! I really hope I look that good here in a few months!

Anonymous said...

I finally remembered the name of the book I wanted to recommend last night (I've passed my copy on). It's Mothering Multiples by Karen Gromada. You DEFINITELY should have it on your bedrest reading list along with Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp.

Honeycutt Family said...

You just look like you swallowed a basketball--gorgeous with no stretch marks! You glow!
God bless you, Joe, and those 4 precious little ones...
Jen H.

Melissa Halford said...

Hope you appointment went well...and that you are at home for another week! Update us when you get a sec.

Ashley said...

You look great! My "line" was way more crooked than yours. I will be praying for another week at home. Your basketball team is probably practicing formations now. Don't you wish you could bottle up some of this time and use it in the coming year? Oh the life of a pregnant, bedrest mommy! I love the traffic you get on your blog. You post something, and, BOOM! 30 comments. Must be nice :)

Brittany Wardlow said...

Hey Suz! I know nothing about pregnancy but I've heard Candice and others say heartburn is caused by babies who have or are growing hair. That could be totally false - I have no idea - but just wanted to throw it out there! You also have 4 little ones inside of you so I am sure that is not the exact reason! And are the babies even growing hair yet ? - I have no idea ;) Not as experienced as many of your blog followers!

Anyway, I love you and miss you! We are always talking about you here in GA, updating the family on our Texas Sunshine!!! I have something important to tell you as well so I am going to email you soon. Praying for your doctor visit tomorrow!!!

Dallas said...

I hope your appointment went well! My mom has a friend who has a daughter that is preg. with triplets. I think y'all may use the same doc(she is at Harris Methodist), and I gave her your blogsite to look at.

You look BEAUTIFUL!!!! Not an ounce of fat anywhere on your little bod. Come on, make the rest of us who are only preg. with one feel better :).

Kimberly said...

I LOVE your beautiful belly pics!! YOu look great and you are all belly!!! It sounds like it is a party at your house! Glad you have some loved ones to keep you company!

Charla (SHar-la) said...

Seriously, if I cover up your belly I would never know you're pregant. I bet you're "one of those" that from behind doesn't look the slightest bit different. Your belly is so pretty...I told Nicki this, but I think yours does too...it looks like the belly at the beginning of A Baby Story on TLC (I havne't watched that in a while, so it used to be there, I know). It's like one of those "fake" bellies they use in movies that everyone knows isn't real because its just gosh darn too gorgeous! But really, you look sensational and I KNOW you will have everything planned and ready and that even if you don't, GOD DOES! You're going to be great!

Anonymous said...

Hello and Happy 22 weeks...

I just wanted you to know that someone in South Carolina has been praying for you and your husband since you posted that you were having quads. My husband and I had the biggest surprise of our lives when we were told we were having twins... So my prayers for you (knowing the issues and trouble I endured) have been doubled!!

Bed rest can become very overwhelming and depressing until you get a kick and feel the life inside of you and then with all your heart you want those little ones to be healthy and have a chance to develop to the fullest before they arrive... I have been praying that the Lord will give you peace and understanding through this time...

Also, HEARTBURN... what can I say... it was horrible (with just 2)!! Not sure what you can take or what your Dr said yesterday but my Dr put me on a medicine called Protonix (sp?) it was the best for me!! Especially when all I did was sit all day and couldn't move... Hope this helps a little...

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He make His face to shine upon you... during this time...


Rachelle said...

Hi Suzanne--

Wow your belly looks great!! No stretch marks, veins or anything! Congrats on your dr's appointment. Every week you get to spend at home instead of the hospital is a blessing. Keep hanging in there!

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