She had to be bribed with treats to keep that bandana on and not bite at it! HA! I LOVE it! ;)

Isn't she beautiful? My sweet little baby girl! Joe told me yesterday that the house is depressing without her there. (and me, of course!) ;)

Sooooo adorable! Look at that face! Awwwwww...

"THE BELLY"'s a gettin' BIG!

The babies are kickin' every day and it feels so crazy! Sometimes all four are going at it at the same time. They can finally open their eyes now and see each other in the womb. So, there is lots of hitting/kicking and retaliation. It is wild!
Hi Suz!
Great new post! Love the pics of Shiloh and the Belly. You seriously have one of the best pregnant bellies I have ever seen on a mother of multiples! How is your diabetes now that you started the insulin shots? Take care!
Jamie P. - McMoms
Aww, Joe is missing his girls! Poor Shiloh is probably his momma like no other! She's adorable! (Gee, I'm glad I came back to your blog --- it's only been about 15 minutes since I was here). I'm not addicted...noooo! ;)
We just got home from 6 days in Branson. My "girls" stayed home alone for the first time...ever! A friend and her sons came over and took care of them while we were gone. I honestly was SO stressed about leaving them. I kept saying to my husband, "honey what am I going to be like when they are HUMAN kids?" I called and checked on them and seriously that was why I was so anxious to start on our trip back. I was SO ready to see them! It was the best reunion! Just think about that while you miss Shiloh! She will be SO glad to see you when you finally get to see her again and that is the best feeling ever! GREAT belly shots! AGAIN, I know you've heard it before but you are all belly and look fabulous! What a blessing for you! OH, btw...the new blog looks awesome!
The blog looks great! I would be missing my dog like crazy too...but he'll be so excited to have 3 brothers and 1 sister to play with!
aww she is cute in her little bandana! how much does she weigh? She looks like a perfect size, Boomer is a Beast...40 lbs of muscle (little too big for me). I decided that when your babies are born i'll send Jason up there to change diapers....he has never changed one and needs to get practice...he has some time before we have any. :) Good Luck!
I think maybe your dad should be a dog photographer - what did he bribe her with that was so enticing that she posed like that? I'm so impressed.
With all that kicking, I bet S, B, E, & A are starting to develop their "special language" that will leave you and Joe in the dark while they giggle at their inside jokes!
Sam's still here, warm and cuddly inside. We tell him everyday that it would be okay to make his appearance TODAY!
Suz - Someone sent me your blog since I'm now almost 25 weeks with quads. You and the babies are doing so well! Check out our website at:
E-mail me sometime and we can cheer each other on! :)
LOVE your header.
Praying for you and those babies daily, unknown friend. Hang in there. My SIL is going through IVF for the second time this month and is on her shots, could you say some prayers for her as well. She is Em on my blog roll if you ever stop by. I thought you probably have a lot of time to pray these days. BTW, I am Lauren's friend from when she lived in the Dallas area. We went to the same church and were in the same small group, beautiful person inside and out that girl. God Bless.....
The first time I had to leave my dogs at the Kennel for a week while I went on vacation was a horrible experience for me. I cried & cried.
Congrats on making it to 26 weeks! Not too much longer your household will be filled with bouncing babies!!!
I'm praying for you & Joe.
Love the new blog look! Too cute! I'm glad those babies are moving around well. Doesn't that just confirm what a miracle being pregnant is? That's a feeling you'll never forget! What kind of a dog is Shiloh? We're thinking about getting Jace a dog but haven't decided on what kind. What breed is she and is she good with kis? Love, Shauri
Just needed to introduce myself because I've been checking in everyday since I found your blog, which I totally love by the way. My name is Heather, I live in Oregon and I'm a mom to two little girls. I also work as a Labor/Delivery RN at a high risk unit here in Portland. Our nurses check in on you everyday and completely pray for you and your babies. Your getting there girl! Keep up the awesome work. And keep the updates coming!
Love the blog, love the belly, love it all:)
I absolutely love the first picture of Shiloh where you can see the full bandana....too cute! I'm sure she is getting lots of spoiling from the grandparents:) You are ALL belly and they've got nowhere to go except out! Keep up the good work and I hope you have been able to get your much needed rest!
