Joe and I cannot tell you how excited we were to get such a good report. Our babies weigh:
Savannah(A): 1 lb, 12 oz
Ben(B): 1 lb, 14 oz
Twin C: 1 lb, 11 oz
Twin D: 1 lb, 10 oz
I can't BELIEVE how close in size they all are...and they are above the average weight for a single baby at 25 weeks!! (Check out this CHART if you are curious about average lengths and weights for each gestational week) That makes me feel good because I haven't gained a single pound in over a week.(gulp) We are still trying to get my diabetes in morning dose and nighttime dose have both been increased, yet again! (Yesterday my fasting blood sugar was 60! WOW! That is low!! I immediately drank some apple juice and it increased to 113) So, my body is doing some very weird things...but I still thank God every day for:
NO contractions! The babies are moving everyday. Most days my urine is negative for protein, but every once in a while, I'll have a trace amount.
My blood pressure is a joke! My average BP is 85/45! Sometimes I ask the nurse, "Am I still breathing? Am I alive!?" But we will take LOW over HIGH ANY day! Preeclampsia STAY AWAY!!!
I'm also getting to the point where I get worn out SOOOO easily! The nurses may start monitoring my visits and phone calls...I just get SO out of breath and tired VERY easily...they want me to take it easy. So all you wonderful people who want to call or come by, it might be a good idea to call first. If I don't answer the phone, that's a good sign that I need to rest for a while. But I truly appreciate all the visits and calls! NO DOUBT! ;) Keep those prayers a comin! We are headed for 28 weeks, then full blast to 30 weeks and beyond! (kinda sounds like Buzz Lightyear off of Disney's "Toy Story", eh?)

It's great to hear that all of the babies are doing great and you are too. You have such a great attitude and sense of humor.
That's wonderful, Suzanne!! I hadn't checked your blog in awhile, so I had a lot of catching up to do. I don't know how you couldn't have GD with the diet they had you on. According to Lilypie, my singleton baby is 1 day older than your quads. I have a friend that has triplets and she had GD too. Apparently that's very common in multiples. I'll pray for 30 weeks and beyond!! (My friend had her triplets at 34 though she had been having contractions for 10 weeks!) God bless you!
Great news! Hang in there and make yourself rest as much as you can stand. You have such a great attitude and outlook! Praying for week 34 to be the week you meet your babies!
Hey, Suz! That is great news! I check your blog everyday ( sometimes quite a few times a and your babies are way more interesting than my job.) and always look forward to updates. I am getting ready to start fertility treatments in August and your awesome additude is such a confidence booster. You, Joe, and your babies are all in my prayers.
Hooray Suzanne and babies! Glad to read that everyine looked great on the sonogram! Most of all, I am so HAPPY to hear that you have not started having contractions. Praise God. Here's to more prayers that those babies will stay put for a few more weeks. I am also happy to hear that you are taking the time to rest when you need it.
God bless,
A friend forwarded your link to my wife and I a couple of days ago because we too are pregnant with quadruplets. We are currently in the 8th week of our pregnancy. We are in the process of going back through your archives so we can catch up on your story. Sharing your adventure with the world was a wonderful idea as it can now be used as a reference for the rest of us who are just beginning the journey. Thank you so much! Following your progess and seeing the pictures really helps curb the anxiety that we are feeling in regards to what to expect in the coming months. You have inspired us to document our journey as well so that there are even more resources for expectant families in the future. Please keep the updates coming as we will be anxiously awaiting them. Congratulations, good luck, and God bless. Your family will be in my families prayers!
I am so sorry you are feeling so tired, but I am so sure that you are going to be ok. I love you so much I hope all stays well and yes your babies are doing great we can tell by the swell in your ab area. love ya.
Suzanne, your belly photos literally leave me gasping! I'm 37 weeks pregnant right now, and I totally cannot imagine having placenta up that high in my rib cage! You are Super-Mama!!! What a trooper... your kids will owe you big time for life! I'm excited that the babies are doing so well. We're praying every day!
That's great news!
