I'm for sure getting to the point where I am completely uncomfortable! I pretty much lay on my left side all day long. I absolutely cannot breathe at all on my back. My right side is getting terribly uncomfortable as well...so, left side it is! It's funny b/c in these pics, if you look closely, you can see the indentations of the egg crate that I lay on!

We are still trying to figure out the right dosage of Glyburide that I need to be taking for my G. Diabetes. My blood sugar was almost 300 last night!! So, they increased my morning dosage from 2.5g to 5g to 7.25g! We'll get it right soon!
I like to lovingly refer to this pic as my "alien egg"...SHEESH! No more room in there guys! And I thought I was having trouble trying to eat before this?! Ha! There is hardly ANY room in there! I'm like a patient who has had a gastric bypass, yet on a 4,000 calorie a day diet! Just imagine that! Craziness!

Okay, so if you want to know exactly where Ben, Ethan, Andrew, and Savannah stand, statistically speaking, from week to week, then check out this CHART. My good friend, Jen, who coincidentally just had her adorable baby quad boys earlier this year, sent me this. Jen has been such a GREAT resource for me through all of this (her AND her husband, Brad) and I just wanted to thank you, woman! God definitely has put them in our lives at the perfect time!
OK, so back to the chart...check out the statistics for week 30! They are pretty incredible!!
Here is my tribute to all the wonderful people who have sent me packages and flowers over the past week. You guys are incredible!

Now, I must take some time to tell you about these build-a-bears that I received from some amazing people, most of whom don't even KNOW me! A HUGE THANKS to Amy, Amy, Andrea, and Debbie at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children in Dallas.
They made these bears, each one for each baby! I sit them in my window and look at them every day! Everyone comments on how cute the bears are when they walk in the room! NICE WORK, ladies! These bears arrived in a huge box that no one could carry besides Joe b/c it had soooooo much stuff in it: every toy you could imagine, a Dr. Seuss book, beautifully made blankets for the babies, etc. AMAZING!