God bless,
I agree with Jamie. You have one of the best looking bellies of a mother carrying multiples much less quads. My belly never looked like that with either of my multiple pregnacies. You look great!! How is the diabetes shots going? You are continually in my prayers as well as on our church prayer list. I love reading your blog you have some much euthsiasm which I find truly amazing!! When I was at this point I was just founding out that I was having quads and I was in preterm labor. You are doing great!! Keep up the good work!! I bet you can carry those precious babies to 30+ weeks.
Just came upon your site through the quad squad's blog. I will keep you in my prayers! What an amazing journey you are on!!!
I love the new blog format! Too cute. I'm so glad you're finally getting to feel those babies move!! It's a magical feeling with just one in there... I can't even imagine how cool four must feel!
Loving your new blog. Congrats on 26 weeks. Looks like you are going for the long haul - 34 weeks!!! You can do it! Just keep up that great attitude. I think I may I felt the babies moving yesterday and today(20 weeks). It is the greatest feeling ever. I am so glad that Shiloh is getting spoiled from the grandparents. I have a yellow lab (Tetris) that I is a big baby (80 lbs) and I would miss her terribly. Any chance of her coming up to see you? Is your mom taking off time next year to help you? My mom retired to help us with the twins but now lives 2 hours away. I am not sure how long to ask her to stay with us. She was just here last week helping which was great. She will back again in 2 weeks. K and A have VBS next week so I will have time for resting. Take care and God Bless!
love the new blog! and the belly- i bet it is wild in there... four siblings in such close quarters? we could hardly share a bathroom growing up:)
little savannah is severely outnumbered... she needs to meet her georgia cousins (well sort of cousins!!!)
as always, it's great to see a good report week after week. i'm so proud of you and those little ones... just trucking right along!
26 Weeks IS totally AMAZING!!! You really look so good. I am sure you are very uncomfortable!
You look amazing! I found your blog through another blog and just had to comment. 26 weeks is great!! I was in the hospital a little more than two years ago with my trio and it was a looooong stay but so worth it. Good luck to you! I would love to add your blog to my list of sites that I like on my blog, would you mind?
Your pup is just precious! Your belly is incredible. We are so thankful you are doing well and will continue to pray for your health and the babies! Love the new blog look!
Hi Suz. You look great!
I'd love to feature your blog on my site -
Can you email me at and let me know if that would be ok.
i understand how you feel about your dog. my husband was deployed for a year to afghanistan and my dog became my best friend (i didn't have kids at the time). i get upset and cry every time we go on vacation and have to leave her. the good thing about dogs though is that they don't hold a grudge. you can be gone 6 minutes or 6 months and they still love you just the same. hang in there. you look amazing. i saw something on discovery health the other day about a woman with quads and she made it to 34 weeks. i thought of you. you can do it too.
hey suz!
i have to introduce myself... i am a blog stalker of yours in MS=) i am college friends with elizabeth williams (EJ). i have been reading your blog for awhile now! im so happy that you are doing so well and that you are making it so far! i will keep praying that those little boogers stay in there as long as possible!!!
praise the LORD for healthy babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
come by and 'stalk' my blog whenever you get bored =)
mary katherine
WOW! Isn't Shi adorable....and your stomach....gorgeous. Looks like you have some elastic skin! Congratulations for hitting 26 weeks!
I love reading your blog and I am so excited to see that you are still in such great spirits & pushing along so well at 26+ weeks! Your pretty belly is a source of admiration for all of us Mother's of Multiples out there I am sure! You are making this look easy and beautiful:)Many thoughts and prayers for you and yours!
ps- I love the new header, it's adorable
I just found your blog tonight (through Jess's blog, jbrooke)
How incredibly awesome that you are having quads!! My triplets will be 3 months old on Monday. They were born at 26w 2d. Our little boy came home 2 weeks ago, and our little girl last week. Our last little guy is still in the nicu.
You are doing so awesome carrying those babies! I will keep you and your little ones in my prayers. :0)
Suzanne -
Love the new header! It is fabulous. What a talented friend you have!
Glad to hear everyone is still doing well and those babies are still growing and thriving.
I will see you soon!
Shiloh looks so sweet in those pics! I love the new look, and hurrah and some more days in utero!!