YIPPEEE!!! Your babies are growing stronger everyday!! It is nice to have those nurses looking out for you and making you take it easy. I like to read other peoples comments and it is amazing how your story has reached so many people (especially those who went through or are going through having multiples). We just got through watching Toy Story 1 and 2 (Thomas love it!). Love the comparison.
Suz- Hannah and I (+ sister in law and 4 children) just got back from Louisiana. We drove down there instead of coming for a visit. I had to get home and check your blog. (They don't have the internet). It made me teary. I just really feel for you. I am sad I won't get to hug that pregnant belly. I know being in the hospital is much more reasurring for you- esp while they get the diabetes undercontrol. So glad your B/P is not up!! I was looking back at pics from last year at the nursing school reunion of you holding Hannah! You were such a natural. You are going to be a great Mama. Hang in there! Your belly will get as big as it needs to be.-- I don't even see any stretch marks yet. : ) Love you so much and miss you! Love Mo
Those are great weights!! WTG!! Their weights are almost what my guys weights were at 29 weeks. We weighed 1 lb. 14.7oz; 2 lbs 1 oz, 2 lbs 10 oz, and 2 lbs 14 oz. Keep up the good work. I will be praying about your GD hopefully they will be able to get that under control. My BP did that when I was carrying my quads. I was always thankful it was low instead of high. Try to sleep as much as you can. I got to the point that I slept most of the time. I was just to tired to even watch TV. Those babies take a lot out of you but it will all be worth it in the end.
Great news!! God is taking such good care of those babies...and not to mention how well their mommy is taking care of them through good habits! You are inspiring....I consider seeing pix of the newbies on their birthday as something I am REALLY looking forward to!!!
Hi - I found your blog and have enjoyed reading it. I struggled with IF too before having my son. Here is a funny IF related video that will make you laugh...
From the looks of things, your belly is the only thing getting bigger. And boy is it getting huge! I'm glad everything is going well. I'm still praying for you.
I just found your blog. I want you to know I'm rooting for you all!!! Keep up the great work.
That's wonderful that the babies are doing so well and weighing more than average!!! What a huge blessing! I can imagine you need all your strength just to turn from side to side! We talked about going to see you today on our way home, but James was so cranky from lack of sleep that he just needed to get home. I'm glad we didn't now! Rest up and take care!
I don't know what happened to my comment earlier....oh well. Just wanted to say that those weights are great! I love the chart you posted and have been using it to check on my little beans as well. Well keep growing them and getting lots of rest...your body needs more than ever. I hope to hear from you soon! I going to try to figure out blogging...I let you know.
I know that you don't know me, but I found your blog through a friend. I just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you and your family. God is faithful and he is watching over all of you right now.
God Bless.
You don't know me...I found your blog through a friend and have so enjoyed keeping up with you. You will be in my prayers. We struggled with IF also and are blessed with 3 beautiful children now, all single births on clomid! Hang in there!
Yay, babies! I'm amazed that they're each so big right now. Let them keep growing and growing!
The getting tired part sounds like no fun - I hope you're getting lots of rest and finding some things to amuse you when you're awake!
Great weights on the kiddos! Keep it up. Can you still believe there are 4 in there???
Just think with all the resting that you are getting you will be well engerized once they get here. The charts that you have posted links to are amazing. Thanks for the info! You and your babies are so special...Beautifully created and loved by the creator!!!! Wish I could be there to read to you or just pour you a glass of water but since I can't I pray that God will send my love to you through his grace and love already poured out apon you. You are doing a great job, and we (family and friends)are so proud of you! Our Study group is studying in Phillipians and learning what it means to not pray for the physical needs as much but more for the spiritual. Well, I am doing both. I am praying often that your soul will offer comfort for your weariness and calm your worries. Keep us updated when ever you can between your resting. With much love and care,
-----JoLee and Family
Hey Suzanne!
It is good to see that you are down to double-digits on your count down! Only 99 days to go! You are doing a fantastic job!
Love ya,
Jamie P.
Hey Suzanna, I remember you from Harding and have been checking on you and your sweet babies ever-so-often. I know you are so thankful for the last report! Hang in there and we all will keep the prayers going for you and the sweeties! Britney (Copeland) Finley
Where are you? We haven't had an update in so long.
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