TRULY blessed! Thank you all so much! (and before you comment, NO, this compliant diabetic is NOT eating the wonderful treats in these last two pics..I am generously sharing with all who come to visit me!)
Suzanne, I marvel at your positive spirit.....it truly comes from God! You are a blessed woman....you are surrounded by amazing people....and bears(love those). Glad you are all doing so good. Blessings, Linda
Took a look at that chart you mentioned and it is amazing. Every day that you can carry these babies makes a huge difference. I am praying for your comfort and your endurance so these wonderful little babies have the best possible chance! Hang in there, this is just a season in your life and well worth the discomfort. I love the bears---especially the Aggie one--us A&M graduates have to stick together.
Glad to hear how wonderful that you & the 4 babies are holding up. Your're doing a great job hanging in there. The little bears are so cute & it won't be long until your 4 bundles of joy will be holding them!!
God Blessings to all!
Cindy Broder, McMoms
I'm celebrating 25 weeks for you and the babes here at my desk! WOO-HOO! Ryan and I were in Ft. Worth the other night visiting his mom at Baylor hospital, but I wasn't sure where you were b/c we had thought about coming by! I since found out from Lauren, so if we come back to see her we'll try to drop by! :)
Keep on keepin' on! Way to go, Suzanne!
Suzanne, you are doing so wonderful and I am very happy for you. Your "alien egg" is adorable. Some days I miss mine... SOME rare, random days! ;-)
Lots of Love to You,
-Amber S.
Wow, Suz 25 weeks!!!!! Super excited for you! Hopefully, 10 more weeks to go. Is that right? Will they take them at 35 weeks?? That is so incredible that those four precious babies are in your belly!!! I love the pics. You look radiant:) Those bears are adorable and must definitely lift your spirit whenever you look at them.
Beeeeeautiful baby belly! I hope you not only put these on the blog, but order the photos and put them in FOUR different keepsakes for each child to carry into adulthood. Keep your head up high and your feet in bed, girl!
Holy Cow look at that belly! It looks like you have grown so much just in 1 week:) Hooray 25 weeks. I wish I could take some of your discomfort away...I preferred to lay on my left side and I think the hospital bed was helpful since you can adjust it at both ends. I must have had 15 pillows in bed with me trying to prop everything up! What great people you have supporting you and sending you care packages.
Big hugs,
I didn't see my flowers?
Yay for 25 weeks! Another week bites the dust. You continue to be an inspiration. You and those babies remain in my thoughts.
I am so thankful to see that 25 weeks up there! You have REALLY grown since last weekend!!! That's wonderful! Those babies are just packing on weight! I'm so glad people are showering you with love! So neat that they sent a bear for each baby!
Congratulations on 25 weeks! You have a such a wonderful spirit, Suzanne. It really is a joy to read about your pregnancy. You are doing great!
Woohoo!! Keep up on cooking those buns in the oven! I am 24 weeks now - Yay!
Suz, you need to fatten up Joe with those goodies! You are such a positive spirit. Your "alien egg" is gorgeous - who's your photographer? Any surprise visits from Shiloh yet? How's the cerclage? Ugh.. I guess I'm an inquiring mind. I just marvel at your attitude and sense of humor. I'm sure it ain't easy. Keeping you and the babes in my thoughts and prayers!
~Andria (from Sacramento)
Hi Suz. This is my first time commenting, but I've been following your blog for a few weeks now. You have a great attitude which will come in handy when you have four little ones running around.
I recently featured the McNulty Quads on my website - www.babyblogaddict.com . They are amazing too and their father has a great sense of humor, just like you.
With so much free time on your hands, you should check us out.
I'm prayin' for 30+ weeks for ya! BTW, every belly shot just amazes me...you have absolutely no stretch marks and are so tan....lucky girl!
Suzanne, Just wanted you to know that I am so excited to have a way to keep up with ya'll and your progress. You and Joe and the quads are all in our prayers! Give your mom a hug from me!
Dana Ferguson (Kristin Kirkland's mom!)
Congratulations to making it to 25 weeks. You look incredible, although I wonder how it's possible to grow much more. I wish Brad would have posted a picture of Jen.....would have loved to see a 32 week quad belly! Your positive attitude and bright outlook always brings an extra ray of sunshine to my day. I'm amazed at your followers/supporters/lurkers, too. Have you figured out how much your traffic has increased since your pregnancy. Congrats again!
Praying hard for week 26 to arrive! You look like your doing great! God bless that alien egg with His loving hands!
Yay for 25! Those bears are adorable.
look at that... not a stretch mark in sight... you are giving me false hope for when I have my own babies! :) you are looking beautiful.
Happy 25 weeks to you, Happy 25 weeks to you.. Happy 25 weeks to Ben, Ethan, Andrew, and Savannah.. Happy 25 weeks to you..
..... And many more....
Hang in there girl.. you're doing great!
Hey Suzanne,
You are doing so well! I have been keeping up with you, and I am definitely praying for your precious family! I actually have my whole class (nurse midwives) checking up on you now. :) Your positive attitude and bright outlook are going to help you be such a great mom! You are taking such great care of your babies. Congratulations on 25 weeks- I know you are so happy to have gotten here! God bless you with 5 more weeks!
-Hope Huckeba
Whoooo-hoooo! We got the big recognition on Suz's site! It's like a Blog Oscar or something -wow so honored. On behalf of the Academy I'd like to thank......heheee! Seriously, thanks for the sweet words. We are glad to help in anyway possible. We quaddies have to stick together like glue. I do believe that God has a purpose in putting specific people in your life for a reason. I only wish I could come on down to TX to cheer you on....however, I think I have some boys who might miss their mama. Someday.....
25 weeks - totally amazing, woman! Keep 'em cookin'. You and I both know that you've already "beat the odds", but hey, what are odds, anyway? God is sovereign!
Lookin' good! What a great chart! I wish I had had that to refer to as I anticipated every single week that went by. If you get bored (hahaha) see if you can find the special on Discovery called "Double Identical Twins". It was on again last night and it is a great show about IVF and quads. Just a little something to pass the time. Happy 25th week!
I just wanted to let you know that I've been thinking about you and pryaing for you over the last few months...and particularly these last few weeks. Hang in there girl!
Meagan (Crews) Justus
wow, that chart is great - thanks for sharing.
I am just amazed that you don't have any stretch marks! And that one pic definitely does look like an alien egg in there!
I love your pics!!! You look great! I loved having pictures of my belly after the fact. You forget so quickly (amazingly enough) what you looked like. Thanks for your comments. We are truly blessed. Keep up the good work of growing those precious babies! Ashley
Hi Suzanne~
Someone sent me your blog. I just found out last week I'm having quads---I'm only 8 weeks though. I'm looking forward to reading your story. We have a blogspot too--theclausers.blogspot.com
I can't wait to keep our family and friends updated through ours. Good luck with everything!
Chrissy Clauser
Suzanne -
Yeah for you and babies!!!! 25 weeks is fabulous! Your spirit continues to amaze me! I'm coming back up to see you on Saturday!
Keep those babies cookin'.
suzanne, i've been reading your blog since before you got pregnant, and then i realized it's a small world because we have so many mutual friends! anyway, i find myself praying for you at random times throughout each day and think your positive attitude is truly amazing! and just out of curiosity...do you have little "elves" at home getting the nurseries ready?
I am so pleased you and the babies have made it so far. Every day you stay pregnant is so beneficial to those precious babes. We have been following your progress and are rooting for you. Hang in there!
Dr. Peppler and staff
Hi Suzanne,
I found your blog a while back and have been following but have never commented. I am a diabetes educator/dietitian in Denver (plus an ACU alumni!). I am so sorry about the GDM, but it sounds like you are taking it well and following your diet. Good for you! Good luck getting in the 4,000 calories a day!
wow..I don't know you but got to yo ur blog through someone else's. I would just like to say that you are darling, and I can't believe the complete lack of stretch marks you have managed to have with 4 children inside of you. You could be a pregnancy belly model!
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