Hi Suz,
I found your blog on 4th of July and spent hours reading from start to finish (this is not something I typically do btw). You and Joe are so much fun and remind me of me and my husband. I too know all about infertility and have been through all you have and then some. Clomid made me a crazy, emotional mess. I am so happy that it worked for you and on the first try; I didn't go crazy until the 2nd month! So for us, our three dogs are our children. Yes...3! I have a beagle mix who is so similar to Shilo. I would love to show you pictures if you ever need a dog fix! Just know that Shi misses you but will not forget you. Their love is stronger than most and will forever be there waiting for you and your very lucky babies to come home. Please know that I have been praying for you all since I found you on the 4th. You are doing amazingly and I can't wait to see how beautiful those babies are! I have no blog of my own, but I look forward to reading more of yours.
Love & prayers,
I caught your blog through a friend of mine, but was surprised to realize that you were familiar. I attended Harding 97-99 and vaguely remember your smiling face. I also know the quads that you posted a long time ago - the giggling quad video that was featured on America's Funniest. Those quads are going on 2nd grade now, and are beautiful, happy, healthy girls (and their mother has survived by the grace of God!)
Just thought I'd say Congrats on all you are dealing with and let you know you are being prayed for by random people in the blogsphere.
Jaime M.
HI Suzanne and Joe!
Your mom is sitting next to me and she cannot believe how we figured this out but we are younger than she is and we are smarter on the computer so here we go!! Suz, how are you? We are thinking about you everyday and you are in our thoughts and prayers! You too Joe!
We cannot believe you have FOUR babies in that tummy and you still look cute and adorable. Let us know if the Lakeway group can do anything for you guys. We love you! Sonya, Sherice, Katie, Jill, Carla and Kate aka...Granny, Grammy, MiMi, Grandmother, MAMA, Nana, Mana, Marna, Mu, Moo, Nanny or what the darlings want to call Kate!!!!!
I see you have a lot of commenters who stumbled upon your blog, so now I don't feel so stalkerish. I found you through a friend who went to Baylor who had another blogging friend and so on and so forth. Anyway, long story short, I pretty much read your entire blog in one day. I am so amazed at multiples! I only have one but always dreamed of having 2! But 4, holy moly! I just started watching a show on Discovery Health Channel about a family with twins and sextuplets! I don't know how they do it! But they do, with God's help! I saw that you live in the DFW area...I do too. Anyway, I am praying for you and your husband and all the little babes! I can't wait to read more and someday see pics of the little ones! Congratulations and God bless! I hope you don't mind that I link to your blog on mine?! Thanks!!
I have been reading your blog for awhile, and ocmmented earlier regarding bedrest. I was on bedrest for 16 weeks with my little girl.
I've been praying for you as well. I was so excited to see you past 26 weeks. I realize viability is before that, but I just remember our doctor saying "you don't want your baby born before 26 weeks". Here's hoping for 28 weeks!
do you feel some sense of relief at each milestone? I always thought I would...but instead I just felt like "ugh...26 is still too early...I need to make 27 etc." I was never satisfied.
It did work out in the end for me. I carried my little girl full term. Good luck with the rest of your stay in the hospital. Bedrest is hell...and a bizarre situation because you hate it so badly, but would do anything to prolong it. I broke down every Thursday...I was good the rest of the week, but for some reason every Thursday I just about lost it. :)
Still praying for you and those beautiful babies!
I cannot believe the action inside with one...much less four! This little beanette is going all the time! "Sweatin to the oldies!" Ha ha Love the baby bump...
Dear Suz,
I hope you are doing well, you "usually" keep us updated every day or two... I hope you and the four pack are doing well
Dear Suz,
All your fans are patiently waiting for the next installment! We are all praying for you, Joe and the babies.
Hi Suz! Another Harding gal sentme the link to your blog. I am HU c/o 98. We have two year old twins and a four year old. I LOVE your blog. I wish I had known about blogging when I was pg with our girls. Such a cool way to keep people up to date.
I am praying for your pregnancy and for big healthy babies. I love all of the names you picked out, adorable! If you ever want to chat feel free to e-mail me! I know how beautiful but stressful a multiple pregnancy can be and we only have twins (They went to 38 WEEKS! Praise God! I have some "cute" pics that will make you feel better about your belly).
Anyway, I hope you are feeling well (you know aside from someone jumping on your bladder and pushing your lungs out of your throat!). LOL. ;) God bless your beautiful family!
In His Love-
The Rackley Five
Jennifer, Phillip, Melina, Ella and Ava
Hey Suzanne,
Thinkin' of you today - I can't imagine how much movement you must be feelin' in your belly!! Hope you're having a good start to your week....
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