I cannot believe how big my babies are getting! They are so much more alert now and have grown so much--both physically and developmentally. It is the best feeling to watch them interacting with each other--such an incredible thing to see!
Thanks to the Harris Quads for the adorable outfits! They were perfect! Here is little miss "Bow Head" (btw- have a GREAT new bow site and will give you the details soon! Miss Priss is modeling one in this pic!)
Love the outfits. They are too cute for words.
ahhh so precious!I love reading your blog. You have such an adorable family and you and your husband are the cutest! I found your blog on the once upon a blog site!
So adorable! Looks like Ben's about to lose it in that second pic! :)
So cute Suz!
Awesome! It's neat that you have shared outfits with other quads, too! Here's a question for you to add to your list of "questions to answer." Do you make decent revenue from the Google Ads that are on your site? You have some pretty good ones, and I have clicked on a few of them myself. Just wondering if it had been profitable for you considering how popular your blog is! Have fun planning the birthday! Can you believe it's nearly time??
LOVE the bows, love the outfits, love the kiddos. Too PRECIOUS! :)
They are so sweet!! I love the outfits!!
great picture! how do you get them to sit still? anytime we put mason down for a pic, he is gone in 2 seconds flat.
I LOVE the patriotic clothes! I've always been a fan of red, white and blue! The kids are definitely fashionable.
Outfits rule, may God bless your family! (aaaaaaall the way from Central America)
Cutest 4th of July firecrackers I've ever seen. I love Savannah's bows. Adorable! Glad you all had a great bless filled holiday! Can't wait to hear updates on the first birthday! Amazing how quickly this year has flown by...
Just spent two days reading through all your old blogs:) I do not have multiples, but stumbled on your site and have become inspired by your faith in God and your incredible attitude. I almost moved to TX so we could be life long friends! (Promise I am not a stalker:)) I will keep reading and wish you and your beautiful children all the best!
And Joe!!
They are just absolutely beautiful babies! Getting cuter every time you post pictures!!
They're getting so big! Just wait..those group shots are not going to get any easier - ha! :-) But they will always be adorable! Have fun planning the birthday party! wow!
I love how they are all sitting so nicely on the grass! So cute!!
Savannah always has the biggest most prettiest bows. Already learning the value of accessorizing :) Our thing is pigtails since those are hardest for Alli to get out of her hair!
the outfits are just perfect! couldnt be cuter! i cant wait to see pics from the bday party! and cant wait to see the new bow site :)
The outfits are so cute ;) Glad for a new post. I was wondering when you were coming back! Just kidding. I know that you have four kiddos, so you can pass this time!
Have a great week!
I have been reading your blog for a while now and I just love your enthusiasm and love for and faith in God. I can't believe your children are going to be 1 soon. They are so adorable. Keep up the great work!
LOVE the outfits! It's so hard to believe they're almost 1!!!!!
Ben's face in the first one cracks me up!
Love how they are all dresses up. We do it too for every holiday! I love it.
Holy Cow.. I thought I told them to STOP THAT.. they are growing so fast!!! I can't believe they are going to have a first bday soon. Time sure goes fast Suz.
Kiss those sweet little cheeks for me (the babes not Joe LOL!). Wish I could do it myself!! ...Someday!
Love you guys!
Oh! are they adorable or what?? Aren't you fortunate to have friends with quads of the same gender as yours....and just a year older! Wow, think of all the adorable hand me downs you might get. I would say that is unusual and a very wonderful circumstance in your lives!
God blesses in even the smallest details of our lives!!
I read daily, but don't usually comment, then I saw those adorable babies in those adorable outfits...went to the Harris site and some more adorable babies. What fun!
Thanks for sharing your sweet babies with us.
Yea! I'm SO glad they can wear them! Adorable!
great pics! love ben's face..he didn't look too happy to be sitting in the grass :) I've enjoyed watching your babies grow over this last year, I can't believe they will be ONE soon..just crazy!
We have a mutual friend, and I am also an ag so I have kept up with this blog..
I feel totally creepy reading a blog of someone I don’t know (at all) but I do, and have always wanted to comment so here it goes.
First, your kids are amazingly cute. That sweet little bow head in the middle is precious, I love those smiles, and since I don’t have a blog and can be “anonymous” your kids are way cuter than anyone else I know. (I am so bad)
Anyway, I feel like these words don't do justice, but you're freaking amazing. Not only do you have the cutest babies, you are adorable, and have the best attitude and outlook. My gosh, I just can't help but be encouraged by the way you look at situations that would put most people in tears. I really am not exaggerating when I say that you're very rare.. Your personality is contagious, and I SO appreciate your willingness to share bits of your life with your sweet quads with so many! You make it look fun, and easy and I am sure it's fun but I doubt it's easy..
It sounds bizarre, but I have learned quite a bit from you. I am not a mom yet, and I know you must have "off" days, but I just really respect and admire your positive outlook and ability to laugh.. I think people in your shoes have every right to be stressed out and maxed out, it's expected... What I read here isn't expected, and that's what I think is so appealing about you, and reaches so many people. You really just get out there and live it up, and I think I am not alone in saying if you can; the majority of others can as well.
I know you get many comments like this, and I hope you never feel pressured or stressed to always be a big bowl of cherries.
I guess what I am trying to say is it's not a situational joy, or outlook that people find appealing, it's something deeper than that, and is something I hope to have whenever I parent, and really just in my day to day life.
EM :)
Yes, please give the bow site. I ordered some from the other site that you use and love those! :) Thanks! They sure are getting big. I am due with my first (a girl) in Sept! :)
That is so ADORABLE! Wow - they just seem to get bigger and CUTER every time I see new pictures! (I'll have to admire Sav's bow-headed self since Jon won't let me put any of the boys! hehehe) I can't believe the countdown is less than a month until their birthday! Y'all have done a great job.
My goodness they are so cute-even when they are crying!!!Thanks for letting me love on those babies today! I consider it a great honor. Love you guys
Another great bow site is www.haircandybows.com. She doesn't even have any children of her own and makes the cutest bows. I have a set of twins and their outfits are complete until there is a bow in the hair. The bigger the bow the better! Savannah has the cutest bows. Love the outfits!
Kim from OK
Now I know how people feel when it's been a little longer than normal from my last post. I was starting to go through Steece withdrawl!
Pretty much ditto on everything EM said up there....except about the cutest kids ever. My kiddos might get mad if they ever heard me say that and wasn't talking about them! But they're really close behind.
Hope planning for cumpleano numero uno goes smoothly. I'm sure it'll be fun and memorable.
Love from the KS quads,
I LOVE Sav's big bows! ADORABLE! A friend of a friend of mine who lives in your area makes and sells bows. They are really cute. Here are some pictures of some of them: www.ourlifesmiles.blogspot.com/2008/06/lil-lady-bows.html
If you need more info I can get it to you.
Those kids of yours are too cute! :)
The are so precious and are getting so big! I can't believe they are going to be ONE! Time flies!
You're babies are stinkin' CUTE! And EM, it's the Lord that makes Suz that way!!:)
I have been following your blog for quite awhile. Just wanted to say I think you have an adorable family and a great outlook on life! Keep up the good work! Go Aggies! I grew up an Aggie fan :)
Cute outfits! I love Sav's bow!
BEAUTIFUL as always! can you believe the big ONE is just around the corner! i can't wait for the cake pics!i know you don't do the messy face pics but just this once right.... i get so excited thinking about the mess my kiddos are going to make...what fun!:)
love ya!
awe they've grown up so much. can't wait to see the bday pics.
It is so ironic that with 3 boys, it is your baby girl who is your husband's little look alike! She is too cute for words. Which babies do you think look most like you?
Hey Suz -
Yes, another random reader here...reads always, never comments! LOVE your kiddos!! I can't believe they are about to be a year!
Just had to pipe in with all the bow talk...when you need a bow holder, I'd love to make you one. You can check out what I do at www.paintedjewels.com. I'd say Miss Savannah is well on her way to having quite the accessory collection! And she wears it so well!
Your kids smiles totally warm my heart. Yall are doing an amazing job as parents, and in the meantime, encourage many of us out here in blogworld! Thanks for letting us get to know you!
Many, many blessings to you all -
Julie (in TX!)
So nice to see a new post from you Suz....I started to wonder if you all took a roadtrip?!?!
I cannot believe it is already time for the 1st birthday party. Holy cowtime flies! We have the girl's 3rd birthday coming up too.
Love ya girl!
oh my goodness those are some cutie patooties! love the bow, it looks so cute on your little southern belle. have fun with party planning! sending our love - mari & the goerlich gang
I just wanted to say that I love your blog. I have twins that are 20 months old..boy/girl. When I am having a struggle of a day, your blog lifts me up (along with the Lord of course). You always seem so positive and uplifting. Thank you for sharing everything with all us bloggers. :) Mandi
Absolutely adorable!! :) Love the outfits and the cute bow. I can't believe they are about to be a year old. How exciting!